11717. Merrill William Haskell
Civil War pension file
Invalid application # 659507, cert # 824206
Widow application # 560053, cert # 353003
Company A and G, 12th Maine Inf.
Isadore was 42 yers old in 1892
Merrill died September 21, 1890
mention of brothers Edwin and George Haskell
mention of a sister Lizzie Caswell
Merrill was a wagon master of General Sheridans, Calvary Corps.
In May 1865, his wagon overturned, resulting in injuries to Merrill
Compiled Military Service Records
Temporaily assigned Company B, 10th U.S. Colored Heavy Artillery
From 12th Maine
George A. Haskell was a clerk.
Edwin L. Haskell was a baker.
Orris R. Haskell was a farmer. He served in the Civil War.