38039. Judith L. Dow 1, 2, 3 (Amos Angell Dow ) was born 4, 5, 6 on 10 Mar 1855 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 7, 8, 9 on 12 Oct 1910 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 10, 11 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Judith married 1, 2 Melville Davis Thompson 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, son of Captain Adam Thompson and Lucy Davis Haskell, on 12 Jul 1874 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Melville was born 10, 11 on 15 Mar 1852 in Massachusetts. He died 12, 13 on 12 Nov 1924. He was buried 14, 15 in Mount Adams Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
[Marriage Notes]
Judith and Melville had the following children.
65149 M i William P. Thompson is printed as #38822. 65150 F ii Nellie Thompson is printed as #38823. 65151 F iii Lillian Helen Thompson is printed as #38824. 65152 M iv Parker W. Thompson is printed as #38825. 65153 F v Julie E. Thompson is printed as #38826. 65154 M vi Benjamin George Thompson is printed as #38827. 65155 F vii Katie E. Thompson is printed as #38828. 65156 M viii Edwin Augustus Thompson is printed as #38829. 65157 F ix Minnie B. Thompson is printed as #38830. 65158 M x William B. Thompson is printed as #38831.
38040. Edward Y. Haskell Dow 1, 2 (Amos Angell Dow ) was born 3 on 6 Jun 1857 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 on 25 Dec 1920 in East Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Edward married 1 Clara Ella Pierce 2, 3, daughter of Joseph Pierce and Matilda ..., in 1884. Clara was born 4, 5 on 13 Apr 1868 in Bar Harbor, Hancock, Maine. She died 6 on 25 Jul 1904 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
65159 M i John Edward Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 10 Jul 1885 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 6, 7 on 27 Apr 1950 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. John married 1 Annie Crane 2, daughter of Michael Crane and Ellen Flanaghan, on 13 Feb 1914 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Annie was born 3 in 1885 in Ireland. 65160 F ii Esther M. Dow 1 was born 2 in Jan 1887 in Maine. She died 3, 4 on 3 Jan 1971 in Revere, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She was buried 5 in Newton Cemetery, Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts.[Notes] Esther married Charles E. Nash 1. Charles died 2, 3 on 24 Apr 1954. He was buried 4 in Newton Cemetery, Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Esther also married 1 Walter H. Catchpole 2, 3 on 27 Apr 1907 in Rhode Island. Walter was born 4 in 1888 in Massachusetts. He died 5 in 1932 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. 65161 M iii Albert Leroy Dow 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 10 Jan 1890 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 7 on 13 Sep 1960 in Massachusetts. He was buried 8 in Newton Cemetery, Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Albert married 1 Daisy Lindburg 2, 3, daughter of Magnus Lindburg and Lulu Austin, on 7 Nov 1910 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Daisy was born 4, 5 in 1890 in Sweden. She died 6 on 15 Sep 1944 in Newtonville, Middlesex, Massachusetts.[Notes] Albert also married 1, 2 Lillian Braddock 3, 4, daughter of William Braddock, on 17 Jun 1926 in Maine. Lillian was born 5, 6 on 10 Jan 1890 in Massachusetts. She died 7 on 5 Oct 1998. She was buried 8 in Newton Cemetery, Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 65162 M iv Joseph Henry Pierce Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 14 Nov 1892 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 5 on 19 May 1953 in Peabody, Essex, Massachusetts. He was buried 6 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts. Joseph married 1 Elsie Thresa Jerome 2, 3, daughter of William T. Jerome and Anna Frericha, on 16 Jan 1911 in Springfield, Hampden, Massachusetts. Elsie was born 4, 5 on 21 Sep 1889 in Jersey City, Hudson, New Jersey. She died 6 on 20 Nov 1960 in Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in Pine Grove Cemetery, Lynn, Essex, Massachusetts. 65163 M v Rodney E. Dow 1 was born 2 on 24 May 1895 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 3 on 24 Jul 1895 in Rockland, Knox, Maine.
38042. Moses Angell Dow 1, 2, 3 (Amos Angell Dow ) was born 4, 5 on 11 Oct 1861 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 6 in 1937. He was buried 7 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine.
Moses married 1, 2 Gertrude Gray 3, 4 on 28 Dec 1909 in Maine. Gertrude was born 5 in 1876 in Maine. She died 6 in 1939. She was buried 7 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine.
They had the following children.
65164 M i Norman Cecil Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 31 Aug 1910 in Belfast, Waldo, Maine. He died 5, 6 on 18 Oct 1981 in Augusta, Kennebec, Maine. He was buried 7 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine. Norman married 1 Madeline A. Nickerson 2, daughter of George Welden Nickerson and Mary Ellen Bradley, on 19 Dec 1936 in Maine. Madeline was born 3 on 13 Apr 1917 in Searsport, Waldo, Maine. She died 4, 5 on 24 Nov 2007 in Belfast, Waldo, Maine. She was buried 6 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine.[Notes] 65165 M ii Roger N. Dow 1 was born 2 in 1912 in Maine. He died 3 in 1933. He was buried 4 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine. 65166 M iii Myron Dow 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 25 Jul 1914 in Belfast, Waldo, Maine. He died 5, 6 on 10 Feb 1995. He was buried 7 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine. Myron married 1 Cordelia J. McKinnon 2, 3 on 27 Jun 1941 in Maine. Cordelia was born 4 in 1917. She died 5 in 1974. She was buried 6 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine.
Moses also married 1 Mary Frances Webster 2, 3, daughter of John Webster and Hannah Robbins, in 1884. Mary was born 4, 5 in Oct 1861 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She died 6 on 14 Dec 1904 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
65167 M iv Horace Dow 1 was born 2 in May 1882 in Maine. He died on 7 Nov 1900 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. 65168 M v William Wallace Dow 1, 2 was born 3 in Sep 1884 in Maine. He died 4 on 24 Feb 1969 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. William married 1 Ella Frances Ingerson 2, daughter of Charles B. Ingerson and Josephine DuShane, on 5 Mar 1905 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. Ella was born 3, 4 on 21 Sep 1875 in Vinalhaven, Knox, Maine. She died 5 on 7 Feb 1907 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 6 in Woodlawn Cemetery, Stonington, Hancock, Maine. William also married 1, 2 Hattie M. Witham 3, 4, daughter of Clifford B. Witham and Anna H. Dow, on 18 Apr 1908 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. Hattie was born 5 in Sep 1886 in Maine. William also married 1 Lena M. Thomas 2, daughter of Nathaniel Thomas and Addie Barber, on 9 Aug 1913 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Lena was born 3 in 1877 in Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine. 65169 F vi Carrie E. Dow 1 was born 2 in Dec 1885 in Maine. 65170 F vii Minnie Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 13 Oct 1888 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She died 5 on 24 Jun 1952 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She was buried 6 in Forest Cemetery, Stonington, Hancock, Maine. Minnie married 1 Stephen Wells Green Gray 2, son of James Henry Gray and Harriet Small Powers, on 16 Sep 1906. Stephen was born 3, 4 on 2 Feb 1882 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 on 19 Jul 1967 in Blue Hill, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 6 in Forest Cemetery, Stonington, Hancock, Maine. 65171 M viii Arthur Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 10 Dec 1890 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 on 20 Oct 1973. He was buried 6 in Morrill Village Cemetery, Morrill, Waldo, Maine.[Notes] Arthur married Grace Carver Brown 1, daughter of Addison Brown and Etta E. Leavitt. Grace was born 2 on 21 Mar 1880. She died 3 on 17 Mar 1964. She was buried 4 in Morrill Village Cemetery, Morrill, Waldo, Maine. Arthur also married 1 Eva Mae Shea 2, 3, 4, daughter of Charles Shea and Ida E. Andrews, on 8 Oct 1914 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Eva was born 5, 6, 7 on 25 Mar 1893 in Saint George, Knox, Maine. She died 8 on 2 May 1921 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. She was buried 9 in Forest Hill Cemetery, Spruce Head, Knox, Maine. 65172 F ix Lillian Dow 1 was born 2, 3 in Sep 1892 in Maine. She died 4 in 1973. She was buried 5 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine. Lillian married 1 William E. Crosby 2, son of John M. Crosby and Charlotte A. Jordan, on 15 Jun 1913 in Belfast, Waldo, Maine. William was born 3 on 26 Sep 1892 in Belfast, Waldo, Maine. He died 4 in 1958. He was buried 5 in Grove Cemetery, Belfast, Waldo, Maine. 65173 F x Eva Dow 1 was born 2, 3 on 20 Mar 1895 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 4 on 8 Mar 1905 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. 65174 M xi Carleton J. Dow 1 was born 2, 3 on 22 Mar 1900 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 on 15 Sep 1900 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine.
38043. John Snowman G. Dow 1, 2 (Amos Angell Dow ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 5 May 1864 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 6 on 25 Feb 1898 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 7 in Greenwood Cemetery, Oceanville, Hancock, Maine.
John married Ada Maude Lane 1, daughter of Joseph W. Lane and Mary Ellen Joyce. Ada was born 2 on 21 Mar 1871 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 3 in 1936. She was buried 4 in Greenwood Cemetery, Oceanville, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
65175 M i Alton Dennis Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 10 Jul 1890 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 on 14 Nov 1915 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 6 in Greenwood Cemetery, Oceanville, Hancock, Maine. 65176 M ii Maurice Linwood Dow 1, 2 was born 3 on 8 Aug 1898 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 on 28 Nov 1986. He was buried 5 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Maurice married 1 Julia Alice Stinson 2, 3, daughter of Herbert William Stinson and Adeline Ella Harriman, on 5 Jul 1919 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Julia was born 4, 5 on 4 Apr 1899 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. She died 6 on 15 Dec 1968. She was buried 7 in Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, Cumberland, Maine.
38044. Joshua H. Dow 1, 2 (Amos Angell Dow ) was born 3 on 11 Jul 1869 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 4 in 1949. He was buried 5 in Old Settlers Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Joshua married 1 Mary Jane Scott 2, 3 in 1887. Mary was born 4, 5 in Jul 1870 in Maine. She died 6, 7 in 1919. She was buried 8 in Old Settlers Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
They had the following children.
65177 M i Warren O. Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 30 May 1888 in Maine. He died 5 on 14 Aug 1901. He was buried 6 in Old Settlers Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 65178 F ii Priscilla Ella Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 20 Oct 1889 in Maine. She died 5 on 23 Apr 1918. She was buried 6 in Old Settlers Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 65179 M iii Myron H. Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 8 Aug 1893 in Maine. He died 5 on 8 Mar 1912. He was buried 6 in Old Settlers Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 65180 M iv Phillip Guy Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 15 Apr 1897 in Maine. He died 5 on 27 Jan 1918. He was buried 6 in Old Settlers Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. 65181 F v Elsie M. Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 15 Oct 1902 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 5, 6 on 18 Dec 1970 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine. She was buried 7, 8 in Forest Hill Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Elsie married 1 Capt. Cecil C. Hardy 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, son of William Elmer Hardy and Celia C. Closson, on 20 Jul 1923 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Cecil was born 7 on 31 Oct 1891 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 8, 9 on 28 Feb 1977 in Ellsworth, Hancock, Maine. He was buried 10, 11 in Forest Hill Cemetery, Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
38045. Daisy Dean Dow 1, 2 (Amos Angell Dow ) was born 3, 4 on 3 Jun 1873 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 5 on 16 Jan 1926. She was buried 6 in Amsbury Hill Cemetery, Rockport, Knox, Maine.
Daisy married 1 Myron Hilborn Powers 2, 3, 4, son of William Eaton Powers and Lucinda Gray, on 20 Sep 1888 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. Myron was born 5, 6 on 4 Mar 1861 in North Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 7 on 16 May 1893 in At sea.
They had the following children.
65182 M i Ellison Willis Powers 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 1 Dec 1890 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 in 1928. He was buried 6 in Amsbury Hill Cemetery, Rockport, Knox, Maine. Ellison married Pearl E. Cleveland 1. 65183 M ii Parker Leroy Powers 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 23 Dec 1892 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 6 in 1968 in Newton, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Parker married 1 Addie E. Murphy 2, 3 on 7 Jun 1916 in Camden, Knox, Maine. Addie was born 4 in 1894 in Maine.
Daisy also married 1 Jacob Carlton Davis 2 in 1895. Jacob was born 3, 4, 5 on 4 Jun 1869 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 6 on 4 Apr 1958 in Rockport, Knox, Maine. He was buried 7 in Amsbury Hill Cemetery, Rockport, Knox, Maine.
They had the following children.
65184 F iii Bertha M. Davis 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 30 Jul 1900 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 6, 7 on 2 Feb 1980 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. She was buried 8 in Amsbury Hill Cemetery, Rockport, Knox, Maine. Bertha married 1 Jason Wesley Thurston 2, 3, son of Jason F. Thurston and Annie Ellis, on 23 Jul 1921 in Rockport, Knox, Maine. Jason was born 4, 5 on 17 Jun 1898 in Massachusetts. He died 6 on 25 Oct 1957. He was buried 7 in Amsbury Hill Cemetery, Rockport, Knox, Maine. 65185 M iv Earl Carlton Davis 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 on 10 Oct 1902 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 7 in Dec 1982. Earl married 1, 2, 3 Goldie Ernestine Smith 4, 5, 6, daughter of Joseph Smith and Virginia Jameson, on 16 Sep 1924 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Goldie was born 7, 8 on 16 May 1905 in Maine. She died 9, 10 on 8 Mar 2000.[Notes]
38047. Lemuel S. Dow 1, 2, 3, 4 (Moses Angel Dow ) was born 5, 6, 7, 8 on 24 Nov 1845 in North Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. He died 9 on 5 Oct 1918 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He was buried 10 in Seaview Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine.
Lemuel married 1 Harriet Elizabeth Weed 2, 3, daughter of Levi Weed and Sarah C. Duncan, in 1877. Harriet was born 4, 5 on 21 Aug 1853 in South Thomaston, Knox, Maine. She died 6 in 1931 in Thomaston, Knox, Maine. She was buried 7 in Seaview Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine.
They had the following children.
65186 M i Ellis W. Dow 1 was born 2, 3 on 15 Oct 1885. He died 4 in 1889. He was buried 5 in Seaview Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine. 65187 M ii Harrison L. Dow 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 8 Sep 1888 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 5 on 26 Sep 1956 in Rockland, Knox, Maine.[Notes] Harrison married 1 Fannie Mae Ludwig 2, daughter of Robert R. Ludwig and Annie A. Gershton, on 30 Jul 1908 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Fannie was born 3, 4 on 10 Nov 1887 in Washington, Knox, Maine. She died 5 in Dec 1977. 65188 F iii Grace Evelyn Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 19 Jun 1891 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. She died 5 on 21 Apr 1913 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. She was buried 6 in Seaview Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine.
Lemuel also married Mary E. Cosgrone 1.
They had the following children.
65189 F iv Nellie Mary Dow 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 7 Nov 1871 in Castine, Hancock, Maine. She died 6, 7 on 12 Jan 1921 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. She was buried 8 in Seaview Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine.
38053. Anna H. Dow 1, 2 (Moses Angel Dow ) was born 3 on 7 Dec 1863 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine.
Anna married 1 Clifford B. Witham 2, son of Henry P. Witham and Eliza Mann, on 22 Oct 1881 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Clifford was born 3 in Aug 1859 in ..., Knox, Maine.
They had the following children.
65190 F i Lena E. Witham 1 was born 2, 3 in Apr 1884 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. She died 4 on 24 Oct 1965 in Bangor, Penobscot, Maine. She was buried 5 in Achorn Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine. Lena married 1 Andrew J. Richardson 2, son of William S. Richardson and Lydia Gott, on 8 Jan 1904 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Andrew was born 3, 4 on 18 Oct 1877 in Mount Desert, Hancock, Maine. He died 5 in 1966. He was buried 6 in Achorn Cemetery, Rockland, Knox, Maine. 65191 F ii Hattie M. Witham 1, 2 was born 3 in Sep 1886 in Maine. Hattie married 1, 2 William Wallace Dow 3, 4, son of Moses Angell Dow and Mary Frances Webster, on 18 Apr 1908 in Stonington, Hancock, Maine. William was born 5 in Sep 1884 in Maine. He died 6 on 24 Feb 1969 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. 65192 M iii Arthur Henry Witham 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 18 Dec 1888 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 6 on 12 Oct 1918 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. Arthur married Christie ... 1. 65193 M iv Albert O. Witham 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 3 Sep 1891 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 5 on 29 Sep 1912 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. 65194 M v Leslie Leroy Witham 1, 2 was born 3 on 4 Mar 1896 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 4 on 11 May 1896 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. 65195 M vi Charles Frederick Witham 1 was born 2 on 30 Jun 1899 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 3 on 19 Aug 1899 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. 65196 M vii Clayton LeRoy Witham 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 30 Jul 1905 in Rockland, Knox, Maine. He died 5 on 5 May 1981 in Augusta, Kennebec, Maine. Clayton married 1 Eunice Phelps 2 on 29 Mar 1924 in Maine. Eunice was born 3 in 1908 in Maine. Clayton also married 1 Iva P. Kincaid 2, 3 on 11 Jan 1930 in Maine. Iva was born 4 in 1913 in Maine.
38056. Haskell Preble 1 (Sarah Haskell ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 30 Sep 1832 in Machias, Washington, Maine. He died 5, 6 on 24 Oct 1890 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He was buried 7 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine.
Haskell married Olive L. Kinsley 1, 2. Olive was born 3, 4 in 1831 in Whiting, Washington, Maine. She died 5 on 25 Mar 1905 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She was buried 6 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine.
They had the following children.
65197 M i William Preble 1 was born 2, 3 on 4 Apr 1853 in Maine. He died 4 on 18 Jun 1864. He was buried 5 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine. 65198 F ii Martha C. Preble 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in Apr 1855 in Maine. She died 5 on 24 Sep 1871. She was buried 6 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine. 65199 F iii Ida C. Preble 1 was born 2 in Feb 1857 in Maine. Ida married Henry E. Saunders 1, son of Samuel Saunders and Mary Johnson. Henry was born 2 in Jul 1839 in Nova Scotia, Canada. He died 3 on 20 Nov 1903 in Machias, Washington, Maine. 65200 F iv Georgiana P. Preble 1 was born 2, 3 in Jun 1859 in Machias, Washington, Maine. She died 4 on 8 Apr 1932 in Lyman, Grafton, New Hampshire. She was buried 5 in Cambridge Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Georgiana married 1 Charles C. Dalton 2, son of Peter A. Dalton and Paulina A. Lothrop, on 14 Jan 1885 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Charles was born 3 in 1844 in Norridgewock, Somerset, Maine. He died 4 on 7 Jul 1898 in Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Cambridge Cemetery, Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts. 65201 F v Evielena Hamlin Preble 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5, 6 in May 1862 in Machias, Washington, Maine. She died 7 in 1949. She was buried 8 in Spring Street Cemetery, Essex, Essex, Massachusetts. Evielena married 1 George Calvin Mackenzie 2, son of Washington Mackenzie and Martha A. ..., on 28 Jul 1887 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. George was born 3, 4 in 1856 in ..., Essex, Massachusetts. He died 5 in 1944. He was buried 6 in Spring Street Cemetery, Essex, Essex, Massachusetts. 65202 M vi Willliam Newton Preble 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1864 in Machias, Washington, Maine. Willliam married 1 Annie Elizabeth Maynard 2, daughter of Albert Maynard and Sarah Waite, on 1 Sep 1886 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Annie was born 3 in 1866 in England. She died 4 on 12 Dec 1952 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She was buried 5 in Mount Feake Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Willliam also married 1 Gertrude Anna Washburn 2, 3, daughter of Benjamin Dexter Washburn and Namcy Maria Ward, on 23 Feb 1893 in Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts. Gertrude was born 4, 5, 6 on 12 May 1864 in Phillipston, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 7, 8 on 15 Dec 1914 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She was buried 9 in Highland Cemetery, Athol, Worcester, Massachusetts. Willliam also married 1 Emma Baer 2 in 1907 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 65203 M vii Irving U. Preble 1 was born 2 in Jun 1866. He died 3 on 17 Feb 1868. He was buried 4 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine. 65204 F viii Olive Calista Preble 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 in 1972 in Machias, Washington, Maine. She died 6 on 15 Jul 1948 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She was buried 7 in Mount Feake Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Olive married 1 Lowell Everett Warren, son of Isaac Warren and Betsey Wetherbee, on 18 Nov 1895 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Lowell was born 2, 3 in 1851 in Weston, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He died 4 on 6 Oct 1942 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He was buried 5 in Mount Feake Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
38057. Sarah Jane Preble 1, 2 (Sarah Haskell ) was born 3, 4 on 1 Oct 1834 in Machias, Washington, Maine. She died 5, 6, 7 on 6 Mar 1893 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Sarah married Josiah Newton Bacheller 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, son of Gilman Bacheller and Lydia L. Haynes. Josiah was born 6, 7 on 7 Apr 1830 in New Hampshire. He died 8 on 2 Apr 1866.
They had the following children.
65205 M i William Herrick Bacheller 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 7 Mar 1861 in Machias, Washington, Maine. He died 5 on 13 Dec 1929. William married 1 Alice Francis McGinnes 2, 3, daughter of Michael McGinnes and Margaret ..., on 27 Jul 1886 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Alice was born 4 in 1862 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Sarah also married George Luck 1. George was born 2 in 1847 in Massachusetts.
38059. William Henry Preble 1 (Sarah Haskell ) was born 2 on 28 Dec 1838 in Machias, Washington, Maine. He died 3 on 23 Oct 1921 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He was buried 4 in Mount Feake Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
William married 1 Lydia A. Haskell 2, 3, 4, daughter of Joshua Haskell and Elizabeth Marshall, in 1858. Lydia was born 5, 6 on 14 Jan 1835 in Deer Isle, Hancock, Maine. She died 7 on 27 Dec 1915 in Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She was buried 8 in Mount Feake Cemetery, Waltham, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
65206 M i Henry Percival Preble is printed as #38116. 65207 M ii William Lincoln Preble is printed as #38117. 65208 M iii Frank Albert Preble is printed as #38118. 65209 M iv Jane Preble is printed as #38119. 65210 M v George Collins Preble is printed as #38120. 65211 M vi Campbell Carroll Preble is printed as #38121. 65212 F vii Lydia Larette Preble is printed as #38122. 65213 F viii Axie May Preble is printed as #38123.
38060. Vinal H. Preble 1 (Sarah Haskell ) was born 2, 3 on 5 Feb 1841 in Machias, Washington, Maine. He died 4 on 30 Sep 1904 in Machias, Washington, Maine. He was buried 5 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine.
Vinal married Laura P. Fulton 1, 2, daughter of William Fulton and Margaret Cahone. Laura was born 3, 4 on 20 Nov 1842 in Northfield, Washington, Maine. She died 5, 6 on 16 Jan 1912 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 7 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine.
They had the following children.
65214 F i Eva L. H. Preble 1 was born 2 in May 1866. She died 3 on 6 Nov 1867. She was buried 4 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine. 65215 F ii Josie Ella Preble 1, 2, 3 was born 4, 5 in 1869 in Maine. She died 6 in 1927. She was buried 7 in Lamson Cemetery, Lubec, Washington, Maine. Josie married 1 Frank Wadsworth Trecartin 2, son of Stephan Trecartin and Asenath Nickerson, in 1890. Frank was born 3 in Dec 1860 in Maine. He died 4 in 1927. He was buried 5 in Lamson Cemetery, Lubec, Washington, Maine. 65216 M iii Frank H. Preble 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 in 1872 in Maine. He died 6, 7 in 1956. He was buried 8 in Corinthian Cemetery, Corinth, Penobscot, Maine. Frank married 1 Ada L. Foss 2, daughter of Hiram Foss and Syrnia ..., in 1893 in Charleston, Penobscot, Maine. Ada was born 3, 4, 5 in 1873 in Maine. She died 6, 7 in 1946. She was buried 8 in Corinthian Cemetery, Corinth, Penobscot, Maine. 65217 F iv Laura Grace Preble 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 7 Jun 1873 in Machias, Washington, Maine. She died 6 on 20 Jun 1963 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. She was buried 7 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Laura married 1, 2 John Balch Warren 3, 4, 5, son of Isaiah Warren and Hannah B. Ramsdell, in 1891. John was born 6, 7 on 26 Sep 1866 in Maine. He died 8 on 21 Apr 1938. He was buried 9 in Brooklawn Memorial Park, Portland, Cumberland, Maine. 65218 F v Lizzie Maude Preble 1, 2 was born 3, 4 in 1879 in Maine. She died 5 in 1880. She was buried 6 in Court Street Cemetery, Machias, Washington, Maine. 65219 M vi Ralph Houston Preble 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 in 1881 in Machias, Washington, Maine. He died 6 in 1937. He was buried 7 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine. Ralph married 1 Grace Lee Bennett 2, 3, daughter of Eben Homer Bennett and Annie Wealthy Conley, on 21 Oct 1908 in Lubec, Washington, Maine. Grace was born 4, 5 in 1883 in Maine. She died 6 in 1981. She was buried 7 in Forest City Cemetery, South Portland, Cumberland, Maine.