Letter from Freeman to his sister Matilda
Addressed to
Mr. Abisha Dunham
Bethel, Morgan County, Illinois
Postmark date May 29, 1852Granville (Ohio)
May 23. 1852Dear Sister and Brother Children and all:-
Brother Chancey sent me a letter written April 23rd., giving a brief account of the death of Benjamine. After reading the letter these thoughts rushed to my mind. About forty years ago, we as a family started for the western country - we left two sisters, the next was the loss of our little Brother in a few years Mother was called to another world - while Father was left to mourn her loss for seven years - that and other troubles of mind brought him to grave - he died at my house in Milton seven miles from where Chancey lives, on the 17th of February 1849 - this last January Sophronia left this world of troubles. She had great trials from the time she was first married to her death - her last husband was worse than the first - and now Dear Sister it seems that this was not enough - Benjamine must make way with himself in the way he did heedless of his own soul or the feelings of his Brothers and Sisters - may these things have an abiding effect on our minds and may they lead us to repentance but this is not all John has gone to California and it is very doubtful whether he ever returns - leaving his family to take care of themselves and he afar off seeking gold - if he ever returns it is probable his health and morals will be ruined California is a poor place to fit a person for another world.My family numbers seven we have five children the oldest nineteen and the youngest two - they are all girls. Four years ago I moved to Clermont County to see if father would be more contented to live with me than he was with Chancey's family - he came to live with me on the 15th of April - he was smart and active for an old man - he had a turn of Billious cholic in August - from then on his health began to decline - he was confined entirely to his bed from the middle of November - it took a great deal of care and attention from this time to his Death which took place on the 17th of February, He was buried at Williamsburg by the side of Mother as he requested - last summer my father-in-law came to my house and made me an offer to move back I took him at his offer and moved in October.
While I was in Milton I was in business with John M. Robinson. Chancey's family was well a few weeks ago. I have nothing to write to you that would be interesting. I wish you would write to me when any of you can make it convenient. Direct your letter to Granville. Licking County, Ohio.
I still as ever remain your affectionate Brother.
AKA Chancill Haskell
Calvin Haskill was a farmer.