Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


36506. Edward Morgan

The Courier-Journal
October 10, 1924

Edward Morgan, 57 years old, Southern freight agent of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, died at 5:10 o'clock, Thursday at his home in Henryville, Ind. Mr. Morgan was connected with the Baltimore & Ohio for thirty-five years. For many years he was at the Louisville office at Fourth and Market streets. He spent several years in Birmingham and until his last illness he was stationed in New Orleans,

He is survived by five brothers, W. W. and T. W. Morgan, Henryville; Harry and C. W. Morgan, Louisville, and L. H. Morgan, Cleveland, Ohio, and two sisters, Misses Betty and Nell Morgan, Henryville.

Martha Covert

The Vernon Journal
January 3, 1902

Mrs. Martha Amick was born October 6, 1839 at New Market, Clark County, Ind. and died at her home near Scipio on the 6th of December 1901 aged 62 years and 2 months.

She was married to W. W. Morgan Nov. 24, 1859 to which union was born one child, Charles B. Morgan who lives to mourn her death. This marriage terminated on the 29th day of Dec. 1862. In the death of her husband, leaving a widow having lived together only 3 years 1 month and 5 days.

She was again married to Joel Amick Nov. 24, 1870. To them were born three children, Effie, Earnest and Blanche.

Immediately after her last marriage she removed to her house near Scipio, where she has continued to live until her death.

She united with the Presbyterian Church at New Market when quite young and on coming to Scipio she united with the Scipio Bethel Church by letter and has ever been a faithful member for almost a half century, always willing to lend a helping hand to the church until her mission on earth was fulfilled and her Heavenly Father called her home. Blessed are they who die in the Lord.

She leaves four children and four grandchildren to mourn her death besides two brothers and four sisters, one brother and one sister having preceeded her. March 24, 1881 she was again left alone with her family, maturing them to man and womanhood and ever being a kind and indulgent mother.

Her last day on earth was spent at her son's house, Charles B. Morgan returning to her home in the evening and expressed her joy for the pleasantness of the day. In the evening just before the hour of retiring as was her custom, she called her daughter Effie who lives about one-half mile distant, over the telephone, and asked her what she was doing, and to inquire if all was well with her as a good and mindful mother would do, and passed the good night or good bye. She retired to see them no more on earth, for about 4 o'clock in the morning of Dec. 6, 1901, she was stricken with heart failure. Ere medical aid could be had the heart had ceased to beat and life was fast ebbing away. Her illness was very brief. No more than a half-hour since the sad message went over the same wire that had carried such kind words the evening before. "Send the physicians," until life passed away.

But to the dear children and friends we would say your loss is her gain; and while she can never return to you, you can go to her, for she is now standing at the portal of heaven bidding you to come.

After she was stricken she failed so fast that she was unable to speak to her son who was called from another room, and died sitting up in bed in a reclining position.

We know not what an hour may bring forth, for one day we are enjoying the pleasures of this life and the next be called to try the realities of the world beyond the skies.

18351. Henry Haskell Dean

U.S., Naval Enlistment Rendezvous
Name: Henry H Dean
Enlistment Date: Sep 1871
Enlistment Place: San Francisco California
Age: 26
Birth Year: 1845
Birth Place: Kentucky
Complexion: Dark