Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


580. Isaac Haskell

Isaac was a fifer at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Captain Rowe's Company.
Enlisted 13 June 1775, service 1 month 21 days.

Chronicles of the Haskell Family
Ira J. Haskell
Ellis Printing Company, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1943
Page 220

The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces
Volume Two, The Uniterd states of America
EDitor: Peter B. Haskell, 2004
Page 56

Isaac Haskell

Isaac was a fifer at the Battle of Bunker Hill in Captain Rowe's Company.
Enlisted 13 June 1775, service 1 month 21 days.

Chronicles of the Haskell Family
Ira J. Haskell
Ellis Printing Company, Lynn, Massachusetts, 1943
Page 220

The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces
Volume Two, The Uniterd states of America
EDitor: Peter B. Haskell, 2004
Page 56

Caleb Haskell

Private with Newbury Militia on 13 July 1757.
The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 22

1693. Enoch Haskell

Enoch served with Captain D. Low's company of Colonel Cogswell's regiment; included in the return of trained band and alarm list 30 April 1778; reported as belonging to the alarm list.

The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 50

1694. David Haskell

David was a private and served with Captain Low's 3rd company of Colonel Cogswell's regiment; included in the return of trained band and alarm list, dated 30 April 1778; reported as belonging to trained band.

The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 50

Mary Choate

Mary Low was previously married.