Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)


60440. Emma G. Miles

February 4, 1927

Mrs. Emma Miles Taylor, died this morning at her home 22 Pine street, aged 64 years, 10 months and 25 days.

She is survived by her husband, Auburn H. Taylor; one son. Harold Taylor of New York; one daughtewr, Mrs. Rita Killiam of New York; one brother, Harley Miles of of St. Johnsbury, Vt.; and one sister, Mrs. Maud Thomas of Manchester, Mass.

34736. Clara Lavina Whetsel

Wallowa County Chieftain
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon
March 18, 1954.

"Mrs. Clara Davis Services Today"

Mrs. Clara L. Davis, affectionately known to all as "Grandma" Davis, passed away Tuesday morning, March 16, 1954 at Wallowa Memorial hospital following several weeks of failing health. She would have been 100 years old July 31 of this year.

Clara Lavina Whetsel was the daughter of Andrew and Clarissa Haskell Whetsel and was born in Eugene, Indiana July 31, 1854, living in the vicinity until her marriage to Chas. Emory Davis March 13, 1879. The couple began housekeeping near Pimento, Ind., where their eight children were born. One son died in infancy, and another, Clyde V., passed away in 1949. Surviving are Raymond W., of Stratton, Colo., Grace (Mrs. O.A.) Spear, of Provo, Utah, and Ward G., Clara, C. Emory, and Mary (Mrs. John) Radmore, of Enterprise. There are also eight grandchildren and nine great grandchildren.

In 1909 a move was made from Indiana to North Dakota, first to Regent, and later to Dickinson. From there in 1917 Mr. and Mrs. Davis moved to Enterprise where their daughter, Mrs. O.A. Spear, was then living. The remaining years were spent in Enterprise and at Provo, Utah, except for a year's sojourn in California. Since here husband's death in 1938 Enterprise has been her home.

Except for two terms of teaching school, Mrs. Davis' life had been devoted to home-making, first for her husband, and later for her husband and children. Through the years of a long and active life she never lost the ability to make new and firm friends among all ages and, until last fall when failing eyesight prevented, she kep up a regular correspondence with a host of them, including some whom she had not seen for over 30 years.

In this community she will be remembered for her unusual memory, her interest in people and her remarkable recovery from a series of severe illnesses. Her years of semi-confinement were greatly brightened by the many kindnesses of devoted friends whose thoughtfulness and consideration were dearly cherished by her.

In girlhood Mrs. Davis joined the Presbyterian church, later transferring to the Methodist church. For many ears she had been a member of the Community congregational church of Provo, Utah.

Funeral services are being held this afternoon (Thursday) at 2 o'clock at the Community church under the direction of Booth-Bollman Funeral home and with Rev. John Munsey officiating. Mrs. Munsey will preside at the organ and will accompany Mrs. R.D. Kay and Mrs. Garnet Best when they sing "I Belong to the King" and "Just As I Am." Pallbearers are Guy Craig, Cal Long Jr., Guy McCubbin, Leland Ratcliff, Jack Wagner and W.S. Strickler. The body is being shipped for burial in Hull cemetery in Vigo county, Indiana near Pimento and not far from Terre Haute. Mrs. John Radmore will accompany the body.

Mr. and Mrs. Radmore's children, John and wife, of Oakridge, Barbara, who is a doctor at St. Vincent's hospital in Portland, and David, who is a senior at Lewis & Clark College in Portland, are her for the funeral.

Charles Emory Davis

Enterprise Record Chieftain
Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon
February 17, 1938.

Charles Emery Davis, who lived in Enterprise a number of years died last Friday at Provo, Utah, at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Oscar A. Spear. His body was taken for burial back to his old home in Indiana.

His daughters, Clara Davis of Enterprise and Mrs. John Radmore of Eugene, and his sons, Emery of La Grande and Ward of Enterprise went to Utah together to the funeral. Mr. Davis was 83 years olds and was survived by his widow and the children named and by two sons in Indiana.

60464. Clyde Vern Davis

Unknown newspaper

Linton, Ind., Dec. 24 �(Special) � Clyde V. Davis, 62 years old, cashier of the Citizens National Bank of Linton, a member of the city council and a civic leader here for many years, died Saturday morning at the Freeman-Greene County Hospital. He had beem ill for five months.

Born in Vigo county, Mr. Davis came to Linton in 1910. At the time of his death he was also president of the Greater Linton and secretary of the Linton Elks Lodge. He was a past president of the Linton Rotary Club, past exalted ruler of the elks and had served as the lodge’s secretary for the past 30 years. He was a member of the Methodist church.

Surviving are his wife, Jennie W. Davis; three brothers, Ward G., Emory, and Raymond W. Davis; three sisters, Miss Clara Davis, Mrs. John Rodmore and Mrs. O. A. Spear, and the mother, Mrs. Clara Davis.

Alta Elvira Elias

The Fresno Bee
April 8, 1967

Funeral services for Mrs. Alta E. Haskell, 85. pf 829 E/ Brown Ave. will be held Monday at 10 a.m. in the Harry Palm Chapel. Interment will be in the Belmont Memorial Park.

Mrs. Haskel, a native of Indiana and a resident of Fresno 57 years, died yesterday in a local rest home an illness of about a year.

She was a member of The Methodist Church.

Here husband, Lester, a painting contractor, died in 1954.

Surviving are two sons, Ernest and Vernon, both of Fresno; two daughters, Mrs. Pearl Thull of Fresno amd Mrs. Esther Hansen of Burbank; three sisters, Mrs. Mabel Sechler and Mrs. Edna Thomas, both of Fresno, and Edith Mccammon of Conway Springs, Kan.; 10 grandchildren, and 19 great-grandchildren.

Ella Mary Chandler

The Wichita Eagle (KS)
July 8, 1988

Ella (Chandler) Haskell, 88, homemaker, died Wednesday, July 6, 1988.

Survivors: sons, Wesley of Winner, S.D., Lloyd of Belle Plaine, Lester of Wellington; daughter, Irene Letourneau of Wellington; brothers, Oscar, Henry, sisters, Nora Herring, Ruby Brown, Era Bond, all of Mississippi; 12 grandchildren; 18 great-grandchildren; one great-great-grandchild.