34619. Augustus William Hayden 1, 2 (Frank Almon Hayden ) was born 3, 4 on 14 Oct 1893 in Windsor, Hartford, Connecticut. He died 5 on 20 Jun 1964 in San Bernardino, San Bernardino, California. He was buried 6 in Fort Rosencrans National Cemetery, San Diego, San Diego, California.
Augustus married Victoria Fredel Hinkle 1, daughter of Benjamin Jefferson Hinkle and Mary Jane .... Victoria was born 2 on 27 Jan 1903 in Little Falls, Morrison, Minnesota. She died 3 on 23 Oct 1990 in ..., Los Angeles, California. She was buried 4 in Fort Rosencrans National Cemetery, San Diego, San Diego, California.
They had the following children.
60308 F i Living. Living married Jack Warren Cleveland. Jack was born on 24 Dec 1923 in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. He died on 3 Apr 1996 in ..., Riverside, California.[Notes] 60309 F ii Living. 60310 F iii Stella Janice Hayden 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 15 Dec 1931 in ..., Los Angeles, California. She died 6, 7 on 26 Jul 2002.[Notes] Stella married 1 Lyle Leroy Dean 2, 3, son of Roy L. Dean, on 20 Sep 1949 in ..., Los Angeles, California. Lyle was born 4, 5, 6 on 21 Jul 1928 in ..., Payne, Oklahoma. He died 7, 8 on 3 Oct 1974 in ..., Los Angeles, California. He was buried 9 in Los Angeles National Cemetery, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California. Stella also married Living.
34620. Frank Almon Hayden 1, 2, 3 (Frank Almon Hayden ) was born 4, 5, 6 on 4 Feb 1895 in Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He died 7 on 30 Aug 1992 in ..., Broward, Florida.
Frank married 1 Ella M. Lawrensen 2, 3 in 1924. Ella was born 4, 5 on 4 Jun 1896 in Maine. She died 6 on 7 Jun 1973 in ..., Broward, Florida.
They had the following children.
60311 M i John Lawrensen Hayden 1 was born 2, 3 on 17 Dec 1928 in Portland, Cumberland, Maine. He died 4 on 8 Dec 2015.[Notes] John married Living on 5 Aug 1950. 60312 F ii Nancy Jean Hayden 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 26 Jul 1931 in Maine. She died 5, 6 on 4 Nov 2014 in Cincinnati, Hamilton, Ohio. Nancy married Living.
34621. Helen H. Hayden 1 (Frank Almon Hayden ) was born 2, 3 on 22 Oct 1897 in Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died 4, 5 on 21 Apr 1968. She was buried 6 in Winthrop Cemetery, Winthrop, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
Helen married Harry V. Knight 1, 2. Harry was born 3 in 1895 in Massachusetts. He died 4 in 1970. He was buried 5 in Winthrop Cemetery, Winthrop, Suffolk, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
60313 M i Sgt. Harry Van Hoosar Knight 1 was born 2 on 15 Sep 1923 in Massachusetts. He died 3 on 9 Jan 2003. He was buried 4 in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington, Virginia. Harry married Living 1, daughter of Living and Living. Dorothy was born 2 on 12 Jun 1931 in Oakland, Alameda, California. She died 3 on 24 Nov 1986 in Falls Church City, Virginia. She was buried 4 in Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Arlington, Virginia. 60314 F ii Barbara Jane Knight 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 17 Apr 1926 in Winthrop, Suffolk, Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 on 25 Jun 1986 in Wilton, Fairfield, Connecticut. She was buried 8 in Hillside Cemetery, Wilton, Fairfield, Connecticut. Barbara married John Jefferson Tarr 1, 2. John was born 3 on 27 Feb 1924. He died 4 on 11 Dec 1999. He was buried 5 in Hillside Cemetery, Wilton, Fairfield, Connecticut. 60315 F iii Sally Lou Knight 1 was born 2 in 1928 in Massachusetts. She died 3 on 16 Jul 2021.[Notes] Sally married 1 Donald Francis Tabbut 2, 3, 4 in 1950 in Winthrop, Suffolk, Massachusetts. Donald was born on 12 Apr 1923 in Arlington, Middlesex, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 on 8 Sep 2016.
34623. Ethel Hudson Hayden 1, 2 (Levi Gaylord Hayden ) was born 3 on 26 Nov 1896 in Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts. She died 4, 5 on 7 Jun 1990 in Manchester, Hartford, Connecticut.
Ethel married 1, 2 Thomas William Hindley 3, 4, 5, son of Charles E. Hindley and Louise Mivelaz, on 26 Nov 1918 in Watertown, Middlesex, Massachusetts. Thomas was born 6, 7, 8 on 20 Jun 1883 in England. He died 9 on 4 Apr 1950.
They had the following children.
60316 M i Paul Hindley 1 was born 2, 3 on 14 Feb 1920 in Massachusetts. He died 4, 5, 6 on 24 May 1987 in Manchester, Hartford, Connecticut. He was buried 7 in Mount Saint Benedict Cemetery, Bloomfield, Hartford, Connecticut.[Notes] Paul married Living.
34624. Georgina Lucille Haskell 1, 2, 3 (George Woodward Haskell ) was born 4, 5, 6 on 23 Apr 1875 in Evanston, Cook, Illinois.
Georgina married 1 Obadiah Sands 2, 3, 4, son of Obadiah Sands and Mary E. Wright, on 20 Dec 1898 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Obadiah was born 5, 6, 7 on 21 Jul 1873 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. He died 8 on 20 Jul 1917.
They had the following children.
60317 F i Beatrice Sands 1 was born 2 in Mar 1900 in Illinois.
34625. Hazel Haskell 1, 2, 3 (George Woodward Haskell ) was born 4, 5, 6 on 16 Jul 1880 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. She died 7, 8 on 21 Dec 1948. She was buried 9 in Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia.
Hazel married 1, 2 George C. Venard 3, 4, son of J. B. Venard and Mary E. Curtis, on 2 Oct 1907 in Northumberland, Ontario, Canada. George was born 5, 6 on 17 Aug 1873 in Illinois. He died 7, 8 on 19 Dec 1941. He was buried 9 in Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia.
They had the following children.
60318 M i George Haskell Venard Sr. 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 14 Jul 1909 in Northumberland, Ontario, Canada. He died 6 on 21 Oct 1975. He was buried 7 in Arlington Memorial Park, Sandy Springs, Fulton, Georgia. George married Ann Williams 1, 2, 3. Ann was born 4, 5 on 8 Mar 1906 in Kentucky. She died 6 on 14 Mar 1999. She was buried 7 in Arlington Memorial Park, Sandy Springs, Fulton, Georgia. 60319 M ii Theodore Venard 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 1 Aug 1913 in Canada. He died 5 on 29 Jan 1984. He was buried 6 in Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia. Theodore married Marion H. Stearns 1, daughter of Harry Laurence Stearns and Alice May Wing. Marion was born 2 on 6 Nov 1898 in Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia. She died 3 on 3 Jun 1994 in ..., Fulton, Georgia. She was buried 4 in Westview Cemetery, Atlanta, Fulton, Georgia.
34626. Sidney Cleveland Haskell 1, 2 (George Woodward Haskell ) was born 3, 4, 5 on 21 Jan 1887 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. He died 6, 7 on 25 Jan 1982 in Geneva, Kane, Illinois. He was buried 8 in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
Sidney married 1, 2, 3 Harriet Hubbard Allport 4, 5, 6, daughter of Dr. Walter Haddock Allport and Harriet Louise Hamilton, on 13 Apr 1925 in Chicago, Cook, Illinois. Harriet was born 7, 8, 9 on 23 Jun 1897 in ..., Cook, Illinois. She died 10 on 14 Oct 1968 in ..., Cook, Illinois. She was buried 11 in Graceland Cemetery, Chicago, Cook, Illinois.
They had the following children.
60320 F i Caroline A. Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4, 5 on 30 Jun 1926 in Evanston, Cook, Illinois. She died 6, 7 on 27 Oct 2016 in Glen Ellyn, DuPage, Illinois. She was buried 8 in Garfield Cemetery, Kane County, Illinois.[Notes] Caroline married 1 Bruce J. Simpson 2, 3, son of Burney J. Simpson and Hazel May Bruess, in 1951. Bruce was born 4, 5 on 5 Jan 1926 in Illinois. He died 6 on 21 Apr 2002 in Geneva, Kane, Illinois. He was buried 7 in Garfield Cemetery, Kane County, Illinois. 60321 M ii Henry Hamilton Haskell Sr. 1 was born 2 on 6 Jul 1928 in Geneva, Kane, Illinois. He died 3 on 3 Jun 2016.[Notes] Henry married Living. 60322 F iii Living. Living married Living. 60323 F iv Living.
34628. Shirley Fuller 1 (Jessica Haskell ) was born 2, 3 on 20 May 1877 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin. She died 4, 5 on 1 Feb 1964 in Maple Bluff, Dane, Wisconsin. She was buried 6, 7 in Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin.
Shirley married 1 Louis McLane Hobbins 2, son of Joseph Hobbins and May McLane, on 14 Aug 1902 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin. Louis was born 3, 4, 5 on 20 Jun 1874 in Madison, Dane, Wisconsin. He died 6, 7 on 18 Oct 1857. He was buried 8, 9 in Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin.
They had the following children.
60324 F i Shirley Fuller Hobbins 1, 2 was born 3 on 20 Jan 1909 in Wisconsin. She died 4 on 17 May 1995 in Falls Church, Virginia. She was buried in Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin.[Notes] Shirley married 1 Dean Frederic Frasche 2, son of John William Frasche and Emelia Johnson, on 22 Jun 1937 in Fuller's Woods, Maple Bluff, Dane, Wisconsin. Dean was born 3 on 26 Aug 1906 in Council Bluffs, Pottawattamie, Iowa. He died 4, 5 on 23 Aug 1994 in Falls Church, Virginia. He was buried 6 in Forest Hill Cemetery, Madison, Dane, Wisconsin.[Notes] 60325 F ii Living.
34634. Helen Haskell McPherson 1, 2 (Helen Tudor Haskell ) was born 3 in 1907 in Maryland.
Helen married 1 William Kenyon Lloyd 2 in May 1930. William was born 3, 4 on 4 Jul 1896 in Rockdale, Milam, Texas. He died 5 in Aug 1954.
They had the following children.
60326 M i Living. Living married Living.
34636. Willard Anderson Haskell 1, 2 (John Gamber Haskell ) was born 3, 4, 5, 6 on 15 Sep 1890 in South Dearfield, Franklin, Massachusetts. He died 7 in Jan 1976.
Willard married 1 Rachel Irene Iverson 2, daughter of Olaf J. Iverson and Anna M. Eldefson, on 8 Jun 1921 in Brattleboro, Windham, Vermont. Rachel was born 3 in 1894 in Winchester, Cheshire, New Hampshire.
They had the following children.
60327 F i Jean Haskell 1 was born 2 in 1929. She died 3 in 1929. She was buried 4 in Brookside Cemetery, Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts. 60328 F ii Living. 60329 F iii Living.
34637. Harriet E. Haskell 1, 2, 3 (John Gamber Haskell ) was born 4, 5 on 25 Dec 1891 in Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts. She died 6 in 1984. She was buried 7 in Brookside Cemetery, Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts.
Harriet married Theodore A. Codin 1.
Harriet also married 1 Walter E. Bassett 2, son of Charles S. Bassett and Ida Fullington, on 20 Oct 1909 in Deerfield, Franklin, Massachusetts. Walter was born in 1889 in Hanover, Grafton, New Hampshire.
They had the following children.
60330 M i Walter E. Bassett Jr. 1 was born 2 in 1915. He died 3 in 1915. 60331 M ii Living.
34639. John Arthur Haskell 1 (John Gamber Haskell ) was born 2 on 25 Dec 1876 in Illinois. He died 3 on 27 Dec 1968 in Mongomeroy, Kane, Illinois. He was buried 4 in Riverside Cemetery, Montgomery, Kane, Illinois.
John married 1 Lola Mae Draine 2, 3, daughter of Luman Samuel Draine and Consrance Ella Crawford, in 1903. Lola was born 4, 5 on 26 Jul 1886 in Sandwich, DeKalb, Illinois. She died 6 on 16 Apr 1954 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois. She was buried 7 in Riverside Cemetery, Montgomery, Kane, Illinois.
They had the following children.
60332 F i Constance R. W. Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 23 May 1904 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois. She died 5 on 15 May 1981 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois. 60333 F ii Catherine D. Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 27 Feb 1906 in Illinois. She died 5 on 5 Jun 1985 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois. Catherine married Cecil George Piggott 1, son of Charles Piggott and Mary L. Edwards. Cecil was born 2 on 8 Jan 1902 in Minneapolis, Hennepin, Minnesota. He died 3 on 8 Nov 1974 in Oswego, Kendall, Illinois. 60334 M iii Arthur Nye Haskell 1, 2 was born 3, 4 on 9 Jul 1907 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois. He died 5 on 4 Aug 1989. He was buried 6 in Griggsville Cemetery, Griggsville, Pike, Illinois. Arthur married Florence Marie Thrasher 1, daughter of Benjamin W. Thrasher and Isabel Leeper. Florence was born 2 on 27 Apr 1900 in Perry, Pike, Illinois. She died 3 in Oct 1985 in Barry, Pike, Illinois. She was buried 4 in Griggsville Cemetery, Griggsville, Pike, Illinois. 60335 M iv Frank James Haskell 1 was born 2, 3 on 17 Feb 1910 in Illinois. He died 4, 5 on 18 May 1980. He was buried 6 in Lincoln Memorial Park, Oswego, Kendall, Illinois.[Notes] Frank married Pauline Marjorie Ryan 1, 2, daughter of Charles Henry Ryan and Ina Mae Long. Pauline was born 3, 4, 5 on 19 Jan 1924 in Sublette township, ..., Illinois. She died 6, 7 on 10 Jun 2009 in Aurora, Kane, Illinois. She was buried 8 in Lincoln Memorial Park, Oswego, Kendall, Illinois.[Notes]