29972. Arnaldo Edward Covell 1 (Edward Randall Covell ) was born 2, 3 on 12 Jul 1854 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. He died 4, 5 on 19 Nov 1910 in Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. He was buried 6, 7 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island.
Arnaldo married 1, 2 Sarah Elizabeth Miller 3 on 6 Jan 1876 in Rhode Island. Sarah was born 4, 5 on 25 Feb 1857 in Rhode Island. She died 6, 7 in 1938. She was buried 8, 9 in Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island.
They had the following children.
52624 M i Arthur Francis Covell 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 2 Sep 1876 in Rhode Island. He died 5, 6, 7 on 25 Feb 1971. He was buried 8, 9 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. Arthur married 1, 2 Ednah Snow Hall 3 in 1908. Ednah was born 4, 5 on 1 Sep 1882 in Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 in Oct 1980. She was buried 8, 9 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. 52625 F ii Sybil Edith Covell 1 was born 2, 3 on 1 Jun 1879 in Massachusetts. She died 4, 5 on 3 Nov 1968. She was buried 6 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. Sybil married 1, 2 Edwin Lewis Huntsman 3 on 26 Oct 1910 in Rhode Island. Edwin was born 4, 5 on 15 Mar 1873 in New Jersey. He died 6, 7 on 28 Jul 1946. He was buried 8 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. 52626 M iii Phanuel Bishop Covell 1 was born 2, 3 on 5 Feb 1881 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts. He died 4, 5, 6 on 8 Sep 1945. He was buried 7, 8 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. Phanuel married 1, 2 Kittie Rena Doane 3 on 20 Jun 1906 in Rhode Island. Kittie was born 4, 5 on 21 Oct 1879 in Rhode Island. She died 6, 7, 8 on 26 Oct 1922. She was buried 9, 10 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. Phanuel also married 1, 2 Helen Joslin Newton 3 in 1926. Helen was born 4, 5 in 1895 in Massachusetts. She died 6, 7, 8 on 10 Oct 1954. She was buried 9, 10 in Princes Hill Burial Ground, Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. 52627 M iv Louis Everett Covell 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on 17 Oct 1882 in Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. He died 7, 8, 9, 10 on 23 Jun 1965 in Warren, Bristol, Rhode Island. Louis married 1, 2 Maude Evelyn Clark 3 on 14 Jun 1905. Maude was born 4, 5 on 29 Sep 1880 in Rhode Island. She died 6, 7, 8 on 26 Apr 1958 in Rhode Island. 52628 M v Harold Clifford Covell 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 16 Oct 1884 in Barrington, Bristol, Rhode Island. He died 5, 6, 7 on 26 Aug 1955. He was buried 8, 9 in Lakeside-Carpenter Cemetery, East Providence, Providence, Rhode Island. Harold married 1, 2 Mabel Frances Whitford Barnes 3 on 1 Jun 1905. Mabel was born 4, 5 on 11 Oct 1886 in California. She died 6, 7, 8 on 26 Sep 1955. She was buried 9, 10 in Lakeside-Carpenter Cemetery, East Providence, Providence, Rhode Island.
29973. Susan Eliza Covell 1 (Edward Randall Covell ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 6 Jun 1859 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts. She died 5, 6, 7 on 8 Nov 1904 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island. She was buried 8 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island.
Susan married 1, 2 Charles Joshua Whitford 3 on 19 Oct 1881 in Rehoboth, Bristol, Massachusetts. Charles was born 4, 5, 6 on 22 Nov 1859 in Coventry, Kent, Rhode Island. He died 7, 8, 9 on 26 Oct 1929 in Central Falls, Providence, Rhode Island. He was buried 10 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island.
They had the following children.
52629 M i Henry Clinton Whitford 1 was born 2, 3 on 21 Jul 1882 in Rhode Island. He died 4, 5 about 1937. Henry married 1, 2 Agnes Jackson 3 in 1914. Agnes was born 4, 5 in 1879 in Ireland. She died 6, 7 about 1940. 52630 M ii William Howard Whitford 1 was born 2, 3 on 3 Apr 1884 in Rhode Island. He died 4, 5 on 2 Sep 1940. He was buried 6 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island. William married 1, 2 Sarah Cavanaugh 3 in 1918. Sarah was born 4, 5 in 1893 in Massachusetts. 52631 M iii Charles Joshua Whitford Jr. 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 17 Aug 1886 in Providence, Providence, Rhode Island. He died 5, 6, 7 on 24 Aug 1921 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island. He was buried 8 in Oak Grove Cemetery, Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island. 52632 M iv Thomas Edward Whitford 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 10 Feb 1892 in Central Falls, Providence, Rhode Island. He died 5, 6 in Jul 1964. Thomas married 1, 2 Alice Cecilia Fobes 3 on 31 Dec 1919. Alice was born 4, 5, 6 on 10 Mar 1898 in Massachusetts. She died 7, 8, 9 on 27 Sep 1987 in Pembroke, Plymouth, Massachusetts. 52633 F v Cora Inez Whitford 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 6 Jan 1895 in Pawtucket, Providence, Rhode Island. She died 5, 6, 7 on 22 Jan 1971 in Rhode Island. She was buried 8 in South Burial Ground, Warren, Bristol, Rhode Island. Cora married 1, 2 John Lesowske 3 in 1924. John was born 4, 5, 6 on 19 May 1898 in Poland. He died 7, 8, 9 on 12 May 1970. He was buried 10 in South Burial Ground, Warren, Bristol, Rhode Island. 52634 F vi Maude Rhoda Whitford 1 was born 2, 3 on 7 Nov 1901 in Rhode Island. She died 4, 5 in May 1986. She was buried 6 in Holy Angels Cemetery, Plaistow, Rockingham. New Hampshire. Maude married 1, 2 Francis William Ward 3 on 22 May 1928. Francis was born 4, 5 on 13 Aug 1902 in Rhode Island. He died 6, 7 in Mar 1987. He was buried 8 in Holy Angels Cemetery, Plaistow, Rockingham. New Hampshire.
29977. Emily G. Tucker 1 (Edward B. Tucker ) was born 2, 3, 4 in Dec 1850 in Connecticut.
Emily married 1, 2 Philip C. Squires 3 in 1875. Philip was born 4, 5, 6 in May 1854 in Rhode Island.
They had the following children.
52635 F i Evelyn A. Squires 1 was born 2, 3 in Jul 1876 in Pennsylvania. 52636 F ii Mabel E. Squires 1 was born 2, 3 in Jul 1879 in Maryland.
29979. Emma Francis Tucker 1 (Oliver Wolcott Tucker ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 27 Dec 1848 in Thompson, Windham, Connecticut. She died 5 on 9 Feb 1907 in Webster, Worcester, Massachusetts. She was buried 6 in West Thompson Cemetery, Thompson, Windham, Connecticut.
Emma married David Arnold 1, son of James Arnold and Abby Ann White. David was born 2 in 1849 in Rhode Island. He died 3 in 1873 in Connecticut. He was buried 4 in Grove Street Cemetery, Putnam, Windham, Connecticut.
Emma also married 1 Charles Heeps 2, son of Charles Heeps and Mary F. ..., on 8 Jun 1874 in Grafton, Worcester, Massachusetts. Charles was born 3, 4 in Sep 1834 in England. He died 5 on 25 Jan 1902 in Thompson, Windham, Connecticut. He was buried in West Thompson Cemetery, Thompson, Windham, Connecticut.
They had the following children.
52637 F i Hattie Henrietta Heeps 1 was born 2 on 31 Jan 1875 in Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts. She died 3 on 30 Apr 1898 in Thompson, Windham, Connecticut. She was buried 4 in West Thompson Cemetery, Thompson, Windham, Connecticut. 52638 F ii Minnie Belle Heeps 1 was born 2 in 1884. Minnie married 1 Edmund S. La Grenade 2, son of Augustus La Grande and Julia Ballard, on 25 Sep 1914 in Boylston, Worcester, Massachusetts. Edmund was born 3 in 1878. 52639 M iii Henry Oliver Heeps 1 was born 2 on 13 Oct 1877 in North Grosvenor Dale, Windham, Connecticut. He died 3 in 1936 in Gardner, Worcester, Massachusetts. He was buried 4 in Wildwood Cemetery, Gardner, Worcester, Massachusetts. 52640 F iv Gracie Mary Heeps was born on 23 May 1881 in North Grosvenor Dale, Windham, Connecticut. 52641 F v Georgia May Heeps 1 was born 2 in 1882 in North Grosvenor Dale, Windham, Connecticut. She died 3 on 2 Feb 1942 in Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in Saint Rochs Cemetery, Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts. Georgia married Nicholas F. Stone 1. 52642 M vi Charles Cleveland Heeps 1 was born 2 on 3 Oct 1888 in North Grosvenor Dale, Windham, Connecticut. He died 3 on 31 Mar 1931 in Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts. He was buried 4 in North Cemetery, Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts. Charles married Phoebe Emma Gauthier 1, daughter of Zephir Gauthier and Addie Charbonneau. Phoebe was born 2 on 4 Jan 1892 in Plattsburgh, Clinton, New York. She died 3 on 27 Oct 1970 in Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts. She was buried 4 in North Cemetery, Oxford, Worcester, Massachusetts.
29984. John Mark Covell 1 (William Covell ) was born 2, 3, 4 in Oct 1846 in New York. He died 5, 6 in 1909. He was buried 7, 8 in Prattsburg, Steuben, New York.
John married 1, 2 Tina Sagar 3 in 1869. Tina was born 4, 5, 6 in Feb 1851 in New York. She died 7, 8 in 1939. She was buried 9, 10 in Prattsburg, Steuben, New York.
They had the following children.
52643 M i Francis Harry Covell 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 27 Jun 1874 in New York. He died 5, 6 on 9 May 1953 in Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington. Francis married Martha J. Byrne 1, 2. Martha was born 3, 4 in 1881 in California. She died 5 on 7 Dec 1946 in Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington. Francis also married 1, 2 Lillian Alice Allen 3 in 1900. The marriage ended in divorce. Lillian was born 4, 5 in Dec 1877 in New York. She died 6, 7 on 5 Feb 1953 in Bellingham, Whatcom, Washington. 52644 M ii Claude B. Covell 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 15 Apr 1878 in New York. He died 6, 7 on 12 Jun 1960 in ..., Los Angeles, California. Claude married 1, 2 Elmina A. Poe 3 in 1902. Elmina was born 4, 5 in 1877 in Pennsylvania. 52645 F iii Florence E. Covell 1 was born 2, 3 in Mar 1884 in New York.
29985. Berthia J. Covell 1 (William Covell ) was born 2, 3 in 1848 in New York.
Berthia married 1, 2 Romaine Depew 3 in 1869. Romaine was born 4, 5 in 1848 in New York.
They had the following children.
52646 F i Jennie Depew 1 was born 2, 3 in 1871 in New York. 52647 F ii Edith Depew 1 was born 2, 3 in Feb 1877 in New York.
29986. Samantha A. Covell 1 (William Covell ) was born 2, 3 in Aug 1851 in New York. She died 4, 5 in 1915.
Samantha married 1, 2 John J. Bachman 3 in 1871. John was born 4, 5 in Jun 1849 in New York.
They had the following children.
52648 M i William W. Bachman 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 17 Apr 1873 in New York. He died 5 in 1938. He was buried 6 in Prattsburgh Rural Cemetery, Prattsburgh, Steuben, New York. William married 1, 2 Alice Dean 3 in 1900. Alice was born 4, 5 in Jul 1872 in New York. She died 6 in 1931. She was buried 7 in Prattsburgh Rural Cemetery, Prattsburgh, Steuben, New York. 52649 F ii J. E. Bachman 1 was born 2, 3 in 1877 in New York. 52650 M iii Stacy Henry Bachman 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 26 Aug 1879 in New York. Stacy married 1, 2 Helen ... 3 in 1908. Helen was born 4, 5 in 1879 in New York.
29993. Charles Augustus Covell 1 (Joseph E. Covell ) was born 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 on 19 Nov 1866 in Pultneyville, Wayne, New York. He died 7, 8, 9 on 21 May 1925 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. He was buried 10 in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York.
Charles married Carolyn Marcy 1, 2. Carolyn was born 3, 4, 5 on 22 Jan 1965 in Burlington, Otsego, New York. She died 6 on 20 Jan 1938 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. She was buried 7 in Oakwood Cemetery, Syracuse, Onondaga, New York.
Charles also married 1, 2 Anna Mae Hilton 3 in Sep 1898. Anna was born 4, 5 in Sep 1871 in Michigan.
They had the following children.
52651 M i Charles Augustus Covell 1 was born 2, 3 on 17 Jul 1899 in Syracuse, Onondaga, New York. He died 4, 5 in Feb 1957. Charles married 1, 2 Eva Cyr 3 in 1926. Eva was born 4, 5 in 1910 in Massachusetts.
30001. Pascal O. Parsons 1 (Harriett Mariah Covell ) was born 2, 3, 4 in Oct 1858 in Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 about 17 May 1932. He was buried 7, 8 in Union Cemetery, North Springfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
Pascal married 1, 2 Elizabeth F. Porter 3 in 1884. Elizabeth was born 4, 5 in May 1865 in Massachusetts. She died 6, 7 about 9 May 1938. She was buried 8, 9 in Union Cemetery, North Springfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
They had the following children.
52652 M i Carl E. Parsons 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 21 May 1887 in Worcester, Worcester, Massachusetts. He died 5, 6 about 21 Feb 1919. He was buried 7, 8 in Union Cemetery, North Springfield, Providence, Rhode Island. Carl married Sarah E. Peckham 1. Sarah was born 2, 3 in 1884. She died 4, 5 about 24 Feb 1919. She was buried 6, 7 in Union Cemetery, North Springfield, Providence, Rhode Island. 52653 F ii Irene Parsons 1 was born 2, 3 on 7 Dec 1889 in Massachusetts. 52654 M iii Harold Ernest Parsons 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 6 Jul 1892 in Woonsocket, Providence, Rhode Island. He died 6, 7, 8 in 1946. He was buried 9 in Fairview Cemetery, Northwood, Rockingham, New Hampshire. Harold married 1, 2, 3 Anna Harriett Johnson 4, daughter of Joseph E. Johnson and Estella M. Towle, on 4 May 1914 in Manchester, Hillsborough, New Hampshire. Anna was born 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 in 1889 in Northwood Narrows, Rockingham, New Hampshire. She died 10 in 1959. She was buried 11 in Fairview Cemetery, Northwood, Rockingham, New Hampshire. 52655 F iv Ruth E. Parsons 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 25 Aug 1900 in Rhode Island. She died 5, 6, 7 on 12 Oct 1989 in Attleboro, Bristol, Massachusetts. She was buried 8, 9 in Union Cemetery, North Smithfield, Providence, Rhode Island.
30011. Mary Amanda Covell 1 (Willis Wallace Covell ) was born 2, 3 in 1848 in New York.
Mary married 1, 2 Lansing Post 3 in 1864. Lansing was born 4, 5 in May 1842 in New York.
They had the following children.
52656 M i George W. Post 1 was born 2, 3 in Mar 1866 in Michigan. He died 4, 5 before 1910. 52657 F ii Orpha Jane Post 1 was born 2, 3 on 20 Sep 1870 in Plainfield, Kent, Michigan. She died 4, 5 before 1910. Orpha married 1, 2 Ernest E. Moore 3 in 1897. Ernest was born 4, 5 in Jul 1871 in West Virginia.
30012. George Fidley Covell 1 (Willis Wallace Covell ) was born 2, 3, 4 on 8 Aug 1849 in Wayne township, Steuben, New York. He died 5 on 9 Dec 1928. He was buried 6 in Newaygo Cemetery, Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan.
George married 1, 2 Ida Jane Kimble 3 on 28 Oct 1873 in Brooks, Newaygo, Michigan. Ida was born 4, 5 in 1856 in ..., Newaygo, Michigan. She died 6, 7 in White Cloud, Newaygo, Michigan.
They had the following children.
52658 M i Charles F. Covell 1 was born 2, 3 on 13 Jun 1878 in Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan. He died 4, 5 in 1895 in White Cloud, Newaygo, Michigan.
George also married 1, 2 Ida May Cowles 3, 4, daughter of Melvin W. Cowles and Mary M. Moore, on 4 Jul 1882 in Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan. Ida was born 5, 6, 7 on 17 Mar 1862 in Burr Oak, St. Joseph, Michigan. She died 8 in 1948 in North Muskegon, Muskegon, Michigan. She was buried 9 in Newaygo Cemetery, Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan.
They had the following children.
52659 M ii James Walter Covell 1 was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 24 Jan 1881 in Indiana. He died 6 on 18 Apr 1960 in Michigan. He was buried 7 in Newaygo Cemetery, Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan. James married 1, 2 Irene L. Asprey 3, daughter of William Stephen Asprey and Matilda J. Irish, on 28 Sep 1904 in Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan. Irene was born 4, 5, 6 on 18 Sep 1887 in Michigan. She died 7, 8 on 6 Jun 1939 in Michigan. She was buried 9 in Newaygo Cemetery, Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan.
30014. Rebecca E. Covell 1 (Willis Wallace Covell ) was born 2, 3, 4, 5 on 30 Sep 1853 in New York. She died 6, 7, 8 on 16 Mar 1906 in Michigan. She was buried 9 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan.
Rebecca married 1, 2 John H. Canavan 3, son of John Canavan and Mariah Jane Plank, on 18 Oct 1874 in Croton, Newaygo, Michigan. John was born 4, 5, 6 on 27 Jun 1842 in ..., Greene, New York. He died 7 on 16 Apr 1912 in Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan. He was buried 8 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan.
They had the following children.
52660 M i James N. Canavan 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 27 Jun 1875 in Brady, Kalamazoo, Michigan. He died 5 on 5 Sep 1907 in Detroit, Wayne, Michigan. He was buried 6 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan. James married 1, 2, 3 Lottie Jane Beattie 4, 5, daughter of William J. Beattie and Elizabeth Thompson, on 27 Oct 1898 in Dayton, Newaygo, Michigan. Lottie was born 6, 7, 8 on 21 Aug 1875 in ..., Newaygo, Michigan. She died 9 on 12 Mar 1944 in Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan. She was buried 10 in Maple Grove Cemetery, Fremont, Newaygo, Michigan. 52661 M ii John W. Canavan 1 was born 2, 3, 4 on 21 Oct 1888 in Newaygo, Newaygo, Michigan. He died 5, 6 in Oct 1962. John married 1, 2, 3 Viola Mae Becikdelt 4 on 7 Oct 1913 in Kalamazoo, Kalamazoo, Michigan. Viola was born 5, 6 in 1887 in Indiana. She died 7 on 12 Jan 1950 in Niagara Falls, Niagara, New York.