Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


Samuel Whitmore

On 23 Feb. 1757, Samuel Whitmore sold to Daniel Whitmore a tract of land and dwelling house in Killingly.
Mayflowers Families in Progress
George Soule of the Mayflower and his descendants for Four Generations
Originally compiled by John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry, revised by Louise Walsh Throop
Seventh Edition, published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2015

910. Samuel Whitmore

Revolutionary war
Captain Pomeroy's company, commanded by Samuel Chapman, Esquire, Connecticut; entered Aug 3, 1778, discharged September 18, 1778, service 50 days.

356. Squire Hascall

Will of Squire Hascall
In the Name of God Amen the ninth day of May one thousand seven hundred & seventy four I Squire Hafcall of Killingly in the County of Windham & the Colony of Connecticut in New England yeoman being under the infirmity of age and weak in body but of sound mind & memory thanks be given to God therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body I know that it is appointed for all men once to die do make & ordain this my laft will & testament. That is to say principally & first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it & my body I recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent Christian burial at the discretion of my Executors Nothing Doubting but at the general Refurection I shall receive the same again by the mighty Power of God. And as touching such worldly Estate where with it hath pleased God to blefs me in this life I give demife & dispofe of the same in the following manner & form viz I give unto my true & beloved wife Elizabeth one third part of the improvement of my farm or land & buildings during her remaining my widow and also I do give her a good riding horfe one cow and one third part of the houfehold furniture together with one weavers loom & the utensils thereto belonging to be at her late dispofe which is her Dower on Thirds.
2.lyI Do give to the Heirs of my Daughter Sarah Six Shillings which with what I have already given her is the full of my said Daughters  portion out of my Estate.
3.lyI Do give to my Son Jonathan Hafcall Five Shillings that which with what I have already given him is the full of his portion out of my Estate.
4.lyI Do give to my Daughter Elizabeth Six Shillings which with what I have heretofore given is the full of her portion out of my Estate.
5.lyI Do give to my Daughter Mary one pound & five Shillings which with what I have heretofore given her is the full of her portion out of my Estate.
6.lyI Do give to my Daughter Sufannah fifteen pound & ten Shilling that with what I have already given her is the full of her portion out of my Estate.
7.lyI Do give to the Heirs of my Daughter Eunice one pound & twelve Shillings which with what I have already given her is the full of her portion out of my Estate.
8.lyI Do give to my Son Squire Hafcall one fourth part of my Real Estate or the value thereof after my Debts are paid and the above Legacy which with what I have already done for him is the full of his portion out of my Estate.
9.lyI Do give to Jeremiah Hafcall one fourth part of my Real Estate or the value thereof after my Debts are paid and the above Legacies which with what I have already done for him is the full of his portion out of my Estate.
10.lyI Do give to my Son Samuel Hafcall one fourth part of my Real Estate or the value thereof after my just  Debts and the aforesaid Legacies is paid to be paid or set off to him when he arrives at the age of twenty one years which with what I have already done for him is the full of his portion out of my Estate.
11.lyI Do give to my Son David Hafcall one fourth part of my Real Estate or the value thereof after my just Debts and the aforesaid  Legacies are paid when he arrives at the age of twenty one years which with what I have already done for him is the full of his portion out of my Estate.
And furthermore my will is that my well beloved wife Elizabeth & Mr Samuel Fay of Killingly aforesaid shall be my sole executors to this my last will and testament and they shall pay out all my just debts & my funeral charges together with all the aforesaid legacies in manner as aforesaid further it is my will that if need be my executors should sell my real estate with advice of some of the principal men in this town after my stock and personal estate is dispofed of and to execute good deed or deeds of the same and what shall remain of the price of said real estate after said debts and legacies are paid to be paid to my sons Squire, Jeremiah, Samuel & David. willing ratifying & confirming this and no other to be my laft will and testament. In witnefs whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal the day and year first within written.
Signed sealed publifhed pronounced & declared to be my laft will and testament
Squire Hafcall & Seal
In prefence of
Ithamert Freeman
John Ives
Samuel Watfon
Windham fo (sic) Killingly July the 8th day 1774 then personally appeared Mr. John Ives & Mr. Samuel Watfon and made oath they said Squire Hafcall sign seal publifh pronounce & declare this above within written instrument to be his laft will & testament and that they together with Ithormer Freeman set to their hands as witnefs all in the prefence of the testator and they looked on him to be of sound mind & memory at that time.
sworn before me
Jacob Drefser Justice of the Peace

At the Court of Probates holden at Pomfret calling for the District of Pomfret on this second day of August 1774 present Ebenezer Williams Esqr Judge. Then Elizabeth Hafcall & Samuel Fay both of Killingly executors named in the foregoing will personally appeared in this Court & exhibited the same will for probate & agreed to accept of the trust redpfed in them by the testator as executors to said will & the same will is by the Judge proved approved & allowed off & ordered to be recorded & kept on file test Thomas Williams Probate Clerk

His will dated 9 May 1774, was proved 8 July 1774, and filed 2 August 1774, at Pomfret, Windham, Connecticut.

359. Joseph Hascall

On 22 Oct. 1736, Isaac Leavans of Killingly sold 20 acres in Killingly to Joseph Hascall of Killingly, yeoman

On 1 Jan. 1753, Joseph Hascal of the parish of Thompson, town of Killingly, yeoman, sold 31 acres in Thompson to Asaph Putnam.

Mayflowers Families in Progress
George Soule of the Mayflower and his descendants for Four Generations
Originally compiled by John E. Soule and Milton E. Terry, revised by Louise Walsh Throop
Seventh Edition, published by General Society of Mayflower Descendants, 2015

Marriage Notes for Joseph Hascall and Catherine Green

MARRIAGE: A marriage date of 1734 is given by Ira J. Haskell in "Chronicles of the Haskell Family" published by Ellis Printing Co., Lynn, MA, 1943.

934. Jacob Hascall

Jacob Hascall, private, served with Lieutenant J. Trask's company of Colonel D. Leonard's regiment. He enlisted 26 February 1777, and was discharged 16 April 1777, served for 44 days on an expedition to Ticonderoga, including travel home 180 miles.  Jacob’s brother, John also served with him.

He also served with Captain E. Goodales’ company of Lieutenant Colonel S. Williams regiment, He enlisted 11 July 1777, and was discharged 12 August 1777, served 1 month and 9 days including travel home. Company marched to join the Northern army and was dismissed 110 miles from home.

The Haskell Family in the Armed Forces, Volume 2
Editor: Peter P. Haskell, 2004
Page 51

William Learnard

Lydia Hascall was William Learnard/Learned's second wife.