Civil War Pension File
Invalid application # 414695, cert # 236819
Widow application # 508023, cert # 331317
Enlisted Noveber 2, 1861, Company F, 29th Mass Infantry
Discharge July 29, 1865
Ephraim Haskell married Sarah Pittsley May 23, 1854, at Freetown, Mass. Ephraim was age 23, Sarah was 16.
Ephraim died February 25, 1884 at Raynham, Mass.
Daughter Ange Mabel Haskell was born July 21, 1875 at Freetown, Mass.
Wounded in the left hip at the battle of Coal Harbor, Virginia in July 1864.
Sarah died September 24, 1911
William Palmer Haskell was a mariner.
Civil War, Pvt., Co F. 29th Mass. infantry
The Vital Records of Freetown, MA, record three different middle initials for a James, son of Roger Haskell and Abigail Pittsley: James M., James P., and James H. It is not clear from the scanty records whether there is only one James or several, but it is likely there is only one, born in Freetown in 1835.NARA publication M1845 Card records of headstones for Union Civl War veterans 1879 - 1903, shows him as James H. Haskell, Civil War, pvt., Co. A, 3rd Mass. infantry. Find-a-Grave
Company A., 3rd Mass Inf
6889. Martin Van Buren Haskell
Martin Van Buren Haskell was a laborer. He served in the Civil War.
Civil War, Corp., Co. F., 29th Mass. infantry
Sarah Louisa Haskell died of scarlet fever.