Pension Index
Widow pension
Dec. 2, 1864 application # 74209, certificate # 49,940
Died Peachtree creek, Georgia, July 30, 1864The first captain of Company B, 107th New York Volunteer Infantry
Co. "B", 107th N.Y. Inf. Lathrop enlisted at 32 years old at Elmira, N.Y. on 7/24/1862. He was wounded at Peach Tree Creek, Ga. on 7/20/1864. He died from his wounds at Peach Tree Creek.
PROMOTIONS: Major 11/1/1863; Lt. Col. 7/9/1864. Buried Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira, New York
From "A Brief History of Chemung County""Captain Baldwin was a member of the Baldwin family that came early into the valley. He was slender and delicate of figure, with the gentlest of dispositions, but with a spirit and force of character that was characteristic of his family, and he made a good soldier. He was a son of a soldier of the War of 1812, and grandson of a soldier of the Revolution. His father was deputy sheriff of the county, and was the first occupant of the new County Court House in 1824. Captain Baldwin was a printer and a newspaper man. He was promoted to be Major soon after the One Hundred and Seventh reached the field."
He enlisted in June of 1862 when the 107th (known as the Campbell Guards) was formed, and fought in numerous battles, including Antietam, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Severely wounded at the Battle of Peachtree Creek buy a musket ball that entered his left eye and exited the side of is head, he died the following day. His brother Elisha Griswold Baldwin was fighting alongside him when he was hit. Lathrop was promoted to Lt. Colonel posthumously.
The Elmira post of the G.A.R. is named in his honor.
14852. Major Elisha Griswold Baldwin
Sunday Telegram
July 8, 1906Major Elisha G. Baldwin, a Brave Officer, Survived all his Brother Captains of the Recruit, but Rests at Last
The funeral of Elisha G. Baldwin will take place tomorrow afternoon at 3:30 o'clock at the late residence, No. 207 Spaulding street. His demise was primarily due to paralysis, the hand of death touching the body at 4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon.
Elisha Baldwin was born in Rush Run hotel at Ridgebury, Bradford county, Pa., September 8, 1833. He was a son of Lathrupt Baldwin, born in Newtown [Elmira] January 14, 1794, and Sally Griswold Baldwin, born in Chemung, February 17, 1796. The grandfather of Elisha was Isaac Baldwin, Jr. of Norwich, Conn., who was born there in 1776, and came to Chemung valley in its early settlement. The father of Elisha and his family moved to Elmira, or rather returned, for they had once resided here, in 18434, and lived in the old courthouse on Lake street. Later the building became the city hall, and was moved to Market street. It is now occupied by the Alpha club, and owned by the B.P.O.E. At the age of twelve years Elisha left his father's bed and board, and went to work for William Jenkins, down the river road. That was in 1845. During the winter of 1850 he attended the Elmira academy. His brother, Lathrop, and Charles Fairman conducted the Elmira Republican. He went in to his brother's print shop in March, 1850, and remained there five years. Subsequently he was foreman of the Republican. On October 23, 1855, he married Elizabeth Curtis, at Charles Fairman's residence on High street. In 1856 he left the Republican and became foreman on the Advertiser, remaining there until 1862. O his army and subsequent service he recently wrote the following, which was found in his diary:
In August, 1862, in company with James McMillan and Robert F. Stewart, we opened a recruiting office on Lake street, and in one week went into barracks with a full company of 100 men and three officers. and we were Company C, 141st New York Volunteers. My brother, Lathrop, was mortally wounded at Peach Tree Creek, July 20, 1864. All the officers except myself and one second lieutenant of my regiment having been killed or wounded in this battle I could remain with my dying brother but a short time, and I never saw him any more. Lathrop was buried in Woodlawn cemetery, and his memory is perpetuated in the naming of the Baldwin post in his honor. During the last days of the war I was on duty in Elmira under General B.F. Tracy. After the war I went into the oil country, where I stayed until 1867, when I returned to Elmira. Then I went again into the Advertiser office, after a short try at the insurance business, and the paper was then published by Seymour Fairman. Luther Caldwell and Colonel James S. Thurston. I was placed in charge of the press, and continued there until 1869, when I received an appointment as assistant assessor of internal revenue. I.S. Copeland, who was by helper as pressman, succeeded me in that position. I remained in the revenue office until 1877, when I was succeeded by Captain E.T. Walker, when I opened an insurance office with Joseph A. Barney, afterwards Baldwin & Dumars, then Baldwin & G. Fred Potter, coming up to the present successor, C.C. Keeton.
In 1882 Mr. Baldwin went to Dakota, where he lived until about two years ago, returning to Elmira to pass the remainder. Those of his immediate family who survive are his widow, who is a sister of Mrs. H.W. Magowan; a widowed daughter, Mrs. Warren Hastings Wasson, who was Allie, living with her parents; Mrs. Harry E. Goodrich, who was Josie, of Fargo, N.D.; Mrs. Elmira Knapp, of Elmira, mother of Mrs. Frane Wormley and of Mrs. Clara Smith, as his sole surviving sister. Rev. R. Lew Williams will officiate at the services at the house. Baldwin post No.6, GAR, will carry out its ritual. -
Marriage Notes for Major Elisha Griswold Baldwin and Elizabeth Curtis
Elmira Daily Advertizer
October 24, 1855Baldwin, Elisha G. M at the residence of C.G. Fairman, on the morning of the 23d inst., by the Rev. Thos. K. Beecher, Mr. Elisha G. Baldwin of Elmira, to Miss Elizabeth Curtis of Albion, N.Y.
The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 81
Mrs. Alice Baldwin Wasson.
DAR ID Number: 80964
Born in Elmira, N. Y.
Wife of Warren Hastings Wasson.
Descendant of Isaac Baldwin and of Isaac Baldwin, J
Daughter of Elisha Griswold Baldwin (1833-1906) and Elizabeth Curtis (b. 1837), his wife, m. 1855.
Granddaughter of Lathrop Baldwin (1794-1860) and Sally Griswold (1796-1867), his wife, m. 1817.
Gr-granddaughter of Isaac Badlwin, Jr., and Alice Hascall (1773-1806), his wife, m. 1789.
Gr-gr-granddaughter of Isaac Baldwin and Patience Rathburn (1734-1823), his wife, m. 1751.Isaac Baldwin (1730-91) served as private with Sullivan's army, 1779, and with him was his son Isaac, who was wounded. They were both buried near the battlefield, where, in 1879, a monument was erected to commemorate the battle of Chemung.
Also No. 5949
Isaac Baldwin, Jr. (1765-1815), served as private in the 4th regiment, Dutchess County, New York militia. He was born in Norwich, Conn.; died in Newtown, N. Y.
Marriage Notes for Sarah Baldwin and Alvin Hide Leavitt
unknown newspaper
November 29, 1862In this village, on the 26th inst., by the Rev., Mr. Latimer, Mr. Alvin H. Leavitt, and Miss Sarah Baldwin, of this village
Obituary provided on Noble county web siteDunn William B was born at Elmira, Chemung County, N. Y. Oct. 22, 1813, and died Feb. 4, 1887 at his home in Brimfield. He moved from the east to LaGrange County in 1837 where he resided on a farm until about 1856 when he settled in Kendallville. In 1864 he again moved, locating at Brimfield, where he served in the capacity of Lake Shore Station agent. He was appointed postmaster under Grant's administration, which position he held until last Dec. He was also engaged in the grocery business at that place for many years. His wife; one brother, C. W. of Wawaka; a sister, Mrs. F. B. Macy of Detroit, Mich.; and 4 sons, Frederick W., Birmingham, Ala., Oliver H., Memphis, Tenn., Franklin P. of Neb., and C. W. of Allen County, survive.
Civil War pension file
D 74 Ind Inf.
application # 480756 and 193050
certificate # 148699
Parents addplication
U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
Name: Helim H Dunn
Residence: Kendallville, Indiana
Enlistment Date: 18 Jul 1862
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Indiana
Was Wounded?: Yes
Survived the War?: No
Service Record: Enlisted in Company D, Indiana 74th Infantry Regime
nt on 18 Jul 1862.
Mustered out on 07 Dec 1863.
Obituary provided on Noble county web siteDunn Nancy Ann (Hatch) was born at Great Bend, Susquehanna County, Penn. Jan. 21, 1819. In 1837 she, with her parents, settled in Milford Twp, LaGrange County, Ind. She married William B. Dunn in 1850. She had no children of her own but was the stepmother of 7 children. Her husband died about 9 years ago. She was a member of the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Her death occurred Aug. 3 in Allen County, Ind. Funeral at the grove in Orange Cemetery.
New York Times
October 18, 1921GREGG - Frances Cole, widow of Andrew KJ., Gregg at St. Cloud, Fla., Oct 17, 1921. Elmira papers please copy.
Marriage Notes for Ellen Gregg and Philip B. Van Deren
Elmira Republican
October 11, 1853Gregg, Allen A. m in this village on the 10th inst by the Rev. H. Hull, Mr. Philip R. Van Daren (printer) to Miss Allen A., dau of Andrew K. Gregg, Esq, all of this place.
Chicago Daily Tribune
October 21, 1924
Ella Van Deren, Oct. 17, 1924, age 70, niece of late Catherine E. Wilso
n. Funeral Tuesday, 2 p. m. from residence 5818 Superior St. Burial private