Jeremiah, of Dudley, Massachusetts was a private in Captain N. Healy's company of Minutemen, Colonel E. Larned�s regiment that marched on the alarm of 19 April 1775, service 11 days. He also served as a Corporal in Captain J. Carriel's Company; Colonel Josiah Whitney's regiment, from 30 May 1776 to 1 August 1776, with a receipt for advance pay dated Point Shirley 13 June 1776. He is also found on pay roll of the same company and regiment for November 1776, service 1 month and 4 days, including traveling 85 miles home.
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 47
Jeremiah left Dudley for Brookfield in 1792 and then went to Belchertown in 1795. In Dudley, he was recorded as a Tythingman in 1778 and as a highway surveyor in 1790. He was a Revolutionary soldier. In 1782 he joined the Baptist Church in Dudley, his wife joining also although she was a Presbyterian. He was ordained a preacher in 1796 and probably served as pastor of the Belchertown church.Reference
Chronicles of the Haskell Family
Ira J. Haskell
Ellis Printing Company, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1943
Nancy Haskell died in infancy, dates unknown.
Sarah Haskell was unmarried.
Revolutionary War pension file 7550
Private in Col. Dearborn's regiment of the New Hampshire line
Authorized pension Feb 11, 1818 per act of Sep 4, 1818
Enlisted at Roxbury, Massachusetts, April 23, 1775 for 8 months, Captain Nathaniel Healy's company, Colonel Ebenezer Larned's regiment.On May 1, 1776, he enlisted for 6 months at Muddy Brook Parish in Connecticut in Captain Stephen Lyons' company, Colonel Chester's regiment.
On January 1, 1777, he enlisted for 3 months at Dudley, Massachusetts in Capt. Samuel Carters' regiment, Colonel Whitney's regiment Massachusetts line.
On May 1, 1781, he enlisted for three years in Capt. Moody Dustin's company, Col. Henry Dearborn's regiment.
He purchased 92 acres of uncultivated land in Madrid, New York for $483.
He is unable to labor and had to contract for $264 to clear 20 acres of his land.
His wife is in a delicate state and unable to perform labor.
That he has 5 unmarried daughters residing with him, the youngest about 13 years old.
Mary's request for pension after Apr 1855
Seeking pension under act of Feb 1853 and Jul 1848
Married Aug 10, 1826
David died Jan 4, 1828
Nancy Haskell was unmarried.
Stephen was a private in Captain B. Alton's company, Colonel J. Rand's regiment. He entered service 9 July 1780 for 3 months; and was discharged 10 October 1780. He served at West Point for 3 months and 11 days, including travel of 180 miles home.
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 50
Revolutionary War pension file, Stephen Haskell, file 29859He enlisted at Woodstock, Windham, Conn., June 1777 for 6 months, Captain John Keyes' company, Colonel Ely's Connecticut regiment.
He enlisted in 1779 and served 6 months in Captain Webb's company, Colonel Durkee's Connecticut regiment.
He enlisted at Dudley, Worcester, Massachusetts in 1780 and served 1 year in Captain Benjamin Alton's company, Colonel Rand's Massachusetts regiment,
In 1844, he was 81 years of age, residing in Dudley, Mass.
Moses Haskell was unmarried.
French and Indian War:
Nathaniel served as a drummer with Captain Gilbert's Company of Colonel Ruggles� Regiment at Crown Point, New York State from 7 April, until 4 November 1755. He was in action again in 1757, taking part in the Battle of Lake George on 9 August. There was also Nathaniel Haskell; aged twenty-seven serving on April 27 1759 with Colonel Richmond's Regiment in the Invasion of Canada. This is believed to be the same man.Revolutionary War:
Nat., of Rochester was a private in Captain Seth Briggs's company that marched on the alarm of April 19, 1775; service, 4 days. He marched with his brother Micah.Reference
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Pages 21, 58
1074. Deacon Samuel B. Haskell
Samuel served as a corporal in Captain Gilbert's Company of Colonel Ruggles' Regiment at Crown Point from 7 April 1755 to September 1755.
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Pages 21, 24
Revolutionary Pension File
Widow pension file #W2617From the testimony of Elizabeth Harrington and others, along with evidence provided we can establish that she was the daughter of Samuel Haskell and married Allen Harrington on January 26, 1797 at Brookfield, Worcester Massachusetts.
Allen Harrington enlisted for three months for service in Rhode Island. Later he enlisted for 3 years with his service in the vicinity of New York. His discharge papers show he was discharged at the end of the War on June 13, 1784.
The widow pension was awarded on May 21, 1849. On March 31, 1857, Elizabeth applied for a boundary land warrant.
Roger, Corporal, Captain Amos Washburn's (Middleboro) company, Colonel Ebenezer Sprout's regiment. He served 12 days on the alarm of Dec. 8, 1776. The company mustered at the time of the capture of Newport, Rhode Island, by the enemy.
Also served in the same company and regiment, enlisted May 6, 1778; discharged May 7, 1778; service 2 days on an alarm at Dartmouth. The roll was sworn to at Middleboro.
Also served in the same company and regiment, enlisted Sept. 5, 1778; discharged Sept. 10, 1778; service 6 days, on an alarm at Dartmouth. Roll dated Middleboro.
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 76
Roger lived near Quittacus Lake in Middleboro where his five children were born. This land was sold between 1796 and 1800, at which time they moved to North Brookfield. He died in the town of Oakham, where he was living with one of his children.Here is an interesting sidelight about Roger, furnished by a great-great- grandson in 1938, from the books and records he inherited. It was apparent that Roger served with Clive in India and at one time had been a follower of Wolfe Tone (born 1763 died 1798) in Ireland. In addition to all this, he served under Colonel Ethan Allen.
One of the treasures which his descendant prizes is a Hindu Buddha which this forebear of his brought back from the Far East. That Roger was adventurous as a young man is testified to by his service in India and by the part he played in the Revolution, but it is an unsolved mystery how and why he should have become involved in an Irish rebellion.
Chronicles of the Haskell Family
Ira J. Haskell
Ellis Printing Company, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1943
Page 103
Death caused by drowning. Burial was in Lakeville, Plymouth, Massachusetts.
Elisha, of Middleboro, Lieutenant, served with Captain J. Parker's company. He was included on a list of officers appointed to command companies of a regiment raised from Brigadier General Joseph Cushing's and Brigadier General Otis's (Barnstable Co.) brigades to be commanded by Colonel John Cushing Jr., and ordered to march to Rhode Island, as returned by Joseph Cushing to Major General Warren, dated Hanover, 30 October 1776. The Company was drafted from Rochester, Wareham, and Middleboro. Marched on 8 December 1776, service 3 months 2 days at Bristol, Rhode Island.
Elisha, Lieutenant, served with Captain A. Washburn's company of Colonel E. Sprout's regiment. He entered service 6 May discharged 7 May 1778; service 2 days on alarm at Dartmouth. Roll was sworn at Middleboro.
Elisha, of Middleboro, Captain, Colonel Benjamin Hawes regiment; pay roll of said Haskells company made up for service from July 29, 1778 to September 11, 1778, at Rhode Island. Company was raised in Plymouth County.
Elisha, Lieutenant, Captain Amos Washburn's company, Colonel Ebenezer Sprout's regiment, entered service September 5, 1778, discharged September 10, 1778, service 6 days on an alarm at Dartmouth.
Also, Captain Amos Washburn's company, Colonel Ebenezer White's regiment, marched August 1, 1780; discharged August 9, 1780, service 9 days, mileage out and home (80 miles) allowed. Company marched to Rhode Island on an alarm; roll sworn to at Middleboro.
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Pages 56, 65