Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


6283. Arnold Wescott

History and Genealogy of the ancesters and descendants of Stukely Westcott
By Roscoe L. Whitman
Page 236

He continued to reside on his father's farm. In his will, dated Apr 11, 1891, and probated Mar 30, 1892, he left his estate in trust to his daughter Julia and his son Andrew, with income to his wife Maria; after her death, $50 to go to his son Orin, $50 to his son Reuben, $100 to his son Joseph and $100 to his granddaughter Ida; balance to daughter Julia and son Andrew who were the executors.

6284. John H. Haskell

Patent 28271 - John H. Haskell - Improved machine for stretching leather
November 21, 1877

Haskell - At Pikesville, near Baltimore, on November 10, John H. Haskell, in the 68th year of his age.

Crawford Reid

April 1, 1902

The funeral of Mrs. Crawford Reid Haskell, widow of Mr. John H. Haskell, who died in her eighty sixth year at 1109 Madaison avenue on Sunday, will take place from the First Presbyterian Church this morning at 11 o'clock.

Mrs. Haskell was a daughter of the late Charles Reid, of Norfolk. She is survived by a son, Me. John H. Haskell of New York, and by Miss Betty Haskell of this city.

15008. Charlotte Brainard

New York Times
November 10, 1932

Mowe - On Nov. 8, Charlotte Brainard, wife of the late William Robert Mowe and daughter of the late Charles Haskell and Mary Jane Brainard of Hartford, Conn.

Interment at Hartford