Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


7199. Ophelia Iphegenia Zander

Troy Daily Times
May 26, 1887

HAWLEY�In this city, May 25, 1887, Ophelia J. Hawley, aged 80 years, 7 months and 25 days.

Funeral Friday in the late residence, corner Eleventh and Middleburgh streets, at 2:30 p.m. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend.

Truman Hawley

�He left home in September 1875 to go South and has not been heard from since.�
(Hawley Record by Elias S. Hawley)

Marriage Notes for Ophelia Iphegenia Zander and Truman Hawley

MARRIAGE: Troy Budget
December 10, 1842

Married in this city on Thursday evening by E.S. Raymond, Truman Hawley of New York, to Ophelia Iphegenia, daughter of J.A. Jander, Esq., of this city.

7202. Lucian Vernon Zander

The Elgin Advocate
April 17, 1897:

"A List of the Dead,"
L.V. Zander Who Celebrated His Golden Wedding Last December

Lucien V. Zander died at the home of his son, L.J. Zander, on Walnut avenue, at 8:25 o'clock Tuesday evening, aged 84 years, 10 months, and 2 day

He was married to Mrs. Rebecca Whitney Northrup December 4, 1846. He was a member of the Grand Army post and belonged to Co. E, 37th Wisconsin Infantry.

Seven children were born to them, five of whom survive him, together with three stepchildren. His children are Lucien V., James T., L. Julian, Mrs. Eugene Heath, and George E., all of Elgin. The stepchildren are Mrs. Eliza Copeland of San Francisco, Mrs. E.W. Tuttle of Elgin, and Henry Northrup of Santa Barbara, Cal.

Mr. Zander was born in Troy, N.Y., and was a builder and contractor by occupation. He came to Elgin about fourteen years ago.

Rebecca Annah Whitney

Obituary from an Elgin newspaper

Death of Mrs. Zander
Descendant of Revolutionary Heroes.
Came here in 1881 Leaves a Large Family

Mrs. Zander, widow of L.V. Zander Sr., died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Eugene Heath, 523 Laurel Street, at 4:30 p.m. Aug. 17, after a sickness of over three years.
Rebecca Annah Whitney was born in the town of Bethlehem, Albany County, N.Y. May 24 1816.  Mrs. Zander had quite a remarkable miliary connection.  She was the Granddaughter of two Revolutionary heroes, David R. Williams, one of the captors of Major Andre the British Spy, and Capt. Walter Whitney of the regular Army.  She was the daughter of a soldier of the War of 1812, and the widow of one, and the mother of four soldiers of the Civil War.

Mrs. Zander was twice married.  Her first husband, Wm. M. Northrup died in 1844, leaving her with six children.  In 1846, she married Mr. Zander.  They were pioneers of Wisconsin, coming to Milwaukee in 1848.  They moved to Elgin in 1881, where they afterwards resided.  Mrs. Zander united with the Hudson street M.E. Church at Albany, N.Y. at the age of 12 years, where her father was class leader for more than twenty years.  While never an active outside worker she was always ready with acts of love and kindness to those in need or with sickness.

She was a faithful wife, a kind neighbor, and a most devoted loving mot her to her large family of fourteen children, eight of whom survive her.  The are:  Mrs. G. W. Copeland of San Francisco, Calif., Mrs. E . W. Tuttle and Mrs. Eugene Heath of Elgin, Henry W. Northrup of Santa Barbara, Calif., Lucian V., James T., L. Julian and Geo E. Zander all of Elgin.  Fifteen grandchildren, four great grandchildren, and a large circle of relatives and friends mourn her loss.

16644. Lycurgus Julian Zander

The Watch Word
July, 1923

L. Julian Zander, 271 Walnut avenue, veteran watch factory worker, died Sunday morning, June 24, from heart trouble aggravated by the excessive heat of the preceding day.

Mr. Zander was born December 23, 1851, in Farmington, Wis., and married Carrie Wade of Stevens Point, Wis., June 20 1882, and worked in all a total of approximately thirty-eight years in the Dial, Balance and Plate departments. He was last employed in the Plate, his service in that department being from May 7, 1906 until the time of his death.

Deceased is survived by his widow and three brothers, Lutian V., Pomona, Cal.; James F., Elgin, and George E., Mooseheart. Mr. Zander was a member of the Christadelphian church.

16645. Francis Belle Zander

Elgin Daily Courier
March 20, 1923

Mrs. Eugene Heath for many years an active club woman of Elgin and a prominent member of the First Methodist church died at her home, 523 Laurel street this morning. Mrs. Heath had been in failing health in recent years but prior to her fatal decline she took an active part in civic and social activities.

Mrs. Heath came to Elgin in 1880. She distinguished herself as a leader when elected president of the Home Missionary society, a position she held for eleven years. She was also district president of the Home Missionary society and chairman of the program committee of the Foreign Missionary society and in spite of her poor health had arranged the program for the month of March.

The deceased who was at one time president of the Civic club of Elgin also belonged to the Woman’s Relief Corps, the Women’s Christian Temperance Union and was a charter member of the Maecenans and Daughters of Veterans. When in health she was a teacher in the Sunday school being especially interested in the boys’ class. She was a member of the Ladd Bible class.

Frances Zander was born in Watertown, Wis., December 13, 1855 and was married to Eugene Heath February 14, 1883.

Besides her husband, she leaves four brothers to mourn her loss. Lucian V. Zander of Pomona, Cal., James T. and L. Julian of Elgin and George E. of Mooseheart.

Eugene Horace Heath

Elgin Courier-News
April 25, 1927

Eugene Horace Heath, aged 70 years, formerly a jobmaster in the Elgin National Watch company factory, of 523 Laurel street, died suddenly at about 11 o�clock Saturday night, after he had walked home with Mrs. Martha Witt of 472 North street.
Mr. Heath was born September 15, 1857, on what was known as the Heath farm, the present site of the Elgin State hospital. He had lived in Elgin practically all of his life. He was a jobmaster in the watch factory until quite recently, and was the recipient of an Elgin watch from President DeForrest Hulburd of the watch company, upon completion of fifty years of service. The deceased’s wife died some time ago. There were no children in the family. A niece, Mrs. Elsie Ahle Still, of Hiteman, Ia., came to Elgin recently, she and her husband having planned to take Mr. Heath on an auto tour through Iowa.

7203. Lycurgus Tullius Zander

Lycurgus was a noted musician and for many years a clerk and bookkeeper for Wells Fargo in San Francisco.
S.F. Call
September 11, 1882
ZANDER - In this city, September 9, L.T. Zander, a native of Troy, N.Y., aged 66 years.

16647. Charles Zander

Sacramento Daily Union
June 19. 1862

San Francisco, June I8th.
....Charles Zander, aged 13, and Daniel Picket, aged 15, are missing, and supposed to have been drowned. They went sailing Tuesday, and were seen that day at Angel Island.
Sacramento Daily Union
June 20, 1862

Missing.— Charles Zander, aged thirteen, son of L. T. Zander of Wells, Fargo & Co., and Daniel Pickett, aged fifteen, of San Francisco, started on a sailing excursion on the bay, Tuesday, June 17th, instead of going to school. They have not been heard from up to this time. The supposition is that they are drowned.
Sacramento Daily Union
June 25, 1862

...A body found at Saucelito has been identified as the boy Daniel Pickett, aged fifteen, who went sailing with Charles Zander, who is also supposed to have been drowned.

7205. Aurelius Phocian Zander


A.P. Zander removed to Wisconsin about the year 1844, engaging there in the carpenter's and joiner's trade in Milwaukee, and was married [to Lucinda Hutchinson] on February 14, 1846. He was born February 26, 1822., and his wife October 15, 1827. Of their seven children five are still living.

[The children of Aurelius P. Zander and Lucinda Hutchinson] are as follows: O. [Ozias] M. Zander who was born October 7, 1848, and is an architect by profession. He married Mary T. Beach, and resides at Omaha, Neb. [Tacitus P. Zander was born on October 3, 1853, and is an attorney-at-law.] Florence T. was born on Christmas Day, 1856, and married Charles Andrews, of Columbia Township, Tuscola County; Frances E., who was born February 1, 1859, and married A. Phelps, of Columbia Township, and Gertrude O., who was born October 12, 1868, is unmarried and resides at Elgin, Ill. He served in Company K, Thirty-first Wisconsin Infantry, and was in the army for three years. He engaged in all of the conflicts experienced by the Army of the Cumberland. He was a resident of Ellington at the time of his death, April 19, 1891; his good wife had been called from his side by death in 1882.

Excerpt from Tacitus Plutarch Zander biography in
Portrait & Biographical Album of Genesee, Lapeer & Tuscola Counties
Chicago: Chapman Bros., 1892, pp. 1001-1002.
Cass City Enterprise
April 24, 1891

Died: In Wells Twp., on Sat 18th of April, Aurillius P Zanier of Ellington after an illness of several weeks resulting from paralysis. He went to his son-in-law Alva Phelp's for a visit and was taken worse so he could not be moved home and after severe suffering he died as above state

16650. Tacitus Julian Zander

Milwaukee Sentinel
June 7, 1848

Died. In this City, June 2nd, Tacitus Julian, aged 17 months, only child of Aurelius P. and Lucinda Zander.

7207. Peter Soullard Haskell

Daily Times
October 6, 1902

Peter S. Haskell, an old and respected citizen of this city, died at his home, 554 Congress Street, at an early hour this morning. He was eighty-eight years old, and is believed to be at the time of his death the oldest resident born in Troy. He was born September 1, 1814, in a house on River Street, just below Division Street.

He conducted a merchant tailoring establishment at the corner of Third and Congress Streets many years. It is said that had President Garfield lived Mr. Haskell would have been appointed postmaster of Troy. The appointment was pending when the President was assassinated. At the time President Garfield was a student at Williams College and was teaching school at Eagle Mills he was without money to purchase a suit of clothes, and, needing the clothes badly, had asked Mr. Haskell to trust him. The request was cheerfully granted and Mr. Haskell told the future President that he could pay him at his convenience. A friendship between the two resulted from this transaction and the president never forgot Mr. Haskell, and was about to give substantial evidence of his gratitude when death claimed him.

Mr. Haskell was for many years an attendant at the First Baptist Church. He was a Republican in politics. His wife died several years ago, and also a son. The father of the deceased came from Troy from Springfield, Mass., in the early part of the century and was a prominent citizen here. The deceased was a member of Mount Zion Lodge, D. and A.M., which organization will take action on his death and will conduct the funeral service.

16659. Charles A. Haskell

U.S., Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles, 1861-1865
Name: Charles A Haskell
Enlistment Age:     18
Birth Date: abt 1844
Enlistment Date: 11 Oct 1862
Enlistment Place: Albany, New York
Enlistment Rank: Private
Muster Date: 21 Nov 1862
Muster Place: New York
Muster Company: F
Muster Regiment: 177th Infantry
Muster Regiment Type:     Infantry
Muster Information: Enlisted
Muster Out Date: 16 May 1863
Muster Out Place: Bonnet Carre, Louisiana
Muster Out Information: died disease
Side of War: Union
Survived War?:     No
Title: New York: Report of the Adjutant-General 1893-1906

16665. Sanford R. Haskell

Patent 411521 - Sanford R. Haskell - Umbrella holder

Marriage Notes for Sanford R. Haskell and Mary C. Jenkins

MARRIAGE: Albany Argus
September 13, 1873
HASKELL - JENKINS - On the 11th inst., at the residence of the bride's mother, by the Rev. W. S. Smart, Sanford R. Haskell to Mary E. Jenkins, both of this city.