15918. John Harris Finch 1, 2, 3 (Harvey Finch ) was born 4, 5, 6, 7 on 25 Sep 1847 in Fulton, Oswego, New York. He died 8 on 22 May 1931 in Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin.
John married 1 Leona Maria Daggett 2, 3, daughter of Clark Brown Daggett and Nancy Smith, in 1872. Leona was born 4, 5 on 31 Mar 1854 in Onondaga, Onondaga, New York. She died 6, 7 on 24 Oct 1924 in Menasha, Winnebago, Wisconsin.
They had the following children.
+ 32507 M i Welcome James Finch was born on 11 Oct 1873. He died on 26 Jul 1943. + 32508 F ii Ada Estelle Finch was born on 6 Nov 1876. She died on 24 Jun 1938. + 32509 F iii Gabriella Ella Finch was born on 15 Feb 1880. She died on 3 Apr 1955. + 32510 F iv Grace E. Finch was born in Dec 1884. She died on 2 Oct 1945. 32511 M v Frank William Finch 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 6 Jul 1887 in Omro, Winnebago, Wisconsin. He died 7, 8 on 6 Mar 1957. He was buried 9 in Omro Junction and Union Cemetery, Omro, Winnebago, Wisconsin.[Notes] Frank married 1 Edith Barnes 2 in 1926. Edith was born 3, 4 on 21 Oct 1894 in Omro, Winnebago, Wisconsin. She died 5 on 31 Mar 1934. She was buried 6 in Omro Junction and Union Cemetery, Omro, Winnebago, Wisconsin. + 32512 F vi Dorothy May Finch was born on 28 Jun 1889. She died on 11 Aug 1966. + 32513 M vii Samuel Harrison Finch was born on 5 Jun 1891. He died on 25 Feb 1972. 32514 M viii Frederick Lawrence Finch 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 20 Mar 1895 in Omro, Winnebago, Wisconsin. He died 6, 7 on 25 Jan 1971 in Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin.[Notes] Frederick married 1 Amanda Pagel 2, 3 on 30 Mar 1930 in Menominee, Menominee, Michigan. Amanda was born 4 in 1908 in Wisconsin. She died 5 on 18 Apr 1976 in Oshkosh, Winnebago, Wisconsin.
15919. Frank W. Finch 1 (Harvey Finch ) was born 2 in 1854 in New York. He died 3 on 17 Feb 1888. He was buried 4 in Ohio Cemetery, Rio, Columbia, Wisconsin.
Frank married Emma ... 1. Emma was born 2 in 1856 in Canada.
They had the following children.
32515 M i Harvey Finch 1 was born 2 in 1879 in Wisconsin.
15921. Adelaide Louise Berry 1 (Rebecca W. Harris ) was born 2, 3 on 29 Aug 1857 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. She died 4 on 5 Mar 1944 in Sherburne, Chenango, New York.
Adelaide married 1, 2 Edwin Dwight Avery 3, son of Hosea Wheeler Avery and Abby Browning, on 6 Sep 1877 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. Edwin was born 4, 5 on 1 Jul 1848 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. He died 6 before 1940.
They had the following children.
+ 32516 M i Charles Edwin Avery was born on 7 Jul 1880.
15930. Milton W. Brown 1 (Henry M. Brown ) was born 2, 3, 4 in May 1855 in New York. He died 5, 6 before 1910.
Milton married 1, 2 Eliza J. Hill 3, 4 in 1877. Eliza was born 5, 6 in Oct 1856 in New York.
They had the following children.
32517 M i Henry Brown 1 was born 2 in 1878 in New York. 32518 F ii Grace Brown 1 was born 2 in 1879 in New York. 32519 M iii Ray Newton Brown 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 1 Jan 1889 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. Ray married 1 Susan E. Phillips 2, daughter of Joh N. Phillips and Anna C. Sherman, on 14 Jun 1913 in Broome, Schoharie, New York. Susan was born 3 in 1888. + 32520 M iv Reed Campbell Brown Sr. was born on 30 Dec 1892. He died on 28 Mar 1949.
15932. James A. Brown 1, 2 (Henry M. Brown ) was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 19 May 1864 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. He died 7, 8 on 18 May 1929 in Missoula, Missoula, Montana. He was buried 9 in Missoula Cemetery, Missoula, Missoula, Montana.
James married 1, 2 Theodosia Roth 3, 4, daughter of J. G. Roth, on 6 Sep 1889 in ..., Cook, Illinois. Theodosia was born 5, 6 on 15 May 1864 in Central City, Gilpin, Colorado. She died 7, 8 on 27 Oct 1936 in Missoula, Missoula, Montana. She was buried 9 in Missoula Cemetery, Missoula, Missoula, Montana.
They had the following children.
+ 32521 F i Emily R. Brown was born on 15 Nov 1890. She died on 15 Oct 1972. + 32522 M ii George Mathew Brown was born on 2 Jun 1896. He died on 23 Jan 1968.
15934. Maggie P. Brown 1 (Cyrus Ransford Brown ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 19 Jan 1859 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. She died 5 on 23 Mar 1922 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. She was buried 6 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
Maggie married 1, 2 DeVerne Cyrus Pike 3, 4, son of Cyrus Ashton Pike and Pamely H. Sweetland, in 1897. DeVerne was born 5, 6, 7 on 17 Jul 1869 in New York. He died on 17 Jul 1921 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. He was buried 8 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
They had the following children.
32523 F i Fanny Pike 1 was born 2 in 1898. She died 3 in 1898. She was buried 4 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
15935. Mary L. Young 1 (Fanny Maria Brown ) was born 2, 3, 4 in 1864 in New York. She died 5 in 1954. She was buried 6 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
Mary married 1, 2 Edward Everett Davis 3, 4, son of John Perkins Davis and Almeda Maria Buckley, in 1889. Edward was born 5, 6, 7 in Mar 1865 in New York. He died 8 in 1931. He was buried 9 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
They had the following children.
+ 32524 M i Edward Russell Davis was born on 1 May 1890. + 32525 M ii John R. Davis was born on 10 Sep 1893.
15938. Lottie Belle Hunt 1, 2 (Mary P. Ransford ) was born 3 in 1863 in New York.
Lottie married Robert Breckinridge Baird 1, 2, 3. Robert was born 4 in 1859 in Pennsylvania. He died 5 before 1930.
They had the following children.
+ 32526 M i Robert Lyle Baird was born on 3 May 1889. He died on 15 Nov 1942.
15940. William R. Cook 1, 2 (Fanny L. Ransford ) was born 3, 4 in Jan 1869 in New York. He died 5 on 4 Mar 1941. He was buried 6 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
William married 1 Julia A. ... 2 in 1891. Julia was born 3, 4 in Apr 1873 in New York. She died 5 on 5 Feb 1937. She was buried 6 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
They had the following children.
+ 32527 M i Ralph Ripley Cook was born in Aug 1893. He died on 3 Oct 1964.
15941. Mary P. Cook 1 (Fanny L. Ransford ) was born 2, 3, 4 in May 1874 in New York. She died 5 in 1952. She was buried in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
Mary married 1, 2 Harry E. Saunders 3 in 1899. Harry was born 4, 5 in May 1871 in New York. He died 6 in 1952. He was buried 7 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
They had the following children.
+ 32528 M i Edwin P. Saunders was born in 1892. He died in 1951.
15947. Herbert Wakeman Lamb 1, 2 (Anthony Lamb ) was born 3, 4 on 28 Oct 1877 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. He died 5 on 30 Aug 1955 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. He was buried 6 in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York.
Herbert married 1 Julia Marie Coe 2 in 1907. Julia was born 3 on 6 Aug 1886 in Denver, Denver, Colorado. She died 4 on 1 Mar 1919 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. She was buried 5 in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York.
They had the following children.
32529 M i Herbert W. Lamb Jr. 1 was born 2, 3 on 27 Oct 1908 in New York. He died 4 on 16 Jan 1984. He was buried 5 in Grace Episcopal Church Cemetery, Silver Spring, Montgomery, Maryland. Herbert married Garland D. ... 1, 2. Garland was born 3, 4 on 14 Jan 1904 in Iowa. She died 5 on 18 May 1987. She was buried 6 in Grace Episcopal Church Cemetery, Silver Spring, Montgomery, Maryland. + 32530 F ii Ida Virginia Lamb was born in 1910. She died on 27 May 1967. + 32531 M iii Earl Anthony Lamb Sr. was born on 30 Jun 1911. He died on 9 Jul 1995.
Herbert also married Jane S. ... 1. Jane was born 2, 3 on 19 Nov 1899 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. She died 4, 5, 6 on 25 Jul 1992 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. She was buried 7 in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York.
They had the following children.
32532 F iv Living. Living married Living.
15951. Charles William Hamilton 1, 2 (John Ransford Hamilton ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 18 Jan 1871 in Norwich, Chenango, New York. He died 6 in 1920. He was buried 7 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
Charles married 1, 2 Josephine W. Sheldon 3, 4, daughter of William R. Sheldon and Mary A. White, in 1903. Josephine was born 5, 6, 7 in 1878 in New York. She died 8 in 1922. She was buried 9 in Mount Hope Cemetery, Norwich, Chenango, New York.
They had the following children.
+ 32533 F i Helen Mary Hamilton was born on 25 Mar 1907. She died on 6 May 1993.