42738. Frederick Lincoln Haskell
Windham in the Past
By Samuel Thomas Dole
Auburn Maine 1916Page 566 - 569
Frederick Lincoln Haskell, born in New Gloucester, September 12, 1865; acquired his education in the common schools of the town and at Bridgton Academy ; and assisted his father on the farm until his marriage to Jessie A. LeGrow of Windham, on November 19. 1887. After his marriage, he purchased a farm in Cumberland, where he engaged extensively in potato raising and dairying until 1901, when he sold his farm in Cumberland and purchased that of his father in Windham, where he has since resided. Mr. Haskell has always taken a keen interest in public affairs. He served upon the board of selectmen in Cumberland, and has frequently been called for public service since residing in Windham. He is a member of Presumpscot Lodge, No. 127, F. & A. M. Windham, Sebago Lodge No. 38, K. of P., Gray, and Falmouth Grange, P. of H., Falmouth. Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Haskell have two children, viz: Walter Everett and Winifred Hannah; both are unmarried and live at the home of the parents in Windham.
Windham in the Past
By Samuel Thomas Dole
Auburn Maine 1916Page 566 - 569
Ella Florence (Haskell) Lamb was born in Windham, October 30, 1867. She received her education in the common schools of her native town and at Bridgton Academy. For several years she taught with marked success in Windham. She was married to Eugene Brooks Lamb of Naples, September 14, 1892. They have one child, Luella May, who resides with her parents in Portland.
Windham in the Past
By Samuel Thomas Dole
Auburn Maine 1916Page 566 - 569
Alta Gertrude (Haskell) Cook was born in Windham, March 1. 1875. She graduated at the Windham High School in the class of 1897, after which she taught for several years with marked success in Casco. She married, December 25, 1899, William Jordan Cook of Casco, where they now live. Mr. and Mrs. Cook have two daughters, Alice Marguerite and Helen Elizabeth.
William Jordan Cook was a farmer.