Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


7822. John Haskell

John Haskell was a farmer.

7824. Daniel Webster Haskell

Per 1880 U.S. Federal Census Mortality Schedules
Daniel's parents were born in New York

17863. William H. Haskell

Civil War Pension File
Mothers application # 336560, cert 242845
Enrolled July 21, 1862
Died from wounds recieved at Battle of Chickamauga,
Battle date September 19 and 20, 1863

17865. Merritt O. Haskell

U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles
Name: Merritt Haskell
Age at enlistment: 21
Enlistment Date: 4 Apr 1864
Rank at enlistment: Private
State Served: Minnesota
Survived the War?: No
Service Record: Enlisted in Company A, Minnesota 1st Infantry Battalion on 04 Apr 1864.
Mustered out on 19 Jan 1865 at Baltimore, MD.
Birth Date: abt 1843
Sources: Minnesota in the Civil and Indian Wars 1861-65

7825. Sylvester Haskell

Submitter: Arthur Burch

Subject: HASKELL Family of Freedom

Message: From: Historical Gazetteer and Biographical Memorial of Cattaraugus Co. NY, ed. by William Adams, pub. 1893
History of the Town of Freedom ? Chapter XXIX (29)
Page 683

Sylvester HASKELL, son of Daniel and Mary (RICH) HASKELL, was born March 7, 1816. He learned the tailor's trade, which he followed in Youngstown, Niagara county, and in 1843 came to Freedom and engaged in farming. With the exception of one year he has since lived in this town. In 1862 he purchased of Abram VAN DEUSEN the farm on which he now resides. He married Julia A., daughter of John CRANDALL;
children: Eugene (deceased), John T., George W., Calvin, and Dwight W.

Note: Posted as part of the Cattaraugus County Genweb Biography Project -

17880. Eugene Elwin Haskell

A Story Historical of Cornell University with biographies of Distinguished Cornellians
Murray Edward Poole
Haskell, Eugene Elwin, B.C.E., C.E. (1890) - Born May 10, 1855, at Holland N.Y. Married Feb. 4, 1888, Lettie E. Wright, of Perrysburg, N.Y. With U.S. Lake Survey, Detroit, 1879-80, Missippi River Commision, St. Louis, 1880-5, U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, Washington, 1885-93, U.S. Lake Survey, Detroit, 1893-1906. Director, College of Civil Engineering, Cornell since 1906. Member of the International Waterways Commision. Cunsulting Engineer, Barge Canal, New York, 1916.
Patent 384362 - Eugene N. Haskell - Ship's log