Co K 1st MN Inf
Age 22 at induction on 25 Nov 1861
Resident of Minnetonka, Hennepin Co., MN
Parents: Eliot & Elmira Smith
Siblings: Maurice B, Aritas, Addesia, Loretta, Gerit, & Dennis
Killed at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 2, 1863
Union Soldier. Enlisted 27 Aug 1863 from Otto, McKean, Pennsylvania. His older brother, Augustus, died at Gettysburg, one month previous.
Died in Ricmond, Va. 5-27-64 of wounds rec'd in action at Drury's Bluff, Va. 5-16-64
Oregon Statesman
July 7, 1922Dennis L. Smith, an old and respected citizen of Salem, died Thursday morning, July 5, at Portland, aged 69 years.
He leaves his widow, Mrs. Emma Smith; a daughter, Mrs. Grace D. Chenoweth, of Salem, and a son Orrin D. of Newberg.
Mr. Smith was born in Lincoln, Maine, in 1853, came west to Minnesota with his parents in 1859, and remaining there until 1885, when he removed to Salem where he has lived ever since. He was the first settler on the north side of the creek in Parrish addition to Salem.
Oregon Statesman
March 25, 1903Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith, wife of Dennis L. Smith, of this city, who was recently taken down with pneumonia, succumbed to the dread disease, at the family home 480 Fifteenth street, at 7:30 o'clock last evening.
Deceased was aged 49 years, and leaves a husband and two children, O. O. Smith, of Salem, and Mrs. Grace Chenowith, of Walla Walla, Washington, besides a mother, Mrs. Susan Gray, brothers, Will and Jesse Gray, and two sisters, Mrs. Sigefoose and Mrs. Phebe Gitton, all residing in Minnesota, to mourn her death.
Mrs. Smith was well known in this city and was a highly esteemed lady, and the family have the sympathy of numberless friends in their sad affliction.
Sesquicentennial History of the Town of Greene, Androscoggin County, Maine, 1775 to 1900
Compiled by Walter Lindley Mower
1938Page 507
Mrs. Paulina Haskell, widow of William Haskell, married second, and as a second wife tp Capt. Green Sprague, May 17, 1855; and sold the property in 1860 to Eliphalet Coburn.
Sesquicentennial History of the Town of Greene, Androscoggin County, Maine, 1775 to 1900
Compiled by Walter Lindley Mower
1938Page 507
William Haskell came to Greene from Minot and secured the South section lot No. 140, ministerial lot, by deed from Capt. Daniel Crossman, who was trustee of the ministerial and school funds at that time. This place is now occupied by I. E. Wright. He was in trade at the old store in the village with Nathaniel Harris from the early 20's several years under the name of Harris and Haskell. He married Paulina Harris, daughter of Silas and Mary Harris, pioneer settlers, born April 12, 1801. Their two sons, Silas and William F. Haskell were well known teachers and were well educated.