7238. Lydia Haskell 1, 2, 3, 4 (George Haskell ) was born 5, 6, 7 on 11 Mar 1785 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 8, 9, 10 on 17 Aug 1846 in Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts. She was buried 11 in emetery index, North Main Street Cemetery, Monson, Hampden, Massachusetts.
Lydia married 1, 2 Deodatus Dutton 3, 4 on 1 Sep 1807. Deodatus was born 5 on 4 Oct 1777 in East Haddam, Middlesex, Connecticut. He died 6, 7 in 1860.
They had the following children.
16732 M i Deodatus Dutton Jr. 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 22 Dec 1808. He died 5, 6 on 16 Dec 1832.[Notes] 16733 F ii Anna Maria Dutton 1 was born 2 on 8 May 1810. Anna married 1 Erastus S. Palmer 2 on 24 Apr 1837. Erastus was born on 14 Jan 1818. 16734 F iii Helen Dutton 1 was born 2 on 25 Aug 1814. She died 3 on 25 Jun 1845.
7240. Comfort M. Haskell 1, 2, 3 (George Haskell ) was born 4, 5, 6 on 22 Apr 1789 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7, 8 on 25 Aug 1858 in Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio. She was buried 9 in Monroe Street Cemetery, Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio.
Comfort married 1, 2 John Freeman Dexter 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, son of Benjamin Dexter and Anna Mayo, on 14 Jan 1812 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. John was born 8, 9 in 1788 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 10, 11 on 11 Sep 1856. He was buried 12 in Monroe Street Cemetery, Cleveland, Cuyahoga, Ohio.
They had the following children.
16735 F i Abigail Haskell Dexter 1 was born 2 on 22 Apr 1817 in St. Albans, Franklin, Vermont. 16736 F ii Mary Melisse Dexter 1 was born 2 on 6 Jun 1813. Mary married 1 Amos E. Davison 2 on 12 Apr 1838 in ..., Cuyahoga, Ohio. + 16737 F iii Sarah Ann Dexter was born on 7 Jan 1821. + 16738 M iv Benjamin Franklin Dexter was born in 1827. He died in 1897.
7241. Sarah Haskell 1, 2, 3, 4 (George Haskell ) was born 5, 6 on 23 Dec 1791 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7, 8 on 10 Jul 1831 in Ticonderoga, Essex, New York. She was buried 9 in Lake View Cemetery, Orwell, Addison, Vermont.
Sarah married 1, 2, 3 Lemuel Wicker 4, 5, 6, 7, son of William Wicker and Susannah Parker, on 5 Oct 1813 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. Lemuel was born 8, 9, 10 on 9 Jul 1783 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 11, 12, 13 on 20 Jul 1825 in Orwell, Addison, Vermont. He was buried 14, 15 in Lake View Cemetery, Orwell, Addison, Vermont.
They had the following children.
+ 16739 M i Cyrus Washburn Wicker was born on 12 Aug 1814. He died on 11 May 1888. + 16740 F ii Caroline Wicker was born in 1815. She died on 27 Sep 1854. + 16741 M iii Charles Haskell Wicker was born on 7 May 1816. He died on 17 Aug 1888. 16742 F iv Mary E. Wicker 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 15 Jun 1818. She died 7, 8, 9 on 23 Sep 1844. She was buried 10 in North Ferrisburg Cemetery, North Ferrisburg, Addison, Vermont. Mary married 1, 2, 3 W. D. B. Webb 4, 5, 6 in Dec 1842 in Ferrisburg, Addison, Vermont. + 16743 F v Eliza Rust Wicker was born on 9 Oct 1820. She died on 14 Aug 1899. + 16744 F vi Abigail Catherine Wicker was born on 22 Jan 1824. She died on 6 Jul 1853.
Sarah also married 1, 2 Daniel Rowley 3 on 17 Feb 1828.
They had the following children.
+ 16745 M vii George Haskell Rowley was born on 14 Oct 1830. He died on 7 Feb 1909.
7242. Mary Haskell 1, 2, 3, 4 (George Haskell ) was born 5, 6 on 22 Dec 1792 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 12 May 1837 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. She was buried 8 in May 1837 in Central Cemetery, Bridport, Addison, Vermont.
Mary married 1, 2 Ira Wicker 3, 4, 5, son of William Wicker and Susannah Parker, on 1 Oct 1812 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. Ira was born 6 on 26 Jul 1785 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. He died 7 on 29 Dec 1865 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont.
They had the following children.
+ 16746 M i George Haskell Wicker was born on 3 Sep 1814. He died on 1 Jul 1873. 16747 F ii Lydia E. Wicker 1, 2 was born 3 on 24 Jul 1817 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. She died 4, 5 on 31 Aug 1818. + 16748 F iii Laura Emeline Wicker was born on 1 Jul 1819. She died on 2 May 1898. + 16749 M iv Abraham Clark Wicker was born on 15 Aug 1830. He died on 10 Jun 1881.
7243. Abigail Haskell 1, 2, 3, 4 (George Haskell ) was born 5, 6 on 8 Sep 1795 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7 on 18 Apr 1844 in Windsor, Kennebec, Maine. She was buried 8 in Resthaven Cemetery, Windsor, Kennebec, Maine.
Abigail married 1, 2 William Haskell 3, 4, 5, son of Lieut. Elias Haskell and Mercy Tilson, on 16 May 1821 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. William was born 6 on 10 Apr 1790 in Greenwich, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 7, 8 on 16 Jan 1879 in Greenwich, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He was buried 9 in Quabbin Park Cemetery, Ware, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
+ 16750 F i Sara Jane Haskell is printed as #7468. + 16751 F ii Abby Ann Haskell is printed as #7469. 16752 M iii William Ely Haskell is printed as #7470. 16753 M iv John Tilson Haskell is printed as #7471. + 16754 F v Melissa Dexter Haskell is printed as #7472. 16755 M vi John Tilson Haskell is printed as #7473. + 16756 M vii Edward Payson Haskell is printed as #7474.
7244. Mark Haskell 1, 2, 3 (George Haskell ) was born 4, 5 on 6 Mar 1798 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7 on 14 Aug 1869 in Northampton, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He was buried 8 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
Mark married 1 Sarah E. Haskell 2, 3, daughter of Paul Haskell and Sally Carter, on 9 Jan 1823 in Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts. Sarah was born 4, 5 on 16 Jun 1798 in Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7, 8 on 22 Mar 1824 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She was buried 9 in Hardwick Cemetery, Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
16757 F i Sarah Carter Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 10 Mar 1824. She was christened 5 on 29 Jan 1829 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 on 21 Dec 1888. She was buried 8 in North Brookfield Cemetery, North Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts. Sarah married 1 Augustus Smith 2, 3, son of Moses Smith and Lucretia ..., on 21 Apr 1857 in North Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts. Augustus was born 4 on 10 Feb 1816. He died 5, 6, 7 on 14 Apr 1873 in North Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts. He was buried 8 in North Brookfield Cemetery, North Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts.[Notes]
Mark also married 1 Charlotte Clark Wood 2, 3, 4, daughter of Matthew Wood and Abigail Clarke, on 30 Mar 1826 in Brookfield, Worcester, Massachusetts. Charlotte was born 5, 6 on 22 Feb 1796 in Massachusetts. She died 7, 8 on 1 Feb 1875. She was buried 9 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
16758 M ii Matthew Wood Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 7 Jul 1827 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7, 8 on 25 Nov 1856 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He was buried 9 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] 16759 F iii Charlotte Cordelia Haskell 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 on 13 Sep 1829 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 6 on 21 Dec 1900 in Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] Charlotte married Jonathan Edwards Porter 1, 2. Jonathan was born 3 on 6 Apr 1815 in Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He died 4 on 2 Aug 1896 in Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Old Hadley Cemetery, Hadley, Hampshire, Massachusetts. 16760 F iv Abby Ann Haskell 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 on 30 Oct 1831 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 on 19 Apr 1851 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. She was buried 8 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] 16761 M v William Wirt Haskell 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 on 5 Mar 1834 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7 on 7 May 1854 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. He was buried 8 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. 16762 F vi Caroline Eliza Haskell 1, 2, 3, 4 was born 5, 6, 7, 8 on 11 Mar 1836 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 9, 10 on 12 Dec 1914 in Albany, Albany, New York. She was buried 11 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes] Caroline married 1 Rev. Edward Selah Frisbee 2, 3, son of Milton Frisbee and Angelina Park, on 11 Aug 1864 in Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts. Edward was born 4, 5 on 2 Feb 1837 in Meredith, Delaware, New York. He died 6, 7 on 12 Mar 1920 in Albany, Albany, New York. He was buried 8 in West Cemetery, Amherst, Hampshire, Massachusetts.[Notes]
7245. Benjamin Franklin Haskell 1, 2 (George Haskell ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 9 Mar 1801 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 6, 7 on 12 May 1876 in West Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. He was buried 8 in Evergreen Cemetery, West Cornwall, Addison, Vermont.
Benjamin married 1 Lucy A. Hemingway 2, 3, daughter of Asa Hemmenway and Sarah ..., on 8 Jun 1825 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. Lucy was born 4 on 20 Nov 1804 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. She died 5, 6 on 12 Oct 1826 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. She was buried 7, 8 in Bridport Central cemetery, Bridport, Addison, Vermont.
They had the following children.
16763 M i Benjamin Franklin Haskell Jr. 1 was born 2 on 9 Apr 1826 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. He died 3, 4 on 26 Jan 1827 in Bridport, Addison, Vermont. He was buried 5 in Bridport Central cemetery, Bridport, Addison, Vermont.
Benjamin also married 1 Betsey Stockwell 2, 3, daughter of William Stockwell and Rachel Reeve, on 16 Jan 1827 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. Betsey was born 4, 5 on 4 Nov 1806 in Cornwell, Addison, Vermont. She died 6 on 26 May 1877 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont. She was buried 7 in Evergreen Cemetery, West Cornwall, Addison, Vermont.
They had the following children.
+ 16764 M ii Benjamin Franklin Haskell was born on 8 Oct 1827. He died on 16 Nov 1909. + 16765 M iii Simeon Dickinson Haskell was born on 29 Dec 1829. He died on 19 Feb 1916. + 16766 M iv Deodatus Dutton Haskell was born on 5 Aug 1832. He died on 23 Apr 1867. + 16767 F v Harriet Emeroy Haskell was born on 23 Dec 1834. She died on 9 Jul 1878. 16768 M vi Charles Wicker Haskell 1, 2 was born 3 on 1 Oct 1839 in Cornwall, Addison, Vermont.
7247. Deborah Haskell 1, 2, 3 (George Haskell ) was born 4, 5, 6 on 30 Sep 1802 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7, 8, 9 on 23 Mar 1883 in Dana, Worcester, Massachusetts.
Deborah married 1, 2 Joseph Whipple 3, 4, son of Moses Whipple and Sarah Thayer, on 15 Apr 1824 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. Joseph was born 5 on 30 Apr 1801. He died 6, 7 on 24 Dec 1843 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
16769 F i Emily R. Whipple 1 was born 2 in 1825 in Massachusetts. She died 3 on 8 Jun 1856 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Emily married John Haven 1, 2. John was born 3 in 1823 in Massachusetts.
7248. Bela Bangs Haskell 1, 2, 3 (George Haskell ) was born 4 on 26 Oct 1806 in Hardwick, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 on 24 Apr 1887 in Godfrey, Madison, Illinois. He was buried 7 in Village Cemetery, Waldoboro, Lincoln, Maine.
Bela married 1, 2 Eliza Ann Sproul 3, 4 on 15 Aug 1832. Eliza was born on 29 Jul 1809 in Maine. She died on 29 Dec 1882 in Maine. She was buried 5 in Village Cemetery, Waldoboro, Lincoln, Maine.
They had the following children.
16770 F i Jane Elizabeth Haskell 1, 2 was born 3 on 15 Jun 1833 in Maine. She died 4 on 29 Oct 1859. Jane married Rev. Samuel Ward Boardman 1, 2, 3, son of Samuel Ward Boardman and Ann Gilbert, on 10 Sep 1857 in Middlebury, Addison, Vermont. Samuel was born 4 on 31 Aug 1830 in Pittsford, Rutland, Vermont. He died 5 on 30 Jul 1917 in Bloomfield, Essex, New Jersey. He was buried 6 in Fort Hill Cemetery, Auburn, Cayuga, New York. 16771 F ii Harriet Newell Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 14 Jan 1835 in Waldoboro, Lincoln, Maine. She died 6 on 6 May 1907 in Godfrey, Madison, Illinois. She was buried 7 in Village Cemetery, Waldoboro, Lincoln, Maine.[Notes] + 16772 M iii Lowell Porter Haskell was born on 11 Feb 1840. He died in 1915.
7249. Nathaniel Haskell 1, 2, 3 (Nathaniel Haskell ) was born 4, 5 in 1828 in North Brookfield, Madison, New York. He died in 1888 in El Fuerte, Sinoloa Prov., Mexico. He was buried 6 in Mariposa District Cemetery, Mariposa, Mariposa, California.
Nathaniel married 1 Clarinda Gerson 2, 3 in 1851 in Carson City, Nevada. Clarinda was born 4 in 1828 in Mississippi. She died 5 on 4 Dec 1862 in Bear Valley, San Diego, California. She was buried 6 in Mariposa District Cemetery, Mariposa, Mariposa, California.
They had the following children.
16773 M i Nat Haskell 1 was born 2 in 1853 in California. 16774 M ii William Haskell 1 was born 2 in 1855 in California. 16775 M iii A. F. Haskell 1 was born 2 in 1859 in California.
7250. William Van Rensselaer Stacy Haskell 1, 2 (Nathaniel Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 28 Jul 1831 in North Brookfield, Madison, New York. He died 5, 6 on 8 Oct 1900 in Smethport, McKean, Pennsylvania. He was buried 7 in Rose Hill Cemetery, Smethport, McKean, Pennsylvania.
William married 1 Catherine McDowell 2, 3, daughter of John McDowell and Jane ..., in 1855. Catherine was born 4, 5 on 1 May 1834 in Addison, Steuben, New York. She died 6, 7 on 9 Nov 1891 in Smethport, McKean, Pennsylvania. She was buried 8 in Rose Hill Cemetery, Smethport, McKean, Pennsylvania.
They had the following children.
+ 16776 M i DeMonte Haskell was born in Oct 1858. He died on 24 Jan 1882. + 16777 F ii Jane McDowell Haskell was born on 6 Jun 1867. She died in 1957.
William also married 1 Phebe McDowell 2, daughter of John McDowell and Jane ..., on 28 Sep 1893 in ..., Wood, Wisconsin. Phebe was born 3, 4 in May 1828 in New York. She died 5, 6 in 1901 in Smethport, McKean, Pennsylvania. She was buried 7 in Rose Hill Cemetery, Smethport, McKean, Pennsylvania.
7251. David Haskell 1, 2 (David Haskell ) was born 3 in 1795 in Shutesbury, Franklin, Massachusetts. He died 4 on 4 Apr 1863 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Springfield Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
David married Mary Edwards 1, 2. Mary was born 3, 4 in 1795 in Massachusetts. She died 5 in 1860. She was buried 6 in Springfield Cemetery, Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
+ 16778 F i Emily E. Haskell was born on 8 Dec 1826. She died on 9 Mar 1884. 16779 F ii Mary Haskell 1 was born 2 in 1832 in Massachusetts. + 16780 F iii Anna E. Haskell was born in 1837.