local newspaper
Owls Head - Herbert T. Curtis, 78, of Ash Point, died early Sept 14 at his residence after a king illness.
He was born at South Thomaston, Nov. 27, 1892, the son of Harison and Elvie (Miller) Curtis.
He was a veteran of World War One, hoving served in the U.S. Army and was a member of Winslow - Holbrook - Merritt Pst. American Legion of Rockland.
He was affilated with trhew Universalist Church of Rockland.
Surviving in addition to his widowm Hazel M, (Nutt) Curtis of Pwls Head, are a daughter, Mrs. Diane Jones of Owls Head, a grandson, Timothy Jones of Owls Head; a sister, Mrs. Irene Adolphsen of Rockland; a brother, Elmer Curtis of Owls Head; several nieces and nephews.
local newspaper
Owls Head - Kenneth L. Dailey, 49, died suddenly at Portland November 2.
He was a retired army sergent who served in World War II and was attending the Gray Business College at Portland at the time of his death.
He was born on Vinalhaven, May 12, 1915, the son of Harry C. nd Bessie (Vinal) Dailey.
He was a member of Aurora Lodge of Masons at Rockland and of Owls Head Grange.
He is survived by his widow Mrs. Susan (Nutt) Dailey of Owls Head; a brother, Harry V. of Vinalhaven.
Portland Press Herald (ME)
May 28, 1997C. Evelyn Deane, 95, of Beech Hill Road died Tuesday at Camden Health Care Center, where she had resided for the past few months.
A lifelong resident of the town, she was a daughter of Judson and Elsie Greenlaw Manning, and attended local schools and Rockport High School.
Mrs. Deane was a member of the former Rockport Baptist Church. For 30 years, she worked as a closer at Knox Woolen Mill. Mrs. Deane was an animal lover and was fond of her cat, Rocky.
Her husband, Clarence L. Deane, died Jan. 3, 1979; and a son, Raymond C. Deane, died in 1988.
Surviving are two sons, Robert L. Dean of Rockport and Richard P. Deane of Camden; a daughter, Mrs. Paul (Virginia E.) Thomas Sr. of Lincolnville; 10 grandchildren, 10 great-grandchildren and a great-great grandson.
38500. Walter Augustus Greenlaw
Bangor Daily News
January 19, 1965Rockland, JaN. 18 - Walter A. Greenlaw, 77, a retired painter, died early Tuesday after a long illness. He had resided at 136 Talbot avenue in the city.
Mr. Greenlaw was born December 27, 1877, at Deer Isle, the son of Charles and Martha (Haskell) Greenlaw. He was a member of the First Baptist Church of Rockland and the Deer Isle Lodge of Masons.
Surving are his wife, Mrs. Bertha (Kimball) Greenlaw of Rockland; a son, Alfred Greenlaw of Baldwin, Md.; two brothers, Genry and Charles Greenlaw, both of Deer Isle; one sister, Mrs. Lizzie Marshall of Long Island, N.Y.; three grandchildren and several nieces and nephews.