Walter W. Haskell was born in West Gloucester, Massachusetts, January 26, 1846, where he remained until he attained the age of sixteen years, when he went to Salem, in the same State, there engaged as a clerk in a grocery store, and remained two years. Next moving to Lynn, he became a clerk to E. W. Osborne & Co., and subsequently went to St. Louis, Missouri, on a six months' visit. Mr. Haskell now located in Smoky Hill Valley, town of Salina, Saline County, Kansas, and became interested in a section of land with T. F. Oakes, the present Vice-President of the Northern Pacific Railroad Company. In October, I868, he left Kansas for San Francisco, where he arrived November 27, J 868, and at once entered the employ of Kohler & Chase, but at the end of a year he proceeded to Carson City, Nevada, and became salesman with John G. Fox, in a general variety store.
January 25, J882, he married Miss Clara F. Osborne, of San Francisco, and, residing in Carson until June, 1872, be then came to Alameda County, engaged as clerk for C. R. Bowen, in a general mercantile business on the southeast corner of Park Street and Webb Avenue, Alameda, with whom he remained until the closing out of the business in 1874, and continued with his successor; A. S. Barber, for a twelvemonth thereafter, Mr. Haskell now entered the store of F. Boehmer, in the town of Alameda, for a year, where he accepted the offer of going into the insurance business as special agent for the Alameda County Branch of the Home Mutual Insurance Company of California, his field being the counties of Alameda and Contra Costa. Here he remained until 1876, when he became one of the firm of Brown, Craig & Co., as General Fire Insurance Agents, at No, 215 Sansome Street, San Francisco. In July, 188I, he accepted the position of city agent of the Travelers' Life and Accident Insurance Company, now doing business at the southeast corner of Pine a-d Montgomery Streets, a position he yet occupies, while he is a resident of Alameda County,
His family consists of two children, viz.: Lola Lee and Edmund. In 1875 Mr. Haskell attended the golden wedding of his parents, celebrated at the old homestead, when the family of ten children, save one were present. In our subject we have a man of strict business tact and integrity, circumstances that have won for him the confidence and esteem of all with whom he has been brought in contact; indeed, he is as favorably known any man on the Pacific Coast
History of Alameda California
M. W. Wood, Publisher, Oakland, 1883
Page 895,896
The Travelers Life and Accident Insurance Company, of Hartford, Conn., has been in business on the Pacific coast since 1870, and has paid out during that period over $1,000,000 for losses. They have done an installment work on all the railroads of the coast, as well as of the continent, and have at the present time 800 agencies on the coast. The company complies regularly with all the laws of the different States, and the history of the company is one of the highest successes.Walter W. Haskell has been the general agent of the company for the Pacific coast since 1885, and previous to that time was city agent three years, and was formerly a member of the insurance firm of Brown, Craig & Co., but disposed of his interests in that firm to connect himself with his present company. He is a native of Gloucester, Massachusetts, born in January, 1846, and is a descendant of one of the oldest original settlers of New England. His father, Henry Haskell, was born in Massachusetts, in 1800, and was married to Sarah E. Phelps, a descendant of the Rev. Forbes Phelps, of colonial fame. They were the parents of ten children, only two having died, and eight surviving. Mr. Haskell, the youngest child, returned to his home in the East in 1875, and attended the golden wedding of his parents. His father lived to the advanced age of eighty-two years. He had been a trustee of his city, and had also represented his district in the State Legislature several terms. Walter W. Haskell arrived in San Francisco November 26, 1868, and was engaged a year in the music establishment of Kohler, Chase & Co., and later removed to Carson City, and accepted a position with John G. Fox, in the same line of business. In 1872 he was married to Miss Clara F. Osborn, a native of Brooklyn, New York, but a resident of San Francisco at the time of their marriage. They then removed to Alameda, where they have since constantly resided.
For a time Mr. Haskell was in the employ of Bowen Bros., dealers in general merchandise, but after two years he entered the Home Mutual Fire Insurance Companys office at Oakland, in 1874. He afterward resigned his position with them to enter the firm of Brown, Craig & Co. In his political views, Mr. Haskell is a strong Republican, and socially is a member of the Masonic fraternity. He gives close attention to his business, and his industry and honorable methods have brought their reward and consequent success, and he also enjoys the good will of a very large circle of friends.
Transcribed by Donna L. Becker
Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 514, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.
Civil War Pension
Invalid application # 765156, cert # 1042766
Widoe application # 803353, cert 572605
Enlisted August 4, 1863 - Company G, 3rd Mass. Heavy Artillery
Married Sarah E. Burroughs May 1, 1876 at Gloucester, Essex, Massachusetts
His first wife, Susan F. Knowlton died March 2, 1875
Irene A. Haskell born July 25, 1866, married ... Proctor
Abram F. Haskell born October 16, 1869
Discharged at Fort Sumner September 18, 1865
Disabled from Malaria Summer of 1864.
Died March 24, 1904, age 67 yrs, 8 months, 4 days
Father Ezra Haskell
Mother Jerusha Choate
Ezraetta Haskell was unmarried.
11067. Charles Forrester Haskell
U.S. Veterans Gravesites, ca.1775-2006
Name: Charles F Haskell
Service Info.: US ARMY
Death Date: 9 Apr 1932
Cemetery: Los Angeles National Cemetery
Cemetery Address: 950 South Sepulveda Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90049
Buried At: Section 74 Row D Site 20
Headstone Applications for Military Veterans, 1925-1963
Name: Charles F Haskell
Death Date: 9 Apr 1932
Cemetery: Veterans Administration Facility
Cemetery Location: Los Angeles, California
Enlisted: June 20, 1863
Discharged June 23, 1865
Pvt, Co E, 3rd Mass. Hvy Art