Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


2473. Ralph Hascall

Ralph practiced law in Essex until his death. He served as State Senator from 1811-1819. He served as District Attorney of the County from 1818-1821.
Chicago Tribune
The decision to reveal the original Georgian style of the 1810 Ralph Hascall House in Essex, N.Y., was not a radical one, but the decision-making  process was. The towns 880 residents, as well as preservationists and restoration architects, were invited to help determine the future appearance of the building.
A sketch of the History of the Town Of Essex New York
Henry Harmon Noble
Champlain, 1940
Per this source Ralph participated in a little known skirmish with the British called " Battle of the Boquet River"
Boston Daily Advertiser
July 31, 1831
In Ballston, N.Y. Ralph Hascall, Esq., age 47; fornerly a member of the Senate of that state.
Ralph Hascall was a lawyer.  Ralph practiced law in Essex, MA, until his death. He served as State Senator from 1811-1819 and served as district attorney of the county from 1818-1821.

6451. Hannah D. Hascall

Daughter of Ralph HASCALL  Esq.   Deceased
Died 24 May 1825
Aged 14 years 7 months
Sleep on my friend, and take your rest
God call'd you home, he saw it best.

6453. Mary Sterne Hascall

by Luella S. Dunham

The "Weekly Recorder," Fayetteville, August 21, 1879

I  must  not  pass  without recording the lady teachers who have done efficient work as preceptresses.  Miss Anna Hopkins, in 1835, assisted for a time by Miss Mary S. Hascal.

2474. David Avery Hascall

David Avery Hascall was a physician.

6457. Franklin Hascall

Franklin Hascall was unmarried.

2476. Daniel Hascall

Rev. Daniel Hascall graduated from Middlebury College and became a Baptist clergyman. He was founder of Madison University. He was also instrumental in founding Colgate University in Hamilton.
The Twentieth Century Biographical Dictionary of Notable Americans: Volume V

HASCALL, Daniel, educator, was born in Bennington, Vt., Feb. 24, 1782. In 1785 he removed with his parents to Pawlet, Vt., where he attended the district school in winter and received some private instruction. At the age of eighteen he began teaching, at the same time fitted for college and was graduated from Middlebury in 1806. He taught in Pittsfield, Mass., 1806-08; used his spare time in the study of theology; and was pastor of the Baptist church in Elizabethtown, N.Y., 1808-13. He then settled as pastor of the First Baptist church, Hamilton, N.Y. In addition to his                    pastoral duties he engaged in teaching and also edited, in part, the Christian Magazine. About 1815 he began to receive theological students into his family and through his efforts the Baptist education society of the state of New York was formed in 1817. This resulted in the establishment of the Hamilton literary and theological institution, which afterward became Madison University. Until 1828 he continued as pastor and teacher when he resigned to give his time to the institution and the Baptist education society. In 1835 he left the institution and took charge of an academy at                    Florence, N.Y. He was pastor at West Rutland, Vt., 1837-48; at Lebanon, N.Y., 1848-49, and then returned to Hamilton, N.Y., where he spent the rest of his life. He published several sermons and pamphlets. He died in Hamilton, N.Y., June 28, 1852.
Pawlet (VT) One Hundred Years
Hiel Hollister
J. Munsell, Albany

HASCALL, Rev. DANIEL, graduated at Middlebury in 1806, and was soon after licensed to preach by the Baptist church in this town.  He was a man of great industry and ability and was mainly instrumental in establishing the theological seminary at Hamilton, N.Y., where he was settled as pastor.  He was the first principal of that institution and continued in that position for several years.  He spent a few of the last years of his life in West Rutland, where he had married the widow Moses.

Daniel Haskell was the founder of the Hamilton Literary and Theological Institute, which became Madison University in Hamilton, New York.  He co-founded Colgate University, located also at Hamilton, New York.

Marriage Notes for Daniel Hascall and Sophia Strong

MARRIAGE: Currently there is no town in New York State with the name of Chesterfield.

2477. Asa Hascall

Asa Hascall was a native of Vermont moved from Essex county New York and Settled in Malone, in 1815. He served as Justice of the Peace and District Attorney for Franklin County New York. He was Supervisor of Malone, Franklin, New York, 1818,1835, 1837, and 1840-1842. He was a trustee of the First Congregational church and society of Malone.  He served as one of the first trustees of Franklin Academy in Malone. He was an assemblyman from Franklin County in 1839.

American Biographical Notes
Short Notices of Deceased Persons,
Chiefly Those Not Included in Allen's or in Drake's
Biographical Dictionaries
Gathered From Many Sources and Arranged By Franklin B. Hough, Albany: Joel Munsell, 1875
HASCALL, ASA, legislator and dist. atty; from Essex co., Vt.; settled at Malone, N.Y., in 1815, as a lawyer; was in assembly in 1825,6, 35, 9, and dist. atty. of Franklin co. from 1818 till 1841; he d. at Malone Jan. 5, 1852, a. 66. (Hough' s Hist. St. Law. & Fr. Cos, N.Y.p. 593.)

Marriage Notes for Asa Hascall and Eunice Sterne

MARRIAGE: Republican
August 21, 1812
Married at Hampton, N. Y. a short time since, Asa Hascall, Esq. Attorney at Law, of this town, to Miss Eunice Sterne, of Windsor, Vermont.

6475. Theodorus Bailey Hascall

In 1898, Theodorus B. Hascall assumed role of Superintendent of Third Presbyterian Church of Newark, New Jersey
New York Times
December 11, 1923
Hascall, - At Rutherford, N.J., Monday, Theodorus Bailey, in his 83d year, son of the late Asa and Phebe Bailey Hascall, of Malone, N.Y. Services at his late residence, 94 Union Av., Tuesday evening, Dec 11, 1923, at 8 o'clock. Interment at convenience of family. Plattsburg (N.Y.) papers please copy
In 1890 Theodorus B. Hascall was principal pf the Public School of Rutherford, New Jersey.

2479. Lebeus Hascall

Lebbeus Hascall listed as lieutenant in a rifle company, Essex county, New York

Source: Military minutes of the Council of Appointment of the State of New York
Page 1302
Compiled and edited by Hugh Hastings, State Historian
James B. Lyon, State Printer, 1901

Dr. Jehiel Stearns

At the age of 16, Jehiel commenced studies in Charlestown New Hampshire; in 1809 he studied under Dr. Oliver Hastings of Charlestown; in 1811 he attended lectures at Dartmouth college under Dr. Nathan Smith. He graduated with honor and served as physician and surgeon in Essex New York, and move to Pompey, Onondaga, New York in 1815. He acquired experience in surgery through service in the War of 1812. In 1822 he was appointed Surgeon of the 98th Regt. Inf., under Governor DeWitt Clinton and served until he resigned in 1830. He served as trustee of Pompey Academy and was a member of the Presbyterian church of Pompey.

by Luella S. Dunham
The "Weekly Recorder," Fayetteville
August 21, 1879

The late Dr. Stearns rented a part  in 1816, and it was the birthplace of his son, J. Hascall Stearns, of San  Francisco.

6490. Joseph Hascall Stearns

A pioneer of California (San Francisco)

1870 census lists Joseph as retired at age 52, with $25,000 in real estate and $85,000 in personal estate
San Francisco Bulletin
June 2, 1883
Stearns - In this city, June 2, 1883, Joseph Hascall Stearns, aged 66 years
Probate info from San Francisco Bulletin
July 18, 1883
Estate value $50,000
Will dated August 7, 1866
Will direction
$10,000 to his father Jehiel Stearns
Rest to his sister Cornelia B. Dwinelle or her heirs if she predeceased him.
At death heirs determined to be Mrs. Ella C. Pond, Charles H. Dwinelle and Florence Dwinelle.

Deacon Samuel Baker

Samuel Baker, was educated at the Academy in Clinton, a member of the last class before it's charter as Hamilton College took effect. In 1812 he returned to Pompey, where he pursued the study of law in the office of S. S. Baldwin. After two years, he abondoned the study of law for commerce. He took a clerks position in Mr. Morris' store, eventually assuming sole proprietorship.

by Luella S. Dunham
The "Weekly Recorder," Fayetteville
August 21, 1879

Samuel  Baker, son of  Nathaniel,  was  married  to Miss Philena  Hascall  in  1819,  and  they  resided in his father's house until their  residence  was built in 1823.  Their two older children were born in the red  house, Henry  H., of this place, and Kate, wife of Judge Lucien Birdseye, of  Brooklyn.

New York Evangelist
August 20, 1874

Died, after a brief illness, at Pompey, Aug. 8th, 1874, Deacon Samuel Baker, in the eighty-first year of his age.

Deacon Samuel Baker was born in East Hampton, L.I., Oct. 2d, 1793. His parents removed with him to Pompey in 1806, locating on the spot which has since been the residence of father, son, and grandson. He united with the First Congregational church of Pompey, Dec. 3, 1826; was elected deacon April 26th, 1840, and for nearly fifty years has faithfully filled the office of clerk and treasurer of the society.

His wife, Philena Haskell, made profession of her faith at the same time. His second wife, who survives him, was Eunice Birdseye of Cirnwall, Conn.

Deacon Baker was a man of liberal education, whose active life was spent in mercantile persuits in this village, and whose later years have been occupied with the oversight of the farm which came to him by inheritance.

A man of affable spirit, of sound judgement, a kind husband and father, beloved of six children who survive him, he was after all best known as Deacon Baker; whose life was so thoroughly identified with the church he has served, and borne on his heart and prayers for forty years, that to think of the church was to think of him, and to think of him was to call up the church.

Next to the church was the Academy, which in years gone by shone as a light on Pompey Hill, and from whose doors have gone out scores of men and women now influential in professional and social life.

Deacon Baker was a man seldom absent from the prayer meeting, or his place in the house of God, and it is believed never absent from his official duties on communion Sabbaths but once since his election - and then in July last.

The Church of God has few more thoroughly consistent amd devoted members. He wore his religion as a daily garment; and for his church, weakened by the many removals, his death is the loss of a standard bearer ever in his place, serving a church that he loved as his own life.
His illness was very brief, following a fall some weeks since, but almost to the last his mind had the vigor and clearness of mature life, and his correspondence was kept up nearly to its close.

Six children survive him - three of them in New York and Brooklyn - all of them consistent members of the Church of Christ, who will never forget his wise counsels, the hospitable Christian home he made for them, nor the prayers which are now their precious legacy. They with several grandchildren and a large concourse attended his funeral and followed him to his burial, on Sunday evening, August 9th, and now mourn his loss

2483. Mary Hascall

I am descendant  of Jonathan Townsend from New Salem, MA through his second wife Olive Phinney.

His first wife was Mary Hascall, b. @1768. According to a family letter she died in July of 1788.  On her tombstone  it has 2 August, 1788.  She is buried in Center Cemetary, New Salem, MA.  Jonathan and Mary had two children;  Jonathan Townsend, Sally Townsend.  After Mary's death, Jonathan remarried had many more children and around 1810 moved to Concord, Erie County, New York.  My family still resides in the Town of Concord.

Years ago, I visited New Salem and was given the opportunity to visit the Hascall Tavern.  This beautiful old home features crooked, narrow steps that wind around the huge central chimney.  It has a carriage barn and a wide fireplace.  If Iremember correctly, the Hascall Tavern was a gathering place where locals would meet and even signed some kind of Oath of Allegiance.

I hope this information is helpful

Mrs Fred Dunn

Jonathan Townsend

From Frederic Dunn

Jonathan Townsend was one of Shay's Rebels, signed Oath of Allegiance, New Salem, March 29, 1787, before Daniel Shaw, Justice of Peace.

According to the History of the Original Town of Concord, Jonathan Townsend was born in New Salem, Franklin county, Mass. When he became of age, he married, accumulated property, and owned a farm in Massachusetts. He came to the Town of Concord by way of the Genesee Road in 1810. He purchased land in 1810 and 1812. In 1812 Jonathan was elected "overseer of the poor." He built a frame house and and in 1822 added an attached brick house. This brick house was the first brick house in the Town of Concord (Springville). In the upper story there was a hall. "Here for many years the town meetings were held and the voters young and old, met to elect the town officers." In 1816 he build a grist mill in Wheeler Hollow. In 1819 he commenced keeping hotel. Besides his farming operations, he ran a hotel and blacksmith shop on Townsend Hill and built and ran a grist mill, blacksmith shop, and distillery in Wheeler Hollow. In 1835 he sold his farm to Alanson Palmer of Buffalo and purchased and settled on a lot of wild land in the Town of Collins.

2485. Joseph G. Hascall Sr.

Per 1830 census the Household of Joseph Haskell includes a female of the right age of his mother, but no elder male, thus I believe Joseph Sr. died before 1830.