33013. Gladys Muriel Gifford 1, 2 (Herbert Uriah Gifford ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 5 May 1916 in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 6 on 26 Aug 1961. She was buried 7 in Northville Cemetery, East Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Gladys married Harold E. Nourse 1, 2, 3. Harold was born 4, 5 on 20 Sep 1913. He died 6, 7, 8 on 10 Jul 2000 in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts. He was buried 9 in Central Cemetery, Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57904 M i Donald H. Nourse 1 was born 2 in 1935 in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts. He died 3, 4 on 9 Aug 2014 in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Pine Grove Cemetery, New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts.[Notes] Donald married Living 1, daughter of Living and Living. Mary was born 2 on 30 Jun 1940 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She died 3 on 19 Nov 2007 in Middleborough, Plymouth, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in Pine Grove Cemetery, New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Gladys also married 1 Ralph Fenton Blanchard 2, 3, son of Elias Paine Blanchard and Carrie S. Luraina, on 13 May 1945 in Hampton, Rockingham, New Hampshire. Ralph was born 4, 5 on 1 Jul 1907 in Whitman, Plymouth, Massachusetts. He died 6 on 24 Feb 1993. He was buried 7 in Northville Cemetery, East Bridgewater, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
33016. Levi J. Borden 1, 2 (Rebecca A. Faunce ) was born 3, 4 on 22 Jun 1867 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5 on 19 Mar 1915 in Freetown, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Levi married 1 Lucy Jane Barney 2, 3, daughter of Charles Barney and Lucy Gifford, on 15 Feb 1890 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. Lucy was born 4, 5 in Sep 1868 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57905 F i Arline Avis Borden 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 1 May 1892 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 in Dec 1980. She was buried 8 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Arline married 1 Harold Bradford Gifford 2, 3, 4, son of George E. Gifford and Meribah A. Coggeshall, on 10 Apr 1910 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Harold was born 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 on 24 May 1891 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 10, 11 in Jan 1974. He was buried 12 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
33018. James Albert Kirby 1, 2 (Clara Helen Haskell ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 21 Jun 1881 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7 on 1 Feb 1971 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 8 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
James married Agnes Hathaway 1, 2. Agnes was born 3 in 1882 in Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57906 F i Ruth Almy Kirby 1 was born 2, 3 on 1 Aug 1905 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. Ruth married 1, 2 Arhur Elbridge Sherman 3, 4, 5, son of Frank L. Sherman and Nina B. ..., on 2 Jul 1925 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Arhur was born 6, 7 on 14 Nov 1903 in Tiverton, Bristol, Rhode Island. He died 8 in Jul 1946.
33020. Addie Borden Kirby 1, 2 (Clara Helen Haskell ) was born 3 on 29 Jul 1889 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 4 on 5 Sep 1977 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 5 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57907 F i Doris Anderson Wilkie 1 was born 2 on 9 Apr 1924 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. She died 3 on 7 Jun 2002 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Doris married Thomas Alfred McCarthy Jr. 1. Thomas was born 2 on 30 Aug 1914 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 3 on 26 May 1999 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 4 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Addie also married 1 Benjamin F. Wilkie 2 on 4 Feb 1906 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Benjamin was born 3 in 1864 in Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island. He died 4 in 1917. He was buried 5 in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island.
They had the following children.
57908 M ii Ernest H. Wilkie 1 was born 2 on 12 Sep 1907 in Rhode Island. He died 3 on 20 Apr 1977. He was buried 4 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Ernest married Beatrice ... 1. Beatrice was born 2 in 1911 in Massachusetts. 57909 F iii Gertrude H. Wilkie 1 was born 2 on 3 Dec 1908 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 3 on 7 Dec 1908 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island. 57910 M iv Chester R. Wilkie 1 was born 2 on 14 Oct 1909 in Rhode Island. He died 3 in Feb 1967 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 4 in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island. Chester married Inez Cornell 1, daughter of Arthur R. Cornell and Mabel Tripp. Inez was born 2 on 29 Nov 1913 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 3, 4 on 13 Sep 2004 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. She was buried 5 in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island.[Notes] 57911 M v Irvin Benjamin Wilkie 1 was born 2 on 30 Jan 1912 in Rhode Island. He died 3 on 25 Apr 1977. He was buried 4 in Sunset Hill Cemetery, Valdosta, Lowndes, Georgia. Irvin married Allie W. ... 1. Allie was born 2 on 13 Oct 1918. She died 3 on 9 Apr 2002. She was buried 4 in Sunset Hill Cemetery, Valdosta, Lowndes, Georgia. Irvin also married 1 Ruth ... 2 on 30 Aug 1950 in ..., Bradford, Florida. Ruth was born 3 in 1912. 57912 F vi Edith L. Wilkie 1 was born 2 in 1913 in Rhode Island. 57913 M vii Adelbert Earl Wilkie 1 was born 2, 3 on 7 Oct 1915 in Rhode Island. He died 4 in Jun 1961. He was buried 5 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Adelbert married Catherine Harriet Cummings 1, daughter of Owen Cummings and Bertha May Pierce. Catherine was born 2, 3 in 1914 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 4, 5 on 30 May 2000. She was buried 6 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.[Notes] 57914 F viii Myrtle Annie Wilkie 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 13 May 1917 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. She died 5 on 7 Sep 1993. Myrtle married 1 Frank White 2, 3, son of Lewis White and Phebe Lima, on 30 Oct 1943 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Frank was born 4 in 1907 in Portsmouth, Newport, Rhode Island. Myrtle also married Living.
Addie also married 1 Thomas B. Bennett 2, son of William M. Bennett and Caroline Walker, on 12 Feb 1940 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Thomas was born 3 on 14 Jul 1884 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 4 on 18 Feb 1942 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
33021. Annie Patience Kirby 1, 2 (Clara Helen Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 29 Aug 1889 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 5 in 1959. She was buried 6 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Annie married John W. Kaye 1, 2. John was born 3, 4 in 1870 in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island. He died 5 in 1938. He was buried 6 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57915 M i William H. Kaye 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 4 Aug 1904. He died 5, 6 in Jan 1964. He was buried 7 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. William married Living. 57916 F ii Eunice H. Kaye 1 was born 2 on 22 Feb 1911 in Rhode Island. She died 3 on 15 Aug 1987. She was buried 4 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Eunice married 1 Alvin Knowlton Wilkie 2, son of Benjamin F. Wilkie and Rose M. Knowlton, on 27 Jun 1943 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. Alvin was born 3 on 18 Dec 1895 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. He died 4 on 9 Jan 1969 in Fall River Cemetery, Fall River Mills, Shasta, California. He was buried 5 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57917 F iii Isabel S. Kaye 1 was born 2 on 28 Apr 1913 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. She died 3 on 21 Apr 1997. She was buried 4 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Isabel married Albert Manchester Wordell 1, son of Nelson Wordell and Ida Boden Manchester. Albert was born 2 on 19 Jun 1907 in Little Compton, Newport, Rhode Island. He died 3 in 1983. He was buried 4 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57918 F iv Irene M. Kaye 1 was born 2 on 4 Dec 1915 in Rhode Island. She died 3 on 28 Mar 1990 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in Beech Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57919 M v Stanley William Kaye 1 was born 2 on 17 Feb 1919 in Rhode Island. He died 3 on 27 Oct 1987. He was buried 4 in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island. Stanley married Dorothy S. Viall 1, daughter of Henry Isaac Viall and Frances A. Veitch. Dorothy was born 2 in 1918. She died 3 in 1994. She was buried 4 in Pleasant View Cemetery, Tiverton, Newport, Rhode Island.
33022. Edward Wilson Haskell 1 (Nathaniel Franklin Haskell ) was born 2, 3 on 14 Sep 1892 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 4 in 1965. He was buried 5 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Edward married Agnes Wood Hancock 1, 2, daughter of Arthur H. Hancock and Ida Pollard. Agnes was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 19 Feb 1908 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 3 Jan 1993 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 8 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57920 M i Arthur E. Haskell 1 was born 2, 3 on 9 Dec 1929 in Massachusetts. He died 4 on 22 Oct 1988. He was buried 5 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Arthur married Living. 57921 F ii Agnes Hannah Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 19 Jul 1931 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 5, 6 on 7 Feb 2011 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.[Notes] Agnes married Wendell Howard Gifford 1, 2, son of Walter Leonard Gifford and Dellaphine E. Kirby. Wendell was born 3 on 16 May 1926 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 4 on 8 Aug 1990 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57922 M iii Robert Franklin Haskell 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 on 25 Feb 1933 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 6 in 1964. He was buried 7 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Robert married Living.
33024. Alton Barker Manchester 1 (Minnie Patience Haskell ) was born 2, 3 on 9 Jun 1891 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 4, 5 on 18 Feb 1973 in New Bedfont, Middlesex, England. He was buried 6 in Linden Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Alton married Pearl Eliza Spooner 1, 2, daughter of Lewis Gifford Spooner and Jennie Faultus. Pearl was born 3, 4 on 13 Sep 1914 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 5 on 14 Mar 1987 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 6 in Linden Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57923 F i Dolores M. Manchester 1 was born 2, 3 on 9 May 1933 in Massachusetts. She died 4 on 22 Jan 2012. She was buried 5 in Massachusetts National Cemetery, Bourne, Barnstable, Massachusetts. Dolores married Living 1, son of Living and Living. Lawrence was born 2 on 9 Sep 1931 in Texas. He died 3 on 15 Aug 1997. He was buried 4 in Massachusetts National Cemetery, Bourne, Barnstable, Massachusetts.
Alton also married Annie Mary Foran on 28 Oct 1910. Annie was born 1 in 1891 in New York.
33025. Orin Gifford Manchester 1, 2 (Minnie Patience Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 25 Aug 1895 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5 in 1963. He was buried 6 in Rural Cemetery, New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Orin married Ruth A. Slocum 1, 2, daughter of Jabez Howland Slocum. Ruth was born 3, 4 in 1908 in Massachusetts. She died 5, 6 on 12 Nov 1970 in Lakeville, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57924 F i Hilda Ann Manchester 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 11 May 1929 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 18 Jul 2012. Hilda married Living. 57925 F ii Living. 57926 M iii Living. 57927 F iv Living.
33026. Byron Haskell Miller 1 (Mercy Ann Haskell ) was born 2 on 30 Aug 1896 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died on 9 Jun 1915 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 3 in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Byron married 1 Florence Weeks 2, daughter of Nathan T. C. Weeks and Annie Delight Reynolds, on 9 Jun 1915 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. Florence was born 3 on 30 Aug 1895 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 4 on 5 Jul 1968 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 5 in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57928 F i Mildred Alice Reynolds Miller 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6, 7 on 21 Nov 1915 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 8, 9, 10 on 25 Sep 1990 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 11 in Millbury Central Cemetery, Millbury, Worcester, Massachusetts.[Notes] Mildred married William Elbridge Howe 1, son of William R. Howe and Mabel L. Smith. William was born 2, 3 on 18 Dec 1901 in Millbury, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 4, 5 in Feb 1986. He was buried 6 in Millbury Central Cemetery, Millbury, Worcester, Massachusetts. 57929 F ii Iantha Phyllis Miller 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 1 Dec 1917 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7, 8, 9 on 23 Aug 2002 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 10 in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.[Notes] Iantha married Allen Watson Haskell Jr. 1, son of Allen Watson Haskell and Edith H. Stowell. Allen was born 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on 30 Aug 1913 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 7, 8, 9 on 28 May 1990 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 10 in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57930 M iii Lester M. Miller 1 was born 2 in 1920 in Massachusetts. He died 3 on 10 Apr 1970. He was buried 4 in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57931 M iv Irving Roland Miller 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 10 Apr 1922 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5 on 27 Oct 1990. He was buried 6 in Rural Cemetery, New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. Irving married Dorothy Alma Cook 1, 2, daughter of Frederick A. Cook and Kathryn R. Judson. Dorothy was born 3, 4 on 8 Jan 1921. She died 5, 6 on 4 Jun 1994. She was buried 7, 8 in Rural Cemetery, New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57932 F v Joyce B. Miller 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1924 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 5 on 8 Feb 2015 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.[Notes] Joyce married Joseph Viera Jr. 1, 2, son of Joseph Viera and Mary DeTerra. Joseph was born 3, 4 on 20 Jan 1919 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 on 15 Dec 2006 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 7 in Evergreen Cemetery, Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts.[Notes]
33027. Mary Eliza Haskell 1 (Benjamin Chase Haskell ) was born 2, 3 on 9 Jan 1898 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 4 in Mar 1972.
Mary married Samuel Wilcox Lake 1, 2, 3, 4, son of Leon H. Lake and Vilinda A. Wilcox, after 15 Mar 1915. Samuel was born 5, 6, 7 on 18 Apr 1896 in Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 8 in Jul 1965 in ..., Pinellas, Florida. He was buried 9 in Royal Palm South Cemetery, Saint Petersburg, Pinellas, Florida.
They had the following children.
57933 F i Living. 57934 F ii Living.
33029. Milton Hayward Haskell 1 (Benjamin Chase Haskell ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 25 Jul 1902 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 on 13 Jun 1974 in South Bend, St. Joseph, Indiana. He was buried 7 in Edwardsburg Cemetery, Edwardsburg, Cass, Michigan.
Milton married Mary A. Smith 1, 2, daughter of Jasper Smith and Ada Montill. Mary was born 3, 4 on 12 Jun 1910 in Granger, St Joseph, Indiana. She died 5 on 10 Jun 1958 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. She was buried 6 in New Crown Cemetery and Mausoleum, Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana.
They had the following children.
57935 M i Milton Hayward Haskell Jr. 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 8 Aug 1929 in Granger, St Joseph, Indiana. He died 5, 6 on 1 Jul 2006. He was buried 7 in Restlawn Cemetery, Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan.[Notes] Milton married Living 1, 2, daughter of Living and Living. Jessie was born 3, 4 on 1 Jan 1933 in Indiana. She died 5, 6 on 20 May 1982 in South Bend, St. Joseph, Indiana. She was buried 7 in Edwardsburg Cemetery, Edwardsburg, Cass, Michigan. Milton also married Living. 57936 F ii Mary Corda Haskell 1 was born 2 on 15 Jun 1930 in Michigan. She died 3 on 16 Jul 1930 in Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. She was buried 4 in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. 57937 M iii Living. 57938 M iv Paul Benjamin Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 26 Nov 1944 in Indiana. He died 6, 7 on 7 May 2007. Paul married Living 1, daughter of Living and Living. Chrystine was born 2, 3, 4 on 16 Oct 1938 in Dowagiac, Cass, Michigan. She died 5, 6, 7 on 25 Jan 2010 in Elkhart, Elkhart, Indiana.[Notes] Paul also married 1 Living 2, 3, daughter of Living and Living, on 26 Nov 1964 in Indianapolis, Marion, Indiana. Jessie was born 4, 5 on 1 Jan 1933 in Indiana. She died 6, 7 on 20 May 1982 in South Bend, St. Joseph, Indiana. She was buried 8 in Edwardsburg Cemetery, Edwardsburg, Cass, Michigan.
33031. Albert Alfred Haskell 1, 2 (Benjamin Chase Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 21 Jan 1908 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5 in 1969. He was buried 6 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
Albert married Minnie Augusta E. Jennings 1, 2, daughter of Roland Francis Jennings and Grace E. Demoranville. Minnie was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 26 Jul 1915 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 11 May 1994 in Fall River, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 8 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
57939 M i Albert A. Haskell Jr. 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 25 Apr 1932 in Acushnet, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 on 22 Jan 1997 in Dartmouth, Bristol, Massachusetts. 57940 M ii Donald Nelson Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 16 Jul 1936 in Massachusetts. He died 7, 8, 9 on 16 Feb 1969 in New Bedford, Bristol, Massachusetts. He was buried 10, 11 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Westport, Bristol, Massachusetts. Donald married Living.