Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


26669. Henry Haskell

Henry Haskell was a butcher.

26690. William Wallace Rust Jr.

Mountain Democrat (Placerville, CA)
August 9, 1913

William Wallace Rust, of Rescue, father of our townsman, Wm. Rust, of the firm of Quigley & Rust, passed to his long rest on Tuesday last at the family home after a lingering illness from asthma which was recently complicated with dropsy.

Mr. Rust had been identified with the western part of the county for fifty years where he had for the most of that time followed successfully the occupations of blacksmithing and farming. He was a native of Ipswich, Massachusetts, where he was born April 27th, 1827. His trip around the Horn to California, occupied 219 days, and he landed May 3d, 1850, during the early excitement attending the rush of gold seekers and with them he endured the ups and downs of the miners' life of those days. He was a type of rugged pioneer of whom but few are left, and was remarkably active for one of his years.

He was married in 1856 and there are eight children surviving, his wife having long since died.

The sons are William, of this city, Wallace and Thomas Rust, of Sacramento, Charles, of Geyserville, and John, of Los Angeles. The daughters Mrs. C. A. Lorain and Mrs. J. W. Fleming, of Green Valley, and Mrs. Ethel Sexton, of San Jose.

Marriage Notes for Wallace Rust and Edith Mae Spencer

MARRIAGE: The Sacramento Star
December 19, 1916

Licensed to Wed

Wallace Rust, 50, and Edith Mae Spencer, 30, both of Sacramento.

Emily Litchfield

Rockland Standard
May 17, 1918

Mrs. Emily Studley, 75, wife of Nathan Studley, died Sarurday at her home on Crescent street.

She was born in Hanover, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Litchfield., and had lived most of her life in Rockland.

Mrs. Studley was a charter member of Hartsuff Relief corps and thr Pythian Sisters.

Besides her husband she leaves two sons, Clayton Stidley of Rockland, Carlton D. of Abington, and a daughter, Miss Eva L. Studley of Abington.