Descendants of William Hascall of Fontmell Magna (1490-1542)

Source Citations

122. Elizabeth Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

Anthony Johnson

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

303. Thomas Johnson

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

127. John Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

4Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

Mary ...

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

304. Mary Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

305. Richard Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

306. John Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

4Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of William Hascall 1490-1542].

141. Richard Hascoll

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  2 No 1, genealogy chart, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

Ann Susannah ...

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

308. James Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  2 No 1, genealogy chart, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

309. Anne Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  2 No 1, genealogy chart, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

312. Mary Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  2 No 1, genealogy chart, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

Timothy Miller

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

313. Martha Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  2 No 1, genealogy chart, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

314. Alice Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  2 No 1, genealogy chart, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

143. Matthew Hascoll

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

Joan Kelly

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

3Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  3 No 1, March 1994, Not Given, Not Given.

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

6Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

317. Martha Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

William Hiscock

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

319. Mary Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

Walter Bailey

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Matthew Haskell and Joan Kelly].

145. Stephen Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

4Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

Elizabeth ...

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

4Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

321. Stephen Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

Debrey Barens

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

4Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

5Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

323. Elizabeth Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

Richard Troke

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

324. Edward Haskell

1Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694], Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

3Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

4Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell 1660-1694].

147. Rebecca Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

Thomas Dew

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

325. Edward Haskell Dew

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

Eleanor Parham

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook].

152. Robert Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Haskell and Susannah Cook],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

Elizabeth ...

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  8 No 1, March 1999, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

Elizabeth Hayter

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

327. Elizabeth Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

328. Ann Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

329. Ann Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

330. Robert Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

332. Henry Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Robert Haskell and Elizabeth Hayter].

154. Edith Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

John Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

333. Mary Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

334. Martha Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

335. John Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

336. Jane Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

337. Elizabeth Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

338. Martha Gumbleton

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Richard Hascoll and Dorothy Foyle].

158. William Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

Sarah Still

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

339. Elizabeth Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

341. William Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

160. James Hascoll

1Haskell Journal, Issue 93, 2014, DNA Links UK and North American Haskells.

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of  Francis Slader and Alice Phelps],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

3Haskell Journal, Issue 93, 2014, DNA Links UK and North American Haskells.

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

5Haskell Journal, Issue 93, 2014, DNA Links UK and North American Haskells.

6Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

Francis Needle

1Haskell Journal, Issue 93, 2014, DNA Links UK and North American Haskells.

2Haskell Journal, Issue 93, 2014, DNA Links UK and North American Haskells.

3Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

343. Mary Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

William Short

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

3Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

346. Elizabeth Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

Samuel Wheeler Jr.

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

3Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

348. Thomas Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

Elizabeth Cooper

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

163. Richard Edward Hascoll

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the Haskell Family Society, Vol  1 No 6, October 1992, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

Ursala Lawes

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

5Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

349. Hannah Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

350. Ursula Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

351. Edward Hascoll

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Newsletter of the International Haskell Family Society, Vol 19 No 4, December 2010, Not Given, Not Given.

3Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

4Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

5Newsletter of the International Haskell Family Society, Vol 19 No 4.

6Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

164. Stephen Hascoll

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].

352. Stephen Haskell

1Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-],, Not Given (See Notes), Not Given (See Notes).

2Ray and Susan Clarke Haskell, Internet, Haskell Family History [descendants of Thomas Haskell, 1530-].