Mrs. Charles H. Haskell was found dead Tuesday morning, about 5 o-clock, by her husband. It is supposed that she arose before daylight, lit a lamp, and started for another room, but fell as soon as she started, striking her head and face upon the lighted lamp, that was in her hand, which was found all brpken to pieces. She was very badly burned about the face and head and must have been suffocated from the oil taking fire. Where she lay the woolen carpet was considerably burned and the floor was charred. That morning she intended to start for the beach and arose earlier than usual to prepare for her journey.
She was 58 years of age, and was a woman of more than ordinary intelligence. It is a severe blow to her husband and son, and her large circle of friends and relatives.
She was the daughter of Rowles W. Willard.
Charles H. Haskell was a farmer. Still River, Worcester, Massachusetts, is a small town located 2 miles west of Harvard, MA. The Haskell farm may have been located within the town limits of Still River while the vital records of birth, death, and marriage were recorded in Harvard, MA.