48373. Clyde Richmond 1 (Emma Arvilla Haskell ) was born 2 on 15 Mar 1883 in ..., Androscoggin, Maine. He died 3 in 1952 in ..., Hancock, Maine. He was buried 4 in Woodbine Cemetery, Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine.
Clyde married 1 Carrie Ella Cox 2, daughter of John W. Cox and Emmar Davenport, on 24 Dec 1904 in Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine. Carrie was born 3 in Nov 1886 in ..., Franklin, Maine. She died 4 in 1940 in ..., Hancock, Maine. She was buried 5 in Woodbine Cemetery, Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
77922 M i Dale Archibald Richmond 1 was born 2, 3 on 25 Sep 1921 in Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine. He died 4, 5 on 13 Nov 2005 in Elkton, St. Johns, Florida. He was buried 6 in Woodbine Cemetery, Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine.[Notes] Dale married Violet Hughes 1, daughter of Joseph Hughes and Violet .... Violet was born 2, 3 on 8 Jun 1923 in Queens, New York. She died 4, 5 on 20 Nov 2008 in Fresno, Fresno, California. She was buried 6 in Woodbine Cemetery, Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine.[Notes] 77923 M ii Fenetta Foss Richmond 1 was born 2 on 4 Feb 1923 in ..., Hancock, Maine. He died 3 on 20 Dec 1993. He was buried 4 in Woodbine Cemetery, Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine.
48375. Fred F. Haskell 1, 2 (Emulus Haskell ) was born 3 on 31 Oct 1887 in Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine. He died 4, 5 on 21 Apr 1968 in Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine. He was buried 6 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Livermore Falls, Androscoggin, Maine.
Fred married 1 Sadie E. Bisbee 2 on 3 Jul 1914. Sadie was born 3, 4 on 29 Nov 1887 in Maine. She died 5, 6 in Oct 1979 in Dunedin, Pinellas, Florida. She was buried 7 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Livermore Falls, Androscoggin, Maine.
They had the following children.
77924 M i Harland F. Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1916. He died 5, 6 in 1919. He was buried 7, 8 in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Livermore Falls, Androscoggin, Maine. 77925 M ii Carl Bisbee Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 22 Jan 1918 in Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine. He died 5 on 14 Jan 1994.[Notes] Carl married 1 Marjorie Joan Hurd 2, 3, daughter of Harry R. Hurd and Eva A. Griffin, on 12 Jul 1946 in Livermore. Androscoggin, Maine. Marjorie was born 4, 5, 6 on 5 May 1921 in Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine. She died 7 on 12 Dec 2001.[Notes]
48377. Barbara Lura Haskell 1 (Emulus Haskell ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 9 Jan 1899 in East Livermore, Androscoggin, Maine. She died 5 on 8 Oct 1996. She was buried 6 in East Winthrop Cemetery, Winthrop, Kennebec, Maine.
Barbara married 1, 2 Cecil E. Spear 3, 4 on 2 Sep 1928 in Maine. Cecil was born 5 in 1902 in Maine. He died 6 in 1964. He was buried 7 in East Winthrop Cemetery, Winthrop, Kennebec, Maine.
They had the following children.
77926 F i Living.
48379. Andrew Donald Weston 1, 2 (Andrew J. Weston ) was born 3 in Oct 1890 in Maine. He died 4 on 12 Sep 1962. He was buried 5 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanic Falls, Androscoggin, Maine.
Andrew married Hilda Eileen Bridgham 1. Hilda was born 2 on 17 Jul 1900 in Maine. She died 3 in May 1990. She was buried 4 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanic Falls, Androscoggin, Maine.
They had the following children.
77927 F i Margaret Weston 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 24 Aug 1918 in Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine. She died 5 on 25 Apr 2005. Margaret married Living. 77928 M ii Robert Bridgham Weston 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 19 Nov 1919 in Lewiston, Androscoggin, Maine. He died 5 on 7 May 1970. He was buried 6 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Mechanic Falls, Androscoggin, Maine. 77929 M iii Living. 77930 F iv Patricia Weston 1 was born 2 on 15 Apr 1924 in Mechanic Falls, Androscoggin, Maine. She died 3 on 19 Dec 2013 in Mamaroneck, Westchester, New York. Patricia married Living on 18 Sep 1943. Patricia also married 1 James Shirley Fulleylove 2, son of John Christopher Bradshaw Fulleylove and Margaret Janet Dudeney, on 25 Oct 1953. James was born 3 on 25 Oct 1920 in Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. He died 4 on 9 Aug 2004 in Mamaroneck, Westchester, New York.
48380. Sidney W. Thurlow 1 (Elizabeth D. Weston ) was born 2, 3 on 2 Sep 1853 in Raymond, Cumberland, Maine. He died 4, 5 on 17 Jun 1897 in Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He was buried 6 in Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
Sidney married 1 Carrie M. Witherell 2, 3, daughter of Joshua Witherell and Sarah J. ..., on 5 Feb 1876 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Carrie was born 4, 5, 6 on 19 Aug 1853 in Pembroke, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 24 Jun 1916. She was buried 8 in Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
77931 F i Sarah E. Thurlow 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 9 Aug 1876 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died 5 on 7 Nov 1947. She was buried 6 in Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Sarah married 1 Lewis E. MacBrayne 2, son of William S. MacBrayne and Mary S. Slate, on 27 Aug 1903 in Brookline, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Lewis was born 3 on 1 Nov 1871 in New Britain, Hartford, Connecticut. He died 4 on 29 Dec 1954. He was buried 5 in Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 77932 M ii Leon R. Thurlow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 19 Aug 1878 in Massachusetts. He died 5 on 2 Mar 1942. He was buried 6 in Lowell Cemetery, Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Leon married Florence ... 1. Florence was born 2 in 1879 in New York. 77933 F iii Louise Thurlow 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 9 Jul 1887 in Chelmsford, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died 5 on 13 Jun 1958 in Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Louise married 1 Freemont Gerold Barker 2, 3 in 1912. Freemont was born 4, 5, 6 on 19 Jul 1892 in Jay, Frankin, Maine. He died 7 in Mar 1971.
48381. Charles D. Thurlow 1 (Elizabeth D. Weston ) was born 2 in 1856 in Maine.
Charles married 1 Isabella J. Trask 2, daughter of Charles T. Trask and Elizabeth W. ..., on 29 May 1878 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Isabella was born 3 in 1857 in Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
77934 F i Amybel Howard Thurlow 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 5 Jun 1879 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 26 Sep 1964 in ..., Los Angeles, California. She was buried 8 in Westminster Memorial Park, Westminster, Orange, California. Amybel married Millard Allen Jourdian Sr. 1, 2, 3, son of Abram Francis Jourdian and Catherine Almeta Carlton. Millard was born 4, 5, 6 on 8 Aug 1869 in Lafayette, Medina, Ohio. He died 7, 8 on 31 Aug 1945 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. He was buried 9 in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Glendale, Los Angeles, California. Amybel also married 1 Levis Francis Lowe 2, 3 in 1898. Levis was born 4 in Jan 1871 in Illinois.
Charles also married 1 Elizabeth ... 2 in 1892. Elizabeth was born 3 in 1864 in Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
77935 M ii Earle Charles Thurlow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1895 in Colorado. He died 5 in 1970 in Gray, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Forest Hills Cemetery and Crematory, Jamaica Plain, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Earle married Edith Sanderson 1. Edith was born 2 in 1898 in Massachusetts. She died 3 in 1954 in Gray, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 4 in Forest Hills Cemetery and Crematory, Jamaica Plain, Suffolk, Massachusetts. 77936 M iii Glover G. Thurlow 1 was born 2 in 1898 in Maine.
48383. Isaac Fenno Elliot 1, 2 (Sarah Marden Weston ) was born 3, 4 in 1873 in Maine. He died 5 in 1948. He was buried 6 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Hyannis, Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Isaac married 1 Maud L. Case 2, daughter of Willis Lease Case and Mary Elizabeth Donnell, on 27 May 1922 in Maine. Maud was born 3 in 1883. She died 4 in 1945. She was buried 5 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Hyannis, Barnstable, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
77937 M i Living.
48385. Amy Weston Hatch 1, 2, 3 (Ellen Harrison Weston ) was born 4, 5 in Mar 1870 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died 6 in 1960. She was buried 7 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire.
Amy married 1 Arthur Walker Dinsmoor 2, son of D. S. Dinsmoor and Amelia ..., on 21 Jun 1893 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. Arthur was born 3, 4, 5 on 11 Jan 1870 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He died 6 in Aug 1964 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He was buried 7 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire.
They had the following children.
77938 M i Daniel Stark Dinsmoor 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 22 Sep 1894 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He died 5 on 19 Dec 1988 in Bloomington, Monroe, Indiana. He was buried 6 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. Daniel married Jean Erskine Masson 1. Jean was born 2 on 14 Jul 1892 in Lanark, Ontario, Canada. She died 3 on 16 Apr 1972 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. She was buried 4 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. Daniel also married Priscilla Amy Larned 1, daughter of Edward Stuart Larned and Charlotte Louisa Hull. Priscilla was born 2 on 25 Oct 1893. She died 3 on 5 Oct 1978. She was buried 4 in Edgell Grove Cemetery and Mausoleum, Framingham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 77939 M ii Theodore Weston Dinsmoor 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 1 Jun 1899 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He died 5 in Jan 1981 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He was buried 6 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. Theodore married Marion Annette Wiggin 1. Marion was born 2 on 30 Mar 1900 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She died 3 on 6 Dec 1996 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. She was buried 4 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire.
48386. Norman Page Hatch 1 (Ellen Harrison Weston ) was born 2 on 20 May 1872 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He died 3 on 14 Nov 1922 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He was buried 4 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire.
Norman married 1 Beatrice B. Davis 2 on 26 Jun 1909 in Tilton, Belknap, New Hampshire. Beatrice was born 3 on 16 May 1883 in Island Pond, Brighton, Vermont. She died 4 on 31 Mar 1972 in Sanbornton, Belknap, New Hampshire. She was buried 5 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire.
They had the following children.
77940 M i Richard Weston Hatch was born 1 on 23 Oct 1916 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He died 2 on 16 Aug 1960 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. He was buried 3 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. Richard married 1 Bernice Lillian Thompson 2, daughter of Frederick Franklin Thompson and Lillian Lavinia Bird, on 7 Sep 1940 in Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire. Bernice was born 3 on 26 Jul 1922 in Amherst, Cumberland, Nova Scotia, Canada. She died 4, 5 on 11 Mar 2020 in Lebanon, Grafton, New Hampshire. She was buried 6 in Union Cemetery, Laconia, Belknap, New Hampshire.[Notes]
48387. Carrie P. Weston 1 (George M. Weston ) was born 2, 3 in Jun 1875 in Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died 4 in 1926. She was buried 5 in Wildwood Cemetery, Ashland, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
Carrie married James A. Crane 1, 2. James died 3 before 1920.
They had the following children.
77941 F i Barbara Weston Crane 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 11 Aug 1908 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 7, 8 on 8 Dec 1995. She was buried 9 in Wildwood Cemetery, Ashland, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
Carrie also married 1 Fred Walter Taft 2, 3 on 11 Jan 1925 in Ashland, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Fred was born 4 in 1853. He died 5 on 28 Sep 1925 in Swanzey, Cheshire, New Hampshire.
48391. Dr. Ernest Clayton Blake 1, 2 (Lucy Ann. Witham ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 29 Oct 1867 in New Gloucester, Cumberland, Maine. He died 6 on 8 Jul 1910 in Boothbay Harbor, Lincoln, Maine. He was buried 7 in Oceanview Cemetery, Boothbay, Lincoln, Maine.
Ernest married 1 Mattie Ethel Pinkham 2, 3, daughter of Benjamin E. Pinkham and Abbie J. Lewis, on 14 Nov 1900 in Boothbay Harbor, Lincoln, Maine. Mattie was born 4, 5 in 1878 in Boothbay, Lincoln, Maine. She died 6 in 1975. She was buried 7 in Oceanview Cemetery, Boothbay, Lincoln, Maine.
They had the following children.
77942 M i Ernest Clayton Blake 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 3 Mar 1902 in Boothbay, Lincoln, Maine. He died 5 on 20 Jan 1984.[Notes] Ernest married Jane Inglis 1, 2. Jane was born 3, 4 on 9 Dec 1908 in Maryland. She died 5 on 1 Dec 1994.
48392. Cecil LeRoy Blake 1, 2 (Lucy Ann. Witham ) was born 3, 4 on 7 Oct 1876 in Maine. He died 5 on 13 Apr 1939. He was buried 6 in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Suitland, Prince George's, Maryland.
Cecil married 1 Frances E. Edgecomb 2, daughter of Edmond Francis Edgecomb and Flora Maria ..., on 10 Dec 1902 in New Gloucester, Cumberland, Maine. Frances was born 3 in 1880 in Maine.
They had the following children.
77943 F i Katharine Cecile Blake 1 was born 2 on 30 Jul 1910 in District of Columbia. She died 3 on 18 Jan 1969. She was buried 4 in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Suitland, Prince George's, Maryland. Katharine married David George Price 1, son of David James Price and Esther Leib. David was born 2 on 27 Jan 1910 in Clymer, Imdiana, Pennsylvania. He died 3 on 7 Jul 1998. He was buried 4 in Cedar Hill Cemetery, Suitland, Prince George's, Maryland. 77944 M ii Francis Edgecombe Blake 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 5 Dec 1916 in District of Columbia. He died 5 on 21 Jan 1996. Francis married Helen Nadine Thomas 1. Helen was born 2 on 13 Apr 1916. She died 3 on 13 Feb 2007.