William Haskell was a farmer. He served in the Civil War.
The Sun newspaper
6 March 1902
OBITUARYMrs. Julia Haskell
Julia Turner was born April 2, 1849, departed this life February 12, 1902, aged 52 years, 10 months and 10 days.
She was married to Thomas Haskell September, 1866. To them were born nine children, seven of whom survive to mourn the loss of an affectionate mother.
The husband and father, who was a Union soldier, is so afflicted as not to be able to care for the companion of his youth in recent years, but all that the loving hearts and willing hands of her devoted children could do has been done for her. Although she lingered for weeks, her children were never too tired to be at mother's side when she called.
Some 30 years ago she gave her heart to Jesus, and united with the Union Baptist church. When a Baptist church was organized in Brooksburg she removed her membership there and most faithfully has she labored to advance the cause of Christ in the new church. Even when anguish of heart and feeble health might well have excused her, she worked faithfuly on. All who knew her well can testify to her beautiful Christian character. Just before her death she seemed to catch a view of "the land beyond," for she said to those nearby: "Listen, I hear the voices of departed friends, and I see their dear forms," and thus she passed away from the circle of loving children.
Darling mother, thou hast left us,
For a brighter, heavenly home,
With sweet angels voices singing,
Waiting there for us to come.Precious mother, how we miss you;
So patient, kind and true.
While 'tis bitter grief to us,
'Tis peace and joy for you.Dearest mother, now with Jesusu,
Leaning on His loving breast;
He has fulfilled the promise,
To give the weary rest.
Madison Courier
November 15, 1950Mrs. Ida Haskell, 67, wife of David Haskell, died at 4:10 p.m. yesterday at the family home on R. 3, near Clifty, following a long illness. Funeral services will be conducted Friday morning at 10:30 o'clock in the Vail Memorial funeral home with Rev. R.E. Gronseth in charge. Burial will be in Springdale cemetery. Friends may call at the funeral home.
Mrs. Haskell was born in Switzlerland county and had resided here the past 12 years. She was a daughter of the late Floyd and Anna Russell Wright.
Besides her husband she leaves two brothers and a half-sister, Oliver and Hayden Wright, of Switzerland county, and Mrs. India Dow of Mattoon, Ill.
Indianapolis Star
May 29, 1949Funeral services for Mrs. Alberta Monroe, 94 years old, who died Friday in the home of a daughter, Mrs. Frances Newman, 1842 North Harding Street, will be held at 2 p.m. Tuesday in Usher Funeral Home. Burial will be in Crown Hill Cemetery.
Born in Switzerland county, Mrs. Monroe had lived with her daughter since 1931. She was a member of the Christian Church at Vevay.
Survivors include five daughters, Mrs. Sam Cortney, Madison, Mrs. John Bondurant, Rising Sun, Mrs. Ona Kline amd Mrs Frances Newman, Indianapolis, a son Harvey Haskell, Indianapolis, six grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren.
U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010
Name: Harvey Haskell
Gender: Male
Birth Date: 25 Oct 1885
Death Date: 22 Apr 1972
SSN: 304505041
Enlistment Date 1: 19 Sep 1917
Release Date 1: 24 Apr 1919