47204. Isabelle E. Colby 1, 2 (Frederick Augustus Colby ) was born on 12 Jul 1857 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 3 in 1913. She was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
Isabelle married 1 Charles C. Young 2, 3, son of Owen Young, in 1890. Charles was born 4 in 1860 in Maine. He died 5 on 6 Jan 1940. He was buried 6 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
They had the following children.
76401 F i Minnie Gertrude Young 1 was born 2, 3 on 12 Oct 1892 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 4 on 24 Feb 1985 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 5 in Eastern Cemetery, Gorham, Cumberland, Maine. Minnie married 1 Ferdinand Graffam 2, son of Charles W. Graffam and Alice M. Graffam, on 1 Apr 1918 in Guilford, Cumberland, Maine. Ferdinand was born 3, 4 on 20 Sep 1893 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 5 on 10 Jun 1960 in Gorham, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Eastern Cemetery, Gorham, Cumberland, Maine. 76402 F ii Alice Elezina Young 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 19 Aug 1898 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 5 on 13 Jul 1969 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 6 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Alice married Ralph Harold Irish 1, son of John M. Irish and Mabel Newcomb. Ralph was born 2 on 21 Jun 1897 in Standish, Cumberland, Maine. He died 3 on 23 May 1972 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
Isabelle also married 1, 2 Capt. George Farnum Haskell 3, 4, 5, 6, son of Farnum Haskell and Mary Ann Stanley, on 5 Jun 1879 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. George was born 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 on 15 Oct 1855 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 12, 13, 14 on 27 Apr 1934 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 15 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
76403 M iii George Herbert Haskell Sr. is printed as #47280. 76404 F iv Eugenia N. Haskell is printed as #47281.
47205. Elizabeth C. Colby 1 (Frederick Augustus Colby ) was born 2, 3 in Jun 1859 in Maine. She died 4 before 1930.
Elizabeth married 1 William Herbert Taylor 2, 3, son of William Andrew Taylor and Louise O. ..., in 1884. William was born 4, 5 on 28 Feb 1859 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 6 on 16 Dec 1935 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 7 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
They had the following children.
76405 F i Helen Colby Taylor 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 17 Dec 1890 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 6 on 4 Jan 1976 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 7 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Helen married 1 Samuel Russell McCrum 2, 3, son of George McCrum and Elizabeth Fallow, on 12 Jul 1922 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Samuel was born 4, 5 on 6 Jan 1891 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 6 on 23 Sep 1957. He was buried 7 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76406 M ii Carroll Cleveland Taylor 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 13 Jun 1892 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 6 on 31 Jan 1949 in Windham Center, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 7 in Smith Cemetery, Windham Center, Cumberland, Maine. Carroll married Mary Bernadette Gallant 1. Mary was born 2 on 31 Jul 1898 in Prince Edward Island, Canada. She died 3 on 2 Apr 1981 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 4 in Smith Cemetery, Windham Center, Cumberland, Maine. 76407 F iii Florence Louise Taylor 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 11 May 1988 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 5 in 1975 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 6 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Florence married 1 Frank Niles Scott 2, 3, son of Capt. William D. Scott and Carrie Helen Colby, on 5 Feb 1908 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Frank was born 4, 5 on 16 Aug 1883 in Deer isles. He died 6 in 1955 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 7 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
47206. Carrie Helen Colby 1, 2 (Frederick Augustus Colby ) was born 3, 4 in Feb 1861 in Maine. She died 5 in 1942. She was buried 6 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
Carrie married 1 Capt. William D. Scott 2, 3, son of William Pitt Scott and Sara Elizabeth Richardson, in 1878. William was born 4, 5 in Jun 1856 in Maine. He died 6 in 1934. He was buried 7 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
They had the following children.
76408 M i Charles Augustus Scott 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 2 Sep 1880 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 on 2 Feb 1969 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.[Notes] Charles married 1 Grace L. Knowlton 2 in 1903. Grace was born 3 in 1880 in Maine. She died 4 in 1959. She was buried 5 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76409 M ii Frank Niles Scott 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 16 Aug 1883 in Deer isles. He died 5 in 1955 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Frank married 1 Florence Louise Taylor 2, 3, daughter of William Herbert Taylor and Elizabeth C. Colby, on 5 Feb 1908 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Florence was born 4, 5 on 11 May 1988 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 6 in 1975 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 7 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76410 M iii Allison Warren Scott 1 was born 2 on 26 May 1885 in Maine. He died 3 in May 1978. He was buried 4 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Allison married Eva Cora Bowen 1. Eva was born 2 on 21 Mar 1889 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 3 on 12 Aug 1969 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 4 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76411 F iv Lillian Estelle Scott 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 18 Feb 1887 in Maine. She died 5 on 9 Sep 1964. She was buried 6 in Mayberry Cemetery, Windham Center, Cumberland, Maine. Lillian married 1 William Zadock Sylvester 2, 3, son of Frank Sylvester and Georgie A. Edwards, on 15 Oct 1906 in South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. William was born 4, 5 on 13 Nov 1877 in Maine. He died 6 on 10 Apr 1968. He was buried 7 in Mayberry Cemetery, Windham Center, Cumberland, Maine. 76412 M v Edward Dayton Scott 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6, 7 on 2 Nov 1888 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 8, 9 on 26 Aug 1947 in Maine. He was buried 10 in Grindle Hill Cametery, Swans Island, Hancock, Maine. Edward married 1 Mary E. Gilbert 2, 3, daughter of James A. Gilbert and Elizabeth Moran, on 8 Dec 1917 in Old Town, Penobscot, Maine. Mary was born 4, 5 on 7 Nov 1881 in Orono, Penobscot, Maine. She died 6 on 13 Feb 1920 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 7 in Lawndale Cemetery, Old Town, Penobscot, Maine. Edward also married 1 Rosa Dell Burns 2, daughter of Dana E. Burns and Abbie Dell Stanley, on 15 Jun 1921 in Swans Island, Hancock, Maine. Rosa was born 3, 4 on 15 Jan 1874 in Swans Island, Hancock, Maine. She died 5 on 17 Feb 1947 in Swans Island, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 6 in Grindle Hill Cametery, Swans Island, Hancock, Maine. 76413 M vi Harold Blaine Scott 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 6 Nov 1892 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 in Aug 1984. He was buried 6 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Falmouth, Cumberland, Maine. Harold married 1 Inez M. Milliken 2, 3 on 25 Jun 1941 in Maine. Inez was born 4, 5 on 27 Oct 1894. She died 6, 7 in Feb 1985. She was buried 8 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Falmouth, Cumberland, Maine. 76414 M vii William Taylor Scott 1 was born 2, 3 on 8 Oct 1894 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 4, 5 on 20 Jan 1919 in San Antonio, Bexar, Texas. He was buried 6 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76415 M viii Lester Colby Scott 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 22 Sep 1896 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 on 26 Sep 1973 in West Cumberland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Farris Cemetery, West Cumberland, Cumberland, Maine. Lester married 1 Evelyn Florence Simmons 2, 3, 4, daughter of Daniel Simmons and Bettie Munroe, on 27 Jun 1915 in Round Pond, Lincoln, Maine. Evelyn was born 5, 6 on 18 Oct 1894 in Friendship, Knox, Maine. She died 7 on 9 Aug 1970 in West Cumberland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 8 in Farris Cemetery, West Cumberland, Cumberland, Maine. 76416 F ix Celia M. Scott 1 was born 2, 3 on 26 Nov 1898 in Maine. She died 4 on 26 Jan 1996. She was buried 5 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Celia married 1 Spofford Leighton Thompson 2, 3, 4, son of Marsh Thurlow Thompson and Lizzie L. Spofford, on 18 Oct 1915 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Spofford was born 5, 6, 7 on 24 Aug 1895 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 8 in Oct 1959. He was buried 9 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76417 M x Frederic Earle Scott 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 11 Aug 1900 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 in May 1981. Frederic married 1 Inez I. Morrill 2 on 20 Sep 1930 in Maine. Inez was born 3, 4 on 2 Aug 1906 in Maine. She died 5 on 29 Jul 1992.
47208. Lillie Bird Colby 1, 2, 3 (Frederick Augustus Colby ) was born 4 in May 1866 in Maine. She died 5 in 1949 in Melrose, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
Lillie married 1, 2, 3 Orville E. Dutton 4, 5 in Sep 1886 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Orville was born 6 in Mar 1861 in Maine.
They had the following children.
76418 F i Cora N. Dutton 1 was born 2, 3 on 5 Mar 1890 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Cora married 1 Maurice Stanley Caldwell 2, 3, 4, son of Stanley S. Caldwell and Ida W. Levy, on 4 Oct 1911 in Melrose, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Maurice was born 5, 6, 7 on 14 Mar 1891 in Melrose, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
Lillie also married 1 Frank Wheeler 2, son of John Wheeler and Ruth Lahee, on 8 Aug 1903 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Frank was born 3 in 1875 in Vermont.
47210. Warren Augustus Colby Sr. 1, 2 (Frederick Augustus Colby ) was born 3, 4 on 28 Jan 1976 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 in Nov 1935. He was buried 6 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
Warren married 1, 2 Mary Elizabeth Smith 3, 4, daughter of Henry C. Smith and Mary Small, on 15 Aug 1903 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Mary was born 5 in 1881 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
They had the following children.
76419 M i Warren A. Colby Jr. 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on 26 Dec 1905 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 7, 8 on 10 Oct 1976 in Alexandria City, Virginia. Warren married 1 Florence M. Dominicus 2, daughter of Nickolas Dominicus and Rose ..., on 28 Apr 1934 in Maine. Florence was born 3, 4 on 21 Jun 1905 in Maine. She died 5 on 15 Sep 1964 in Fountain Hill, Lehigh, Pennsylvania. 76420 F ii Marjorie Smith Colby 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 8 Feb 1909 in Stoneham, Oxford, Maine. She died 6 on 11 Aug 1991. She was buried 7 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Marjorie married 1 Carl Brockton Stuart 2, son of Cael P. Stewart and Brookie K. Middleton, on 11 Nov 1926 in Gorham, Coos, New Hampshire. Carl was born 3, 4 on 10 Jul 1906 in Sea Breeze, Volusia, Florida. He died 5 on 28 May 1954. Marjorie also married 1 Roland W. Thaxter 2, son of Joseph S. Thaxter and Agnes Fleming, on 26 Feb 1934 in Maine. Roland was born 3, 4 on 20 Feb 1913 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 5 on 24 Nov 1992. He was buried 6 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76421 F iii Henrietta Niles Colby 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7, 8 on 2 Mar 1912 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 9, 10 on 22 Aug 1991 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 11 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Henrietta married 1 Ernest Linwood Wakefield 2, 3 on 8 Nov 1929 in Maine. Ernest was born 4, 5, 6 on 25 Dec 1905 in Bath, Sagadahoc, Maine. He died 7, 8 on 3 Apr 1976 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 9 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 76422 F iv Gwendolyn Colby 1 was born 2, 3 on 19 Aug 1913 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She died 4 on 20 Jan 1982 in Aurora, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 5 in Harper Field Cemetery, Hancock County, Maine. Gwendolyn married Living. Gwendolyn also married 1 Orrin Allen Wilson 2, 3 on 13 Jun 1930 in Maine. Orrin was born 4 on 1 Dec 1908. He died 5 on 31 Jan 1978. He was buried 6 in Madrid Village Cemetery, Madrid, Franklin, Maine.
47211. Emery Wellington Pickering 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (Samuel Pickering ) was born 6, 7 in Jun 1881 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 8, 9 on 25 Sep 1939 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 10, 11 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Emery married 1 Caroline Averill 2, 3, 4, daughter of Daniel Averill, on 24 Jun 1903 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine. Caroline was born 5 about 1879 in Atkinson Mills, Piscataquis county, Maine. She died 6 in 1922. She was buried 7 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
76423 F i Lucretia Madolyn Pickering 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 5 Aug 1906. She died 5, 6 on 3 Mar 1908. She was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 76424 M ii Emery Walker Pickering 1, 2, 3 was born 4 on 12 Jul 1909 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5, 6 on 6 Jun 1988. He was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.[Notes] Emery married Violetta L. Morey 1, 2, daughter of Frederick Morey and Edith Leichner. Violetta was born 3, 4 on 27 Aug 1908. She died 5, 6 in 1959. She was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Emery also married 1 Vesta L. Joyce 2, 3, 4, daughter of Winfield G. Joyce and Luella S. Morey, on 7 Sep 1932 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine. Vesta was born 5 on 20 Dec 1911 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She died 6 in 1949. She was buried 7 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 76425 M iii Carl Wyvern Pickering 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6 on 12 Jun 1911 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 7, 8 on 2 Aug 1963. He was buried 9, 10 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.[Notes] Carl married 1 E. Marie Carmichael 2, 3, daughter of Waldo Carmichael, on 21 Aug 1938 in Littleton, Aroostook, Maine. E. Marie Carmichael was born 4 about 1913 in Littleton, Aroostook, Maine. She died 5 in 1977. She was buried 6 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Emery also married 1 Beulah M. Pressey 2, 3, 4, daughter of Charles Augustus Pressey and Abbie Jenkins Gray, on 17 Jun 1926 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Beulah was born 5 on 4 Apr 1880 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 6 in 1967. She was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
47217. Linnie Howard 1, 2 (Susan Haskell Pickering ) was born 3, 4 in Dec 1872 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 5, 6 on 6 Jan 1936 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Linnie married 1 Dr. Benjamin Lake Noyes 2, son of Dr. George Boardman Noyes and Sara Elizabeth Lake, on 21 Sep 1899. Benjamin was born 3 on 30 May 1870 in Lisbon Falls, Androscoggin, Maine. He died 4 on 16 Oct 1945. He was buried 5 in Evergreen Cemetery, Stonington, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
76426 M i George Howard Noyes 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 8 Nov 1901 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 5, 6 on 19 Jan 1939 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 7 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.[Notes] George married Ethel A. Barter 1, 2. Ethel was born 3, 4 in 1897 in Maine. She died 5, 6 in 1980. She was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 76427 F ii Natalie P. Noyes 1 was born 2, 3 on 6 Feb 1906 in Maine. She died 4, 5 on 15 Aug 1999. She was buried 6 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Natalie married Charles W. Cleveland 1. Charles was born 2 in 1898 in Maine. He died 3 in 1949. He was buried 4 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 76428 F iii Genice A. Noyes 1 was born 2, 3 on 9 May 1918 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She died 4, 5 on 4 Nov 2003 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 6 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.[Notes] Genice married 1, 2 Victor E. Welcome 3, son of William David Welcome, on 7 Oct 1955 in Maine. Victor was born 4 on 10 Oct 1922. He died 5 on 21 Nov 2007. He was buried 6 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Genice also married 1 Reginald Leroy Greenlaw 2, son of Leroy Haskell Greenlaw and Stella Beatrice Powers, on 6 Mar 1937 in Maine. Reginald was born 3, 4 on 9 Jan 1911 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 5, 6 on 13 Sep 2008 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 7 in Greenwood Cemetery, Oceanville, Hancock, Maine.[Notes]
47225. Frederick A. Torrey 1, 2 (Sarah Elizabeth Pickering ) was born 3, 4 on 18 Apr 1867 in Maine. He died 5, 6 in 1947. He was buried 7, 8 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Frederick married 1 Lillian D. Staples 2, daughter of James Staples and Esther S. Dow, on 22 Feb 1893 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Lillian was born 3 in Jan 1873 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 4, 5 on 5 Apr 1963 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine. She was buried 6, 7 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
76429 M i Norman Elvin Torrey 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in Feb 1894 in Maine. He died 5 in 1926. He was buried 6, 7 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Norman married Antoinette W. Gould 1, daughter of George R. Gould and Lydia M. .... Antoinette was born 2 in 1900 in Maine.
47228. Guy Ellicot Torrey 1, 2 (Sarah Elizabeth Pickering ) was born 3 on 31 Jul 1887 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 in 1937. He was buried 5 in Ledgelawn Cemetery, Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine.
Guy married 1 Dorothy Weston Grant 2, daughter of Alexander J. Grant and Laura Beatrice Weston, on 9 Oct 1912 in Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. Dorothy was born 3 in 1893 in Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine. She died 4 in 1935. She was buried 5 in Ledgelawn Cemetery, Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
76430 M i Gordon Ellicott Torrey 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 13 Dec 1913 in Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. He died 6, 7 on 1 Nov 1992. He was buried 8 in Ledgelawn Cemetery, Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. Gordon married Payson Leonard 1, 2, daughter of Hubert R. Leonard and Phoebe J. Hoyt. Payson was born 3, 4 on 6 Jan 1919 in Pittsfield, Berkshire, Massachusetts. She died 5, 6 on 26 Mar 2003. 76431 M ii Norman S. Torrey 1 was born 2, 3 in 1917 in Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 in 1940. He was buried 5 in Ledgelawn Cemetery, Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. 76432 M iii Guy E. Torrey Jr. 1 was born 2, 3 in 1919 in Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 in 1942. He was buried 5 in Ledgelawn Cemetery, Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine.
47230. Ethel L. Pickering 1, 2 (Timothy Guilford Pickering ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 10 Apr 1874 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 6 in 1919. She was buried 7 in East Lawn Cemetery, East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut.
Ethel married 1 William P. Richardson 2, 3 on 11 Feb 1891 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. William was born 4 in May 1867 in Maine.
They had the following children.
76433 M i Clyde F. Richardson 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in Jul 1892 in Maine. He died 5 before 1940. Clyde married Genevieve Signor 1, 2. Genevieve was born 3, 4 on 10 Aug 1989 in Connecticut. She died 5 on 1 Apr 1986 in Bridgeport, Fairfield, Connecticut. 76434 F ii Gleneida A. Richardson 1, 2 was born 3 in Apr 1895 in Connecticut. She died 4 on 11 Nov 1955 in New Haven, New Haven, Connecticut. Gleneida married John W. Sanderson 1. John was born 2, 3 on 17 Feb 1897 in Connecticut. He died 4 on 18 Jul 1983 in ..., New Haven, Connecticut. He was buried 5 in East Lawn Cemetery, East Haven, New Haven, Connecticut.
47232. Sarah A. Pickering 1, 2, 3, 4 (Timothy Guilford Pickering ) was born 5, 6 on 21 Jul 1882 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Sarah married 1 Howard C. Holden 2, 3, 4, son of George Washington Holden and Harriet Lunt Howard, on 14 Nov 1900 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Howard was born 5 in May 1879 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
76435 F i Gleneida Raemond Holden 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 29 Sep 1901 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 5 in 1980. She was buried 6 in Rose Hill Cemetery, Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. Gleneida married Herschel Fenton Camac 1. Herschel was born 2, 3 on 4 Nov 1904 in Rhode Island. He died 4 on 12 May 1995. He was buried 5 in Acotes Hill Cemetery, Glocester, Providence, Rhode Island. Gleneida also married 1 Quinton L. Nicholas 2, 3, son of Joseph Nicholas and Ella McClellan, on 5 Dec 1945. Quinton was born 4, 5 on 23 Nov 1908 in Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska. He died 6, 7 on 25 Jan 1989 in Saint Paul, Howard, Nebraska. He was buried 8, 9 in Rose Hill Cemetery, Palmer, Merrick, Nebraska.[Notes] 76436 F ii Marion Fisher Holden 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 on 23 Sep 1902 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 76437 F iii Austina Holden 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 17 Oct 1904 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 5, 6 on 24 Jun 1980. She was buried 7 in Prairie Haven Memorial Park, Hobbs, Lea, New Mexico. Austina married William Glenn Rodgers 1. William was born 2 on 14 Dec 1912. He died 3 on 15 Jan 2006. He was buried 4 in Prairie Haven Memorial Park, Hobbs, Lea, New Mexico.
47233. George Herbert Pickering 1, 2, 3, 4 (Timothy Guilford Pickering ) was born 5, 6 on 8 Jun 1886 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 7 in Jul 1971.
George married Rosa W. ... 1. Rosa was born 2 in 1883 in Maine.
George also married 1 Minnie B. Thompson 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, daughter of Melville Davis Thompson and Judith L. Dow, on 18 Mar 1906 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Minnie was born 7, 8 in 1888 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 9 in 1943. She was buried 10 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
76438 F i Marion Katie Pickering is printed as #66630. 76439 M ii Earl Kenneth Pickering is printed as #66631. 76440 M iii George H. Pickering is printed as #66632. 76441 F iv Gwenith Ethel Pickering is printed as #66633. 76442 M v Melville Thompson Pickering is printed as #66634.