34111. William Ray Haskell 1, 2 (Thomas Sanford Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 6 Jan 1880 in Belchertown, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 5 in 1951. He was buried 6 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts.
William married Bertha Jane Sangster 1. Bertha was born 2, 3 on 12 Feb 1872 in Canada. She died 4 on 22 Dec 1948. She was buried 5 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts.
William also married 1 Harriet Floyd Morse 2, 3, 4, daughter of William H. Morse and Clara E. Cook, on 15 Nov 1900 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. Harriet was born 5, 6 on 13 Apr 1878 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 16 Mar 1921 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. She was buried 8 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
59690 M i Ray Vinton Haskell 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 1 Apr 1901 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. He died 5 on 16 Jun 1956. He was buried 6 in Greenlawn Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts.[Notes] Ray married 1 Ruth H. Knight 2, 3 in 1922. Ruth was born 4, 5 on 17 Oct 1901 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts. She died 6 on 4 Sep 1959 in Exeter, Rockingham, New Hampshire. She was buried 7 in Greenlawn Cemetery, Salem, Essex, Massachusetts. 59691 F ii Marjory Florence Haskell 1 was born 2, 3 on 28 Nov 1902 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. 59692 F iii Marion Louise Haskell 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 4 May 1905 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7, 8 on 6 Mar 2003 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire. She was buried 9 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts.[Notes] Marion married 1 Louis A. Dumez 2, 3 on 29 Sep 1920 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Louis was born 4, 5, 6 on 12 Aug 1900 in France. He died 7 on 10 Apr 1964 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. He was buried 8 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. 59693 F iv Edith Farrar Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 28 Aug 1907 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. She died 6 on 21 Sep 1985 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. Edith married Joseph Elie Theriault 1. Joseph was born 2 on 5 Nov 1896 in Lowell, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He died 3 on 21 Dec 1986 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts. He was buried 4 in Central Cemetery, Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. 59694 M v Rodney Sanford Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 6 Aug 1911 in Beverly, Essex, Massachusetts. He died 7, 8 on 6 Jul 1989. He was buried 9 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts.[Notes] Rodney married Doris Louise Melanson 1. Doris was born 2 on 16 Sep 1912 in Massachusetts. She died 3 in May 1980. She was buried 4 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts. 59695 M vi Albert Kenneth Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 15 Mar 1921 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7, 8 on 29 Sep 2000 in Salem, Essex, Massachusetts.[Notes] Albert married Living.
34114. Harry W. Haskell 1, 2, 3, 4 (Wilder Fairbanks Haskell ) was born 5, 6 in 1868 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 7, 8 in 1925. He was buried 9 in South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
Harry married 1 Willamina Lawson 2, 3, 4 in 1901 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. Willamina was born 5, 6 in 1881 in Scotland. She died 7 in 1926. She was buried 8 in South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
59696 M i Wilder Alexander Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 on 4 Jul 1902 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 8, 9 on 31 Oct 1993 in Show Low, Navajo, Arizona. He was buried 10 in East Lawn Palms Cemetery, Tucson, Pima, Arizona.[Notes] Wilder married Ardelle Clarice Hudson 1, 2. Ardelle was born 3, 4 on 19 Aug 1908 in Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont. She died 5 on 26 Apr 1996 in Tucson, Pima, Arizona. She was buried 6 in East Lawn Palms Cemetery, Tucson, Pima, Arizona.[Notes] 59697 F ii Dorothy Edith Haskell 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 17 Feb 1905 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She died 5, 6 on 13 Feb 2004 in South Hadley Falls, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in South Hadley Falls Cemetery, South Hadley Falls, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] Dorothy married 1 Paul Otto Boerner 2 in 1929 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. Paul was born 3, 4, 5 on 30 Dec 1890 in Saxony, Germany. He died 6, 7 in Jun 1961. 59698 M iii Willard Lawson Haskell 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 31 Aug 1908 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 on 7 Aug 1998 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] Willard married Ruth P. ... 1. Ruth was born 2 in 1908 in Massachusetts. 59699 F iv Elizabeth Jean Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 6 Jun 1920 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She died 5, 6, 7 on 2 Mar 1996. She was buried 8 in Saint Josephs Cemetery, Westfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.[Notes] Elizabeth married Living.
34115. Alfred Henry Morton 1, 2 (Charlotte Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 2 Dec 1857 in South Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 5 in 1919. He was buried 6 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
Alfred married 1 Elizabeth Mary Treat 2 in 1879. Elizabeth was born 3 in 1854 in Connecticut. She died 4 in 1933. She was buried 5 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
59700 M i Alfred Henry Morton Jr. 1 was born 2 in Feb 1880 in Connecticut. He died 3 in 1953. He was buried 4 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. Alfred married 1 Alice Heywood 2, daughter of William H. Heywood and Cleminie Hazen, on 19 May 1909 in Holyoke, Hampden, Massachusetts. Alice was born 3, 4 in 1882 in Holyoke, Hampden, Massachusetts. She died 5 in 1948. She was buried 6 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. 59701 F ii Mabel Louise Morton 1 was born 2 in Dec 1894 in Massachusetts. She died 3 in 1980. She was buried 4 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
34117. Mary Hannah Atkins 1, 2 (Charlotte Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 28 Oct 1869 in Chicopee, Hampden, Massachusetts.
Mary married 1 Charles Walter Miller 2, son of Gilbert Monroe Miller and Ella C. Aiken, on 26 Oct 1905 in Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts. Charles was born 3 in 1874 in Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
59702 F i Mabel Atkins Miller 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 31 Dec 1907 in Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 on 16 Sep 2002 in Burlington, Chittenden, Vermont. Mabel married Living. 59703 F ii Eloise Miller 1 was born 2, 3 on 6 Apr 1910 in Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts. 59704 F iii Charlotte Winifred Miller 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 25 Jul 1912 in Quincy, Norfolk, Massachusetts. She died 5, 6 on 14 Aug 1997 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.[Notes] Charlotte married Herbert L. McChesney 1, son of Edmund L. McChesney and Edna M. Cooley. Herbert was born 2 on 1 Mar 1908 in Massachusetts. He died 3 on 24 Jul 1997. He was buried 4 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
34118. William Henry Atkins 1 (Charlotte Haskell ) was born 2, 3 on 20 Oct 1871 in Massachusetts. He died 4 on 23 Dec 1952. He was buried 5 in South Amherst Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
William married Naomi Bridgeman Howard 1. Naomi was born 2 on 31 May 1880 in Belchertown, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She died 3 on 3 Apr 1962 in Amherst Center, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in South Amherst Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
59705 M i Howard William Atkins 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 7 Jul 1912 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 7, 8, 9 on 15 Jun 1997 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] Howard married 1 Ruth Lillian Wheeler 2, 3, 4, daughter of Nelson H. Wheeler and Ruth W. Hoyt, in 1934. Ruth was born 5, 6 on 25 Feb 1914 in Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 20 Oct 1997. 59706 F ii Marjorie Mary Atkins 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 11 Feb 1914 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She died 5 on 5 Nov 2011 in Berkeley, Alameda, California.[Notes] Marjorie married 1 Fred Irvine Elliott 2, 3, 4, son of Ray W. Elliott and Martha Watson, in 1941. Fred was born 5, 6 on 16 Oct 1915 in New Concord, Muskingum, Ohio. He died 7, 8, 9 on 6 Feb 1994 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] 59707 M iii William Chandler Atkins 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 10 May 1917 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7, 8 on 30 Dec 2006 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He was buried 9 in Wildwood Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. William married Doris A. Zeiner 1. Doris was born 2 on 6 Aug 1933 in Bristol, Hartford, Connecticut. She died 3 on 4 Dec 2014 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in Wildwood Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. William also married Living.
34122. George Stephen Butler 1, 2 (Ruth Elizabeth Haskell ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 4 Dec 1863 in Oakham, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 6 in 1934. He was buried 7 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Oakham, Worcester, Massachusetts.
George married 1 Fannie Sloane 2 in 1898. Fannie was born 3 in 1875 in Canada. She died 4 in 1956. She was buried 5 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Oakham, Worcester, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
59708 M i Orton O. Butler 1 was born 2 in 1912 in Massachusetts.
34129. Samuel Haskell Whitney 1, 2 (Emily S. Haskell ) was born 3, 4 in Dec 1870 in Maine. He died 5 on 15 Sep 1958 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
Samuel married Martha H. Hooper 1, daughter of Charles H. Hooper and Abbie F. Shephard. Martha was born 2 on 30 May 1871 in Castine, Hancock, Maine. She died 3 on 19 Apr 1942. She was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
They had the following children.
59709 M i Charles Ammi Whitney 1 was born 2 on 4 Sep 1904 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 3 on 1 Oct 1963 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Charles married Dorothy Foss 1. Dorothy was born 2 in 1904 in Maine. She died 3 on 26 Dec 1984. She was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 59710 F ii Emily Frances Whitney 1 was born 2 on 13 Jan 1910 in Maine. She died 3 on 6 May 1945. She was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Emily married 1 Jack Edward Elliot 2, 3, 4 on 5 Jun 1935 in Maine. Jack was born 5, 6 on 18 Jul 1904 in Nova Scotia, Canada. He died 7 on 8 Jun 1978 in Harwich, Barnstable, Massachusetts.
34130. Joseph Walker Whitney 1, 2 (Emily S. Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 25 Nov 1877 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 5 on 31 Dec 1942 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He was buried 6 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
Joseph married 1 Bertha Lenora Steward 2, daughter of Pembroke Steward and Leona Bennett, on 7 Oct 1908 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Bertha was born 3 on 9 Jul 1879 in Hartland, Somerset, Maine. She died 4 on 19 Mar 1953 in ..., Los Angeles, California. She was buried 5 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
They had the following children.
59711 M i Joseph Walker Whitney Jr. 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 15 May 1913 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 7 on 17 Apr 1990. Joseph married 1 Hope Kingsbery 2, daughter of Emera W. Kingsbery and Marion R. L. Proctor, on 13 Mar 1937 in Maine. Hope was born 3, 4 on 26 Mar 1916 in Maine. She died 5 on 27 Dec 1953 in ..., Los Angeles, California. She was buried 6 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
34133. William Herbert Benson 1 (Rosalin Sonora Haskell ) was born 2, 3, 4 in Nov 1856 in Wisconsin. He died 5 before 1930.
William married 1, 2 Betsy Thankful Hubbell 3, 4, 5, daughter of Stephen Middlebrook Hubbell and Betsy Wilson, on 29 Aug 1875 in ..., Vernon, Wisconsin. Betsy was born 6, 7, 8 on 18 May 1859 in Madrid, Saint Lawrence, New York. She died 9 on 30 Apr 1932 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin.
They had the following children.
59712 F i Cora E. Benson 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 30 Jul 1877 in ..., Vernon, Wisconsin. She died 5 on 9 Oct 1880. She was buried 6 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. 59713 M ii William Roy Benson 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6, 7 on 6 Aug 1879 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. He died 8, 9 on 24 Jul 1964 in Wisconsin. He was buried 10 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. William married Lavinia Jane Buckles 1, 2, daughter of John W. Buckles and Nancy Jane Devorse. Lavinia was born 3, 4, 5 on 2 Jun 1871 in Liberty Pole, Vernon, Wisconsin. She died 6, 7 on 29 Mar 1947 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. She was buried 8 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. 59714 F iii Rose Effie Benson 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 18 Jan 1882 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. She died 5 on 11 Jun 1955 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. She was buried 6 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. Rose married 1 George Archibald Pennell 2, son of Joseph Pennell and Catherine Berry, in 1905. George was born 3 on 2 May 1876 in Ohio. He died 4 on 12 May 1959 in Onalaska, La Crosse, Wisconsin. He was buried 5 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. 59715 M iv ... Benson 1 was born 2 on 27 Mar 1884 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. 59716 F v Alta Benson 1 was born 2, 3 on 31 Jul 1890 in ..., Vernon, Wisconsin. Alta married 1 Martin John Keegan 2 in 1916. Martin was born 3, 4 on 15 Mar 1881 in Wisconsin. He died 5 before 1940. 59717 M vi Robert Edward Benson 1 was born 2, 3 on 23 Jul 1893 in ..., Vernon, Wisconsin. He died 4, 5, 6 on 30 Oct 1969 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. He was buried 7 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. Robert married Carrie A. Henkel 1, 2. Carrie was born 3, 4 on 3 Mar 1902 in Wisconsin. She died 5, 6 on 16 Feb 1995. She was buried 7 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. Robert also married 1 Alice Ruth Stephen 2, 3, 4, daughter of John Waldron Stephen and Grace Anna Frazier, on 15 Mar 1914 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. Alice was born 5, 6, 7 on 21 Jul 1894 in Harmony, Vernon, Wisconsin. She died 8, 9 on 2 Mar 1925 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. She was buried 10 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. 59718 F vii Fay Elda Benson 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 2 Dec 1895 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. She died 5, 6 in Feb 1977. She was buried 7 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. Fay married 1 Ernest D. Davidson 2, son of Martin Davidson and Ida M. Sveen, in 1918. Ernest was born 3 on 24 Dec 1895 in Wisconsin. He died 4, 5 on 24 May 1969 in La Crosse, La Crosse, Wisconsin. He was buried 6 in Viroqua Cemetery, Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin.
34135. John H. Benson 1 (Rosalin Sonora Haskell ) was born 2, 3 in Apr 1861 in Wisconsin.
John married 1, 2 Phoebe Copus 3 in 1884. Phoebe was born 4 in Apr 1850 in Ohio. She died 5 before 1930.
They had the following children.
59719 M i Frances E. Benson 1 was born 2 in Jan 1885 in Wisconsin. 59720 F ii Fannie Mae Benson 1 was born 2 in Jul 1886 in Wisconsin. She died 3 in 1945. She was buried 4 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Valentine, Cherry, Nebraska. Fannie married 1 Perry Howe 2 in 1911. Perry was born 3, 4 on 30 Dec 1876 in Indiana. He died 5 on 10 Jan 1955. He was buried 6 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Valentine, Cherry, Nebraska. 59721 F iii Ethel A. Benson 1 was born 2, 3 in Oct 1888 in ..., Vernon, Wisconsin. Ethel married 1 Grover Cleve Edgington 2, son of Mack Edgington and Lucetta Hoskins, on 30 Oct 1912 in Des Moines, Polk, Iowa. Grover was born 3, 4, 5 on 28 Aug 1888 in ..., Davis, Iowa. He died 6 on 8 Sep 1937 in ..., Davis, Iowa. He was buried 7 in Shaul Cemetery, Ottumwa, Wapello, Iowa.
34137. Charles Henry Haskell 1 (Hiram Wallace Haskell ) was born 2, 3 in Jan 1853 in Canada. He died 4 in 1940. He was buried 5 in Walnut Mound Cemetery, Retreat, Vernon, Wisconsin.
Charles married 1 Emma Spear 2, 3, daughter of Lucius Spear and Emily ..., in 1875. Emma was born 4, 5 in 1854 in Wisconsin. She died 6 in 1915. She was buried 7 in Walnut Mound Cemetery, Retreat, Vernon, Wisconsin.
They had the following children.
59722 F i Alice Haskell 1 was born 2 in 1877 in Wisconsin.
34142. Hiram Willard Haskell 1, 2 (Hiram Wallace Haskell ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 13 Aug 1866 in Viroqua, Vernon, Wisconsin. He died 6, 7 on 28 Mar 1932 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
Hiram married 1, 2 Hattie Lorena Hooper 3, 4 on 9 Jan 1890 in Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin. Hattie was born 5, 6 on 17 Aug 1869 in Platteville, Grant, Wisconsin. She died 7 on 29 Apr 1950 in Rockford, Winnebago, Illinois. She was buried 8 in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Havana, Mason, Illinois.
They had the following children.
59723 M i Harold Hooper Haskell 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on 13 Jan 1896 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died 7, 8, 9, 10 on 30 Nov 1964 in Greenwood, Johnson, Indiana. He was buried in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Havana, Mason, Illinois. Harold married 1 Florence Eutenever 2, 3, daughter of John Eutenever and Barbara Ellerbush, in 1922. Florence was born 4, 5, 6, 7 on 4 Aug 1896 in Havana, Mason, Illinois. She died 8, 9 on 17 Jul 1984 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. She was buried 10 in Laurel Hill Cemetery, Havana, Mason, Illinois. 59724 M ii Willard Natwick Haskell 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 23 Aug 1901 in Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He died 6, 7, 8 on 20 Nov 1936 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois.[Notes] Willard married Helen Millicent Lapell 1. Helen was born 2, 3 on 3 May 1909 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. She died 4, 5 on 28 Mar 1989 in San Benito, Cameron, Texas.