Newport Mercury
March 26, 1898
In Portsmouth, 20th inst., Asa Cory, in his 81st year
Newport Daily News
July 22, 1903Died
CORY - In South Portsmouth, 21st inst., Mary, widow of Asa Cory, in her 75th year.
Newport Daily News
July 24, 1903The funeral of Mrs. Mary Cory, widow of Asa Cory, took place from the residence of her son-in-law, Mr. W. F, Carr, on Middle Road, Thursday, at 2 o'colck, the services being conducted by Rev. Osborn J. Hoffman of the Friends Church. The burial took place in Portsmouth cemetery.
Mrs. Cory, through old age, had been in failing health for a long time and death came as a happy release.. She was very quiet and unassuming but always greatly respected. She leaves two children, Charles J. Cory and Mrs. Carr.
Newport Mercury and Weekly News
June 5, 1942Services for Mrs. Frances E. Carr, wife of the late William F. Carr, formerly of Portsmouth, were conduced at the Memorial Funeral Home on Broadway on Sunday afternoon by the Rev. Norman Trafton, Pastor of the Friends Church.
Interment was in the Union cemetery in Portsmouth.
Mrs. Carr who resided in this city for some years, died last Friday at Kingsfield, Me., in her ninety fourth year. Mrs. Carr, daughter of the late Asa and Mary (Cornell) Cory was born and reared in Portsmouth and spent her entire life there until she left Portsmouth a year and a half ago to make her home in Kingfield with her nephew, Charles W. Cory Jr.
She was the oldest member of the Cory family for several generations and one of the oldest residents of Portsmouth and would have been 94 years old June 17. She had been in failing health for several years but was about the house until she fell and broke her wrist last September, and since then has been confined to her bed.
She leaves a brother Charles W. Cory, who is in his eighty sixth year; a nephew, Charles W. Cory Jr.; a grand niece, Ekizabeth Frances Cory; a grand nephew, Paul Richard Cory, all of Kingfield, Me.; and a cousin, Frank C. Cory of Portsmouth.
Newport Journal and Weekly News
January 26, 1917Died
CARR - In Portsmouth, 20th Inst., William F. Carr aged 68 years
Newport Journal and Weekly News
January 26, 1917The funeral of William F. Carr was held Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock from his residence on Middle road ... The body was placed in the vault in Union cemetery and will be interred later.
Newport Mercury
November 13, 1909
In Portsmouth, 6th inst., Elizabeth, widoew of John Cory in her 81st year.
Newport Mercury and Weekly News
October 13, 1935The funeral of Edward P. Mosher was held Saturday afternoon at late home in Worcester, Mass., followed by interment at the Portsmouthy cemetery on Bristol Ferry road. Mr. Mosher was formerly of Fall River and left a number of relatives in Portsmouth. He was buried in the family plot next to his wife.
Newport Daily News
March 26, 1943
Cory - In Fall River, March 25th, Frank Clark Cory, in his 73rd year.
Newport Daily News
March 26, 1943Francis Clark Cory, 72, a lifelong resident of Portsmouth, died in a Fall River hospital Thursday afternoon after an illness of about four months.
Born in Portsmouth, son of John and Elizabeth Clark Cory, he had engaged in the fisheries business. He was former president of the Portsmouth Town Council and served as town auditor until the time of his death. Mr. Cory leaves his wife, Mrs. Emeline Watts Cory.
Interment in the Portsmouth cemetery.
Newport Daily News
February 3, 1970Mrs. Emeline W. Cory, 95, a resident of Spillane's Nursing Home and widow of Frank Clark Cory, died last night at Newport Hospital.
She was born in Portsmouth Feb. 19, 1874, daughter of John W. and Annie Borden Watts. Mrs. Cory lived all her life on East Main road in Portsmouth before becoming a resident of the nursing home.
She leaves a niece, Mrs. Eda Thomas of Middletown.
15687. William Frederick Freeborn
Newport Journal and Weekly News
January 17, 1917Mr. William F. Freeborn died Saturday afternoon at his home on Water street, after a short illness of pneumonia. He was the son of the late Charles and Annie (Tallman) Freeborn and was 77 years old. He married Letitia Tallman, daughter of the late Benjamin and Sarah Tallman, 52 years ago. Two years ago, on New Year's day, Mr. and Mrs. Freeborn celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
He is the last of three children, the others being John S. Freeborn and Pateince A. Shurtleff, both of whom died a number of years ago. His wife survives him.
Newport Daily News
March 9, 1895The funeral of Mrs. Mahala Borden was held at her late residence Friday noon. Rev. George H. Butler of the Methodist Episcopal Church made appropriate remarks, and after a short service burial took place in the cemetery connected with the Friends' meeting house. The bearers, John, Arthur, Henry and Atwell Hedly were nephews of the deceased. Mrs. Borden was a good woman, and although plain and unassuming in all her ways was possessed of great wealth, which in her active days she used to help the needy. She had been confined to bed for some years, and death did not come unexpectantly. She leaves one son, John L. Borden, and a grandson, William B. Mott. She was eighty four years of age.
Newport Mercury
November 7, 1885William Borden died in Portsmouth on the 5th inst. in the 80th year of his age. He was the son of John Borden, and was a lineal descendent of one of the original settlers of Portsmouth. His elder brothers Isaac and Asa Borden, left Portsmouth in early life and went to Watertown, where with the late Joseph Anthony of Newport they were employed in the manufacture of cotton machinery. While they were employed in Watertown, Lowell and Boote came over from England and concieved the idea of establishing cotton anufactories on the Merrimac river at what is now Lowell. The brothers employed at Watertown removed and entered the employment of Lowell and Boote and assisted in making the first cotton machinery operated in that place. Isaac Borden invested his earnings in the mills which were building and thus laid the foundation of his large fortune. William remained at home and cared for his family in Portsmouth. The three brothers were all remarkable men, remarkable for the excellency of their characters, for no stain ever soiled the good name of either. They were all modest, and retiring and neither of them ever obtruded himself in any way improperly into the presence or affairs of another. William was generous and much given to hospitality but he never did a kind act to obtain notoriety or for any other purpose but to the reward which comes from the performance of duty. He was a man of equable temper, of concilitory manners and of unostentatious goodness of character. Though the fruits of his life had ripened him for the harvest all who knew him would have implored the reaper to have held back his stroke. He has left a widow, a son and a grandson to mourn his loss.
Newport Mercury and Weekly News
August 25, 1933Died - In Fall River, Mas., August 21, 1933, John L. Borden of Portsmouth, R. I.
Newport Mercury and Weekly News
July 18, 1930Newport Chapter of American Red Class Lists Mrs. John L. Borden as dying in the last year.
Newport Mercury and Weekly News
November 29, 1929David S. Hedley died at the home of his brother, Arthur Hedley on West Main road Tuesday evening after a short illness. Mr. Hedley was a son of David and Mary (Wilcox) Hedley. He was born in Portsmouth, and had spent practically all his life here. For a short time he lived with a sister, Mrs. William T. Carter in Adamsville, returning here after her death, and had made his home with his brother, Arthur Hedley. About a week ago he suffered a cerebral hemhorrhage, from which he did not rally. He is survived by three brothers, Henry and Arthur Hedley of Portsmouth, and Benjamin Hedley of Providence, and a number of nieces and nephews. Mr. Hedley's ancestors were all members of the old Friends "Meeting" of this place and always prominent here.
Died at sea on US gunboat
U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865
Name: Alden Tripp
Side: Union
Regiment State/Origin: Rhode Island
Regiment Name: 4 Rhode Island Infantry.
Regiment Name Expanded: 4th Regiment, Rhode Island Infantry
Company: C
Rank In: Private
Rank In Expanded: Private
Rank Out: Private
Rank Out Expanded: Private